
Ancient Devil System

The story revolves around Daemon who after committing suicide is reincarnated as a demon in a fantasy world with a Cultivation system where he can absorb and steal any skill or power from anything that he has killed, in this world all that matters is power, where one can become as powerful as a god. The cover does not belong to me, if the owner wants me to delete it so I shall do.

Rolling09 · Fantasy
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7 Chs



[--Ancient Devil System acquired--]

[--Obtaining data.....--]

[--Scan Complete--]

[--Host Stats and physical information:--]

Name: Daemon

Race: Human

Status: Dead

"What is this? who are you? what is going on?" asked Damon with a confused expression. He just killed himself, and now all of a sudden there is a strange voice in his head. So of course he is confused.

He did not want to think that it was a demon or angel who he was speaking to right now, he did not believe in such things as Heaven or Hell.

[--Answer: Host before you died you wrote your name on the book of the Ancient devil which contained ancient demonic powers after you died you triggered the curse that was set on the book, and because you were connected with the book the curse combined with your soul.--]

[--Answer to your second question: your body is dead so your soul is being sent to another world, where you, can live a normal wussy life like the previous one, or with the help of the system you can rise and become as strong as a god, you shall never be weak again, all those poor souls who decide to stand in your way shall die.--]

it was at this moment when Damon understood a little of what was happening to him "so... I killed myself, and because I wrote my name in that old book I got this thing that's called...System?....how exactly do you plan on helping me to become strong? oh! and my body is dead so what is going to happen now?"

[--Host your body is dead so you will have to choose which race you want to be reborn as in your next life... every race in the world of Valon has its advantages and disadvantages, and once you choose your race it can't be undone, so choose wisely.--]

[--Your choices are:--]

Human-- -_Abilities once reborn- Analyst-[Raises thought-processing speed, greed-[You will have a hunger that motivates you to become strong-Passive skill]

_Evolutions- High human,

Elf-- _Abilities once reborn- Analyst-[Raises thought-processing speed], Master of the Bow _Evolutions- High elf, Fallen elf, Angel

Vampire-- ---_Abilities once reborn- Bloodsucker-[once host drinks the blood of his victim host gains some of the victim's memories and a 34% chance to get an ability], immortality-[Host won't die of old age] _Evolutions- Dracul, High Vampire.

Demon-- _Abilities once reborn-_Gluttony-[ After physical contact with the victim host can get a random ability that belonged to him when he was still alive,-- The victim must be dead to use this skill], _Iron Body-[This ability is a passive, the body of the host will be 2 times stronger than that of normal races it also has a 7% magic attack absorption, upon receiving an elemental or energy attack] Evolutions- Greater Demon, Devil

"That's it? just like that, I can choose what race I want to be reborn as? Damon was dumbfounded by this strange voice in his head that wanted him to choose a race. Damon didn't think much of it, he still believed that this was just one of those strange dreams that he would get from time to time.

Before giving it a try and choosing the race, he recalled all of the things that happened to him in his pathetic human life, when he was alive, how he would always be hungry, every time he got pushed around by his boss and got beaten by the so-called family that never cared about him.

It was at this moment that he swore to himself that if he got to live again in another world as a different person" I will not be weak again if something gets in my way of doing the thing I will destroy them and everything they hold dear....", His human life was very miserable, and so without thinking twice he clicks on the line that said "Demon" "As a Demon my starter abilities look better than of the other races and this Gluttony skill looks to op, and the Iron Body ability will be very good for defense" He picked the Demon race because if he got to live once more he would be a real demon to those he didn't like.

After clicking on the line that said Demon, Damon still didn't believe what was happening to him was real, after all, it seemed like some evil spirit or something was messing with him before he died, and so he would just do what it was saying so it could leave him alone.

[--Good choice--]

[--Host will get a human form, but you will be anything but a human on the inside--]

"Yeah, whatever dude, just let me die in peace already, I've had enough of this damnd life"

[--Host your new body is ready for use--]

[--Prepare yourself, I'm going to open a portal in space to send us to the world of Valon, the ride might become a little uncomfortable, after creating our new body I have very little energy left so brace yourself!]

"Yeah, whatever just leave me alone, and go bother somebody else," said Daemon, but as soon as he was done a weird crack opened in space and sucked him in,

" Wait for a second, don't tell me this is for real," Said our main protagonist before he set on a journey with his new body and life.

" Ah, fuck " Just what kind of scam did I get myself into this time.

Thank you for reading

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