
Ancient Devil System

The story revolves around Daemon who after committing suicide is reincarnated as a demon in a fantasy world with a Cultivation system where he can absorb and steal any skill or power from anything that he has killed, in this world all that matters is power, where one can become as powerful as a god. The cover does not belong to me, if the owner wants me to delete it so I shall do.

Rolling09 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Meeting the elves 2

The first day

[--Congrats, for arriving safely--]

[--System will display hosts attributes--]

<<Name : Damon

<<Race: Demon lvl1 (exp:0--100)

<<Strength: 20

<<HP: 200

<<Vitality: 15

<<Mind: 30

<<Mana: 100/100


<<Stat points: 10

<<Lifespan: 500 years

<<Abilities: Gluttony, Iron Body,


Inside a luxurious medium-sized room, in a beautiful white and clean bed, Daemon was sleeping without any worries.

But Damon was not the only person in the room, a few meters away from him, sitting in a normal wooden chair, there was Elstar, he was quietly waiting for the human to wake up from his slumber, he had been waiting like this for the past 2 months, at first he thought of waking him up using a bucket of cold water, but after pondering for a while he dismissed the idea, he did not know how it would affect the boy who fell out of the space crack that day, so he decided to patiently wait for him to get some rest, and wake up on his own.

This was not the first time he witneseed such an event. A few thousend years ago the almoust the same thing happened when the Kingdom of Arafon used an ancient spell to summon a beeing from another world.

For this ritual the ruler of Arafon sacreficed the lives of 6900 inocent people. Since the ritual was required lives to sacrefice for it to work.

Nobody belived that they would succseed at first, all the other races scoffed at the Arafon kingdom for trying such thing that was considered immposible. But they had underestimated the greed of ruler.

Because the kingdom was very weak from continiues attacks from the demons and magical beasts, Astolf the king decited to use this spell as a last resort.

They failed two times, on the third one the sucseeded out of the summoning circle there he was, the beeing from another world, the one who would save them. At first the human was very scared and confused but after some time he started breaking records, he became powerfull at an alarming speed, even the rulers of the other kingdoms started getting worried at some point.

After defeating the demon army the hero started getting more and more impatient as he was promised that after helping Astolf fight his war he would be send back to his previous world, of course Astolf did not have such method and lied to him for the sake of his people. After finding out about this the hero refused to do the dirty work of the king and wanted to leave.

When Astolf found out about this he quickly started making a plan to get rid of him, he did not want to loose the leash he had on the hero, so after making preparations he decited to ambush him.

" What happened to him was such a tragedy" Whispered Elstar in a sad tone, After recalling those moments he felt saddend by what had happened a few thousand years ago.

As time passed by, the king's family members started to worry for him, after all, ever since he saw that human boy who fell from the space crack, he hasn't done anything else aside from observing him, he hasn't left the room for quite a while now so they started to get concerned, before that he told the people who witnessed the strange event with their own eyes, to not tell anyone outside their close circle, but that did not prevent the rumors who were spreading around the city.

" Did you hear that during the space crack event, a human came out of one of them? "

" Heh? Who told you that, don't tell me you believe those dumb rumors, how can a human come out of one, even if that was true he is probably dead by now"

" Why do you think that? "

" Well for one, I know that there aren't many humans with spatial abilities, and two, who would be dumb enough to assassinate the king while eating with his family? "

Similar conversations were happening all around the kingdom, but not many believed them, and the ones who did think that it was an assassin sent by the Silent Kill organization who have tried assassinating the king before.


In different parts of the world, meetings were being held, to discuss the strange events that occurred, some thought that it was a portal that could lead to other undiscovered lands, others thought that it was just a natural course,

In the kingdom of Gallior, inside the personal courters of the king of the Dwarves, there was the king Galliard a muscular, red-bearded dwarf that was lying on his majestic bed. He was there with his wife, it looked like they were having a conversation, " Hubby, why are all the kingdoms after an old book, and not after the rich lands? Why is that book so important?. Asked the wife.

" Wifey that old book is something every person who knows anything about the first age, would want, it's said that the book contains the powers and legacy of Ancient Devil Emperor ".

" Ancient Devil Emperor?!? That monstrosity who almost destroyed the whole world during the first age? , why would his power be inside a book? "

" Well, you see, he almost conquered the whole world using his strange demonic power, so who in their right mind would ignore such a thing? "

" The Forgotten had it so why did they not use it? They could have had that power, and yet they did nothing " before his wife could continue, Galliard cut her off and said

" The power that was sealed in it could not be used by any race that belongs to our world. Ancient Devil Emperor was once a summoned hero that came from another world, but after a mysterious accident with the king of the Arafon kingdom he got angry and went mad, he used his powers to destroy and conquer the kingdom, but he didn't stop there with the time he lost his sanity and started killing everything in his sight, of course, he was strong but even he could not defeat old age before he died he sealed most of his power in the book, and the powers can only be inherited by a being from that world. So you don't have to worry about anything now.

" For now anyway" he murmured.

After hearing his words the woman seemed to relax and lay beside Galliard.


Inside the room where Damon was sleeping:

" Uhh, that was a good night, I slept like a baby," thought Daemon before he realized that his dream was not a dream.

After he realized that, he looked around the room he was in, the room looked quite nice he thought, before he noticed the sharp gaze, a few meters away from him there was a man with long pointy ears and long beautiful hair, the elf had a smirk on his face that stretch from ear to ear, and with his glowing green eyes, was staring at Damon like he was a delicious snack.

Noticing this Damon soon remembered how he fell from the space crack into the table with food. In his previous life Daemon was very poor and always hungry he believed that food was very precious, and looking at the man in front of him he thought the man was mad at him for ruining his food.

And he had no idea how he would explain how he got there.

Also, he got a lot of messages from Mr. System while he slept, of course, he didn't even bother looking at them while he was resting.

" Good evening young one, I see you have awoken from your long 2 month's sleep."

"Umm, hello?" Said Damon with an awkward smile.

He didn't know how to react to this situation. The System told him that he would be transported to another world, but it didn't say where exactly.

" System can you show me who this person is? "

>>Name: Elstar

>>Strength: ??

>>Vitality: ??



" System why can't I see this person's stats?".

[[--The person in front of you is too powerful for your current abilities, the host is advised to remain cautious around this person--]]

At the same time, the elf noticed there was something strange in the air so he released just a tiny bit of his aura.

" Boy whatever trick you just used, I suggest you stop, you have no enemies here unless you make them," said Elstar as he frowned.

Damon seeing the powerful green aura coming from this person was very frightened,

" Ahh, fuck, I should have listened to the system, I shouldn't have pissed him off".

"O kind mister please forgive me, I was only afraid of this scene, I meant nothing bad" he said in an apologetic tone

After he said that the elf seemed to have calmed down a little, he understood that the boy was a little confused, after all, he was in a 2-month long coma. Elstar thought

"Let's talk over dinner, you must be hungry right?"

After that Daemon's stomach started making strange sounds.