12 Im pissed. Royally pissed.

Imma keep this real short.


Fucking maggots.

There I was, oh so innocent. Simply lifting my schoolbag off the floor where I discover... The maggots.

They were/are in their pupal phase, which meant they were already around for like a week, which also reminded me of the fact that I haven't done anything but eat, sleep, use my pc, cry and repeat.

Anyways. After finding these 10 or so maggots. I got the vacuum to suck them up, thinking its a quick job. Oh how wrong I was.

After getting the ones that are in plain sight, I started lifting other things and MY FUCKING GOD THEY WERE EVERYWHERE.

Under every closet, bag, box, my couch and also under my bed (where I keep so much fucking shit).

Luckily for me, they were, as I said in their pupal phase, meaning they can't move. But shit it took me a long time to get them 'all'.

And I say 'all', cause a fly lays like 75 to 140 eggs, and I found maybe 50 of those fucks.

On the bright side, my room is cleaner than ever before.

On the not so bright side, I have never been so terrified and paranoid in my life.

I will now spend the next fucking week, looking for flies so that might have hatched, so that they can't lay anymore fucking eggs.

I've also removed every 'food source' in my room, like some random bags with some crumbs in them.

idk why I'm telling yall all of this, but just know that I am pissed. Royally pissed.

Wish me luck in any future crusades that may happen, and I'll post a actual chapter when I don't want to throw up anymore.

(btw, the pupal larvae look like dried up rice/coco puffs, which is why I sqished one of them out of curiosity as they didn't look like pupas. What a fucking mistake. The fucker nutted or whatever and I had to clean that shit up.)

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