
Ancient Devil System

The story revolves around Daemon who after committing suicide is reincarnated as a demon in a fantasy world with a Cultivation system where he can absorb and steal any skill or power from anything that he has killed, in this world all that matters is power, where one can become as powerful as a god. The cover does not belong to me, if the owner wants me to delete it so I shall do.

Rolling09 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The world of Valon

Year 3434 of the third age of the world Valon, in an old tower that looked like it could collapse any day, the roof of the big tower was set aflame by the attacking force.

Inside the tower, in a dark room, there was a man dressed in dusty black robes who had a lot of holes in them his clothes had seen better days. He was chanting a spell from an old book that was written in a forgotten language.

While the army outside the tower was busy trying to break the barrier that was set around the tower, the old man inside had just finished casting the spell and with a satisfied grin he started laughing like a madman, as he finished the spell the man who looked like he was in his late 80s took the old book that he was reading and chanting the spell from and threw it in the fireplace beside him, and with a satisfied and evil smile he said: "Finally it's done, its done, hahahahah this world, shall burn".

Whatever he was doing it looked like he succeeded, the man was old, he had a long unkempt beard that reached his abdomen, nails as long as a wolf, and wrinkles all over his face.

Just as that was happening inside, the barrier outside the tower was destroyed, the leader of the attacking army rode his white majestic horse forward, and he took off his helmet.

The man looked like he was in his 40s, his facial features were strong, he had a sharp jawline, beautiful jet black hair, and blood-red eyes the man was not human, and there was a strange white powerful aura that surrounded the man.

Beside him, one of the officers of the army asked; "My lord Yarl do you think that the old geezer will surrender?"

Yarl the commander of this small army looked at the soldier with disgust and replied;" even if he doesn't he is too dangerous to be left alive he is already a sky peak mortal who excels in the arts of dark magic, don't let his old appearance fool you if it wasn't for the fall of the Forgotten (name of the faction) we would not be here".

Yarl got off his horse and shouted before the tower:" Arsene of the Forgotten hand over the Book of The ancient Demon and we shall let you go, refuse and we will kill you" as Yarl finished with his confident words the mage in the old, dark robes destroyed the roof of the tower he was in and floated above it looking at Yarl and his force with a look of disgust as he said," You damn bloodsucker! you were our slaves once and now just because the faction fell you think you can order me around?". He exclaimed loudly with a hoarse voice making the weaker warriors who were looking at him wet their pants. What they were seeing now was Arsene who looked like a demon from hell floating in the air, his body radiated with confidence as he stared at them like they were nothing but ants.

The dark mage waved his hand and above him, he summoned thousands of dark and scary energy swords that covered the sun, and with a wave of his hand, the dark swords started flying towards Yarl's army.

Upon seeing the scene in front of them Yarl drew his sword and prepared himself for the battle, his soldiers who were mostly fourth and Fifth stage and some officers at the sixth stage mortal realm, started casting defensive spells, but unfortunately for them, their opponent was at the peak sky mortal realm the spells that they cast were easily broken by the dark energy swords cast by Arsene.

the soldiers of Yarl started dying like flies they weren't even able to run from the energy swords " Ussles Human peasants, they don't even know how to run let alone fight" said Yarl while looking at his army like it didn't even care.

To him, these humans in front of him who were dying were nothing more than blood bags.

His true enemy was floating in front of him, enjoying the chaos he had started.

With fire in his eyes, Yarl who was at the peak sky mortal realm like his enemy flew towards him like a meteor with his sword and shield at hand he wanted to finish his opponent quickly.

Seeing his enemy flying towards him, Arsene summoned his massive aura sword and flew towards Yarl.

Both of them started fighting with neither side showing sign of victory,

the soldiers who survived Arsene's energy sword attack looked at the two fighters fighting, to these soldiers who were dropping to the ground like flies the fight in front of them was very overwhelming." is this the power of a sky mortal?" exclaimed a wounded solider "Monsters they are all monsters" exclaimed another one who almost shit himself from watching the fight".

The battlefield was bloody, the soldiers were dying everywhere the ones who could still walk ran away as fast as they could, they did not care if they were hanged later for abandoning their commander.

The fight between Arsene and Yarl was nearing its end Yarl looked exhausted, during the fight had lost his left eye and his epic rank shield was almost destroyed, his opponent didn't look any better Arsene had lost his right arm, and was on the death's door, he looked way worse than Yarl.

" It does not matter if I die, or live today, I've already done my job, Yarl, just know that you are all doomed and will die soon enough," said the old man who was almost dead.

"You old little s*it just tell me where the book is and die, I don't care about your stupid prophecy ".

But just as Yarl finished his hateful speech, the old man gathered all the mana around him and self-destruct in the hopes to take as many lives with him as possible. "Arsene… you old s*it I might not have gotten the book but at least I won't have to see that face of yours again," said Yarl who was trying to flee.

BOOM!! after the big explosion the land around them changed, trees were burnt, and the once-green land turned into a giant burnt place.

After the explosion, Yarl who was caught in it looked like an entirely different person.

>>This is before the Mc is Transmigrated into this world

Thank you for reading.

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