
Ancient Devil System

The story revolves around Daemon who after committing suicide is reincarnated as a demon in a fantasy world with a Cultivation system where he can absorb and steal any skill or power from anything that he has killed, in this world all that matters is power, where one can become as powerful as a god. The cover does not belong to me, if the owner wants me to delete it so I shall do.

Rolling09 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Meeting the elves

Meeting the Elves

Just as our Mc was being reincarnated to the world of Valon, In a clearing in a beautiful forest that was located in the Rokos Kingdom, around a destroyed tower there could be seen a lot of dead bodies, missing limbs, gore, and a lot of blood that covered the once green forest.

It was hard to believe that this was once a quiet and beautiful place. Under a burnt tree there was a man who looked like a burnt chunk of meat, he could be seen slowly crawling towards a dead body, " Blood, I need human blood to heal!".

Said the person who arrived before the dead body, after finding the dead man's neck he sank his teeth in it and started to drink the blood of the corpse.

" More!! I need more!" said the man as he was making his way toward another corpse.

Once the man sucked dry 4 corpses his body started to regenerate, the healing process didn't take long as the men became whole again.

He looked just like he used to, before the fight against Arsene, yes, this was Yarl the High vampire who fought the old mage.

As soon as he got some of his strength back Yarl started looking around, as if he was looking for something, of course, he didn't find what he was looking for " The old man did destroy the book" he thought, after that he took a circular object from the ground and put some of his blood in it, as soon as it was done Yarl spoke to the bluestone orb " Ancestor, It's done, The mission to kill The dark mage is complete."

said Yarl.

" Good, very good," said a man who was talking to him via the blue orb " What of the book of the ancient devil? Do you have it "

asked the men on the other side of the orb.

"Uh, umm... The book. He told me that he had destroyed it" answered Yarl in a scared voice.

Whoever was on the other end of the orb, it seemed like Yarl the peak sky mortal who just killed Arsene, he was scared of this person, he was behaving like a little puppy.

" Well... At least one of the troublemakers is gone, one less problem to worry about" he answered in a hoarse voice.

"Yarl take what's remaining of your force and return to the fortress of Azrol" without waiting for a reply he cut the connection from the orb and sat on a sofa.

The room was completely dark, only the man's eyes could be seen which were as blue as the sky.

"let's hope that he wasn't able to cast that spell, I don't want to deal with more trouble," said the old vampire as he closed his eyes. - - - - -


In a different part of the world inside a beautiful dining hall in the city of Elindor the capital city of the elven kingdom of Lindor the greatest among the elven kingdoms user the sky.

Inside the dining hall, there was one of the most powerful people of Valon, sitting on the most decorated chair, he was enjoying his dinner with his family who was also present there

" So, the Forgotten have fallen... And the book of the ancient demon was used. "Said the elf who was sitting on the grand chair, he looked like he was in his 40s, the elf had beautiful features, he was very tall and handsome, he had long dark silver hair that reached his knees and beautiful green eyes. "

Father, what are we going to do now, the Forgotten have fallen, and their Lands are full of resources," but before the young elf finished speaking the old one cut her off and said " Fool, we weren't the ones who defeated those bastards, and even if we wanted to we would have to fight the ones who brought their downfall, although I am at the Demigod rank, the ones we would have to defeat would be strong, and I don't wish to drag our entire race to fight a pointless war," said the old elf whose name was Elstar, he was currently the ruler of Lindor, and the one who asked the question was his daughter, Elsa who was at the third stage, she looked very much like her father, she was exceptionally good at using life and light magic.

Just as they were chatting, there was a strange crack that appeared in the space above their dining table " What is this?? What is going on? Father? " Said the elf girl in fright...

" Uhh. It looks like that old man succeeded in casting the spell.

He said with an excited expression on his face, it wasn't only their dining room that was invaded by these strange space cracks, similar events occurred everywhere in space in every kingdom, in every city and village.

Naturally, the people who witnessed this were shocked and didn't know what was happening, except for a select few these were the emperors and scary elites of Valon " So it begins" exclaimed a dwarf who was sitting on a throne. Some of the people of Valon started screaming and hiding anywhere they could, they were afraid.

Just as they appeared, the cracks around the world slowly started to close, which made the people relax a bit. The cracks almost all disappeared aside from the one that was located in the dining hall of the Elven kingdom of Lindor. The guards and fighters gathered on one side and prepared their weapons and spells, they were all scared of the weird crack, all aside from the old elf who was sitting on his chair like it was a normal day.

On the other side of the space crack::

[--Host we are almost there, just hold on a little bit longer--]

Inside the dining hall:

A human body could be seen falling from the space crack that was above their head,

The human body witch belonged to Daemon fell face-first into the dining table, the elves who witnessed this scene were shocked, they were expecting a monster or some powerful demon to Come out of the crack, " What is this? A human? No this is no human, the aura that his body excludes is not of this world".

Upon realizing that, the old elf stood from his chair with a shocked expression on his face, of course, his expression did not escape the eyes of his daughter and other family members, " What was that human that made their king so excited?".

[--Operation was Successful - -]

[--Wellcome to the world of Valon the system will help the host become the strongest cultivator, all host has to do is not to be a wuss--]

[--System is going down to recover some energy, the system wishes you the best of luck--]

" Uhh, what was that" exclaimed Daemon as he slowly stood up and opened his tired eyes, what greeted him next scared the living hell out of him.

All around him some people pointed their weapons at him, they looked at him like he was a monster, and some even looked scared.

" Wait a minute, don't tell me... Oh f*ck, what should I do now? " just as he wanted to move his feet, he fell and lost control, this new body of his was very tired, but it felt nice being alive again.

As the elves watched this they relaxed a little " Father, do you know what is going on? and why is there a human lying on our dining table?".

Asked Elsa with a confused expression, she had never seen anything like this before, this was also true for the other elves who were there, as Eldar watched this with a serious expression on his face" Take the boy to an empty room, put some clothes in him, and leave him there till he wakes up" as he said that some of his family members were confused by his orders, a human just appeared out of nowhere, and now their King was telling them to carry him to a room?

Thank you for reading.

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