
Ancient Devil System

The story revolves around Daemon who after committing suicide is reincarnated as a demon in a fantasy world with a Cultivation system where he can absorb and steal any skill or power from anything that he has killed, in this world all that matters is power, where one can become as powerful as a god. The cover does not belong to me, if the owner wants me to delete it so I shall do.

Rolling09 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs



It was a rainy morning, in a little house that looked like it was built in the stone age. There was Daemon. A 17-year-old boy. The protagonist of the story. His life would be described as a little more miserable, 2 years after he was born, his father had left his family. He didn't want children but his wife somehow got pregnant and so he decided to leave. Not believing that Damon was his son.

It was clear that he did not believe that she was pregnant with his son, he had a hunch that she cheated on him so he ran away.

His mother was a drunkard who constantly beats and blamed little Daemon for everything, his school life didn't last long because after he turned 12 his mother got married to another man who had a daughter the same age as him, his step-dad had a good-paying job and took care fo his mother and daughter, Damon was invisible to him, no matter what he did he was invisible to him.

He would always complain about how useless he was " Good for nothing brat, I'd it wasn't for child support I would have thrown you out" his step-sister Rebecca was a brat she always enjoyed when her father beat him.

At times she would take out her mobile phone and start streaming as her father beat him. " Say something to the public big bro" As soon as he was done doing the deed Rebecca would take the mic and camera close to Damon who was staring daggers at her. Yet there was nothing he could do as his stepdad was always there.

Because of her arrogance she was doing very badly at school her grades were below average, so when she got angry she would always go her anger on him, Damon could never complain or do anything about it, he would just look at her and walk away.

When he turned 15 he had had enough of this life, although his step-dad wouldn't allow him to leave, in the dark of night, he packed everything he had and left his home, jumping out of the window like a thief and starting his own life somewhere away from here.

He quit school a few months after leaving his home, it was useless. Damon would wander around the streets most of the time to look for something to eat, after a few months on the road Damon found an old, and almost destroyed abandoned house at the edge of the city.

So after making sure that it was abandoned, he moved in, now the problem was food after moving into the house he got a job at a local supermarket. At work, his boss would always take advantage of him and complain that he didn't do the job right so he would always cut his pay.

" Why me, why do I have such a s*Itty life, did I do something wrong in my past life??? Or what, why??".

Damon was angry at himself for being too weak to do anything with his life. After work which lasted almost all day Daemon had to walk to the area where his house was, the walk was long and tiring, along the way he would look at every trash can hoping that he could find anything to eat.

Damon on the outside was malnutured, skinny and very small, his clothes were full of holes and flies would accompany him all the time, because he would clean himself only once a week " D*MN these flies, why are they always around me??? It's not like I have anything to eat so why are you here? ".

Thought Damon as he entered the old house, as soon as he entered he jumped on his bed which he made using sticks and wheat. " Ahh, what a tiring day," he said as he was lying on the straw bed hoping that he would lose himself in his dreams which often involved him being a strong person beating his trash boss, and teaching his stepsister and step-dad a lesson.

Daemon hated his current life and would do anything to change it. The house that Daemon resident in was old and when he moved in the first thing that he saw was an old book with the title: "The book of the ancient Demon" Damon wasn't very interested in the book, but after reading a few chapters he got addicted to it and started reading like crazy.

He loved this book where the main character of the story would be summoned to the other world to help the people there, at first the main character was confused with everything but after getting the gist of everything he started getting powerful like crazy. At the end of the story, however, because of his strength, the ruler of the kingdom to which he was summoned started getting jealous as the main character became too powerful for him to control.

So after making preparations under the main character's nose the king gave him a false mission to lead him where he wanted to and ambush him with all his forces to get rid of the threat.

Unfortunately for him, the main character proved far stronger than he had imagined. The protagonist seeing that his people betrayed his trust and attack him has filled with rage the kind of anger he had never felt before. Without knowing it he started destroying everything and killing everyone, the very people he loved and swore to protect.

After work Damon would always visit the local Library, ther he would borrow books using his library card and read them at home, this was what he truly loved doing, during his harsh life he would always read these fantasy books where the protagonist was op and could do anything they wanted. As he slowly closed his rough eyes he would always imagine himself being the powerful protagonist.

When morning came Damon woke up early to go to work but just then he remembered that his boss had fired him, with that and a hungry stomach torturing him he went to the pharmacy with all the money he had and bought sleeping pills, the reason why? You already know.

Back home Damon sat on the old chair that was about to collapse he took all the sleeping pills that he bought from the pharmacy and swallowed all of them at once without thinking twice. His life had been hell from the very beginning" I swear to myself that in my next life I won't be a wimp, I won't let anyone step on me, I will not let this repeat" said Daemon.

With that our Mc died.....Or did he?

Just as he closed his eyes the old book on the table "The book of the ancient demon" started to shake and release a purple light.

As Damon's weak and now dead body fell on the floor, the book transformed into a purple light that flew into his body. As that happened in the middle of the room a giant crack appeared in space, it swallowed Damon's body and vanished as nothing happened.

Just as Daemon thought he was dead he heard something in his head...

[--Ancient Devil System acquired--]

[--Obtaining information.....--]


"wtf is this bulls*it"

"Can't I just die in peace??"

