
An Anime Summoning System

In a world filled with Dungeon, a young man finds himself able to summon minions from the anime world.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

10x summon

"Sigh, young prince, this is the 11th dungeon. do you want to go to every dungeon?" Kanan said softly, Sora shook his head as he and Kanan left the dungeon. he now had 11 red summoning tickets. as soon as he returned home he will do the 10x summon.

Sora and Kanan quickly returned to the palace, but upon returning to the palace Sora saw that Cadence and the others that entered the lava dungeon were waiting for him. Sora had already pained them, so he had some silver rank experts begin teaching them or something. Sora wanted to train them and raise their strength to gold rank, as for his summons, they were his trump cards.

he will not want anyone to know of them before he was sure he was strong enough to handle any trouble that might come his way. of course, he wanted to find a place where he could secretly summon them and have them join him. but with Kanan always following him, that was almost impossible.

Sora went on to make sure the palace was in good shape for the queen's arrival, and able seeing it was in good shape, Sora went to his room where he went on to enter the system. currently, everyone but Tashigi and Crocodile had chakra and Ki. of course the D rank summons also didn't have those two energies, Sora didn't even bother to have them learn it

Tashigi and Crocodile had gained chakra, but they were currently working on controlling said energy through battle and going through the basics. Bardock was working on also controlling chakra, while Fugaku was working on controlling Ki.

adding the drops from the dungeon and the drops from Bardock and the others killing monsters that were both copper ranks, or copper dungeon bosses, Sora had 145 C rank shards, 319 D rank shards, over 700 copper grade mana crystals, and 60 iron grade mana crystals

the first thing Sora did was use the D rank shards. with so many shards, he could summon 103 D rank summons. and Sora happily used all of them. he gained 345 Saibaiman shards, 150 marines with gun shards,150 marines with sword shards, 1 random sound ninja, 75 random sound ninja shards, 1 cabin pirate with a sword, 75 cabin pirate with a sword shards, 1`cabin pirate with a gun, and 330 cabin pirates with gun shards

Sora seeing he only got 1 of each summon and when he came across the same summon again, it would come as shards now noticed that the two marines he had summoned before were different even though they looked the same. one had a sword, and the other had a gun

Sora moved on to the C rank shards and began to summon. this time he could only 4 C rank summons. He got, Leaf Anbu male, Morgan, Chiaotzu, and Ebisu

after all this, Sora moved on to his 10x summoning. using all 10 tickets, Sora watched as the sky was filled with many stars. Sora smiled when he noticed 2 four stars were together as they came together.

a copper light fell in front of Sora, showing him shards that belonged to the cabin pirate with a sword. that light disappeared followed by another copper light that belonged to a marine with a gun,

the night was an unpure white, which was the shards before Morgan. the next light was a copper light which was a cabin with no weapons.

the 5th light was a silver color, which was Arlong which stunned Sora. the 6th light was a copper light which was Saibaiman shards, the 7th and 8th were also copper rank summons shards.

The 9th was a golden light, Sora had to cover his eyes as he saw Fugaku Shards. with this, Sora will be able to upgrade Fugaku to the iron level.

the 10th was also a golden light, was a man who looked almost like a woman. it was none other than Haku. He was the last A rank summon Sora got.

Sora smiled slightly as he looked at Haku. he was only 15 and was so powerful. she had something called ice release which allowed her to use ice in battle, although her ice release was locked, she still had many powerful abilities.

Sora went on to use the 100 Fugaku shards to improve Fugaku to the iron rank. after which, he went on to see how many low-grade iron crystals were needed to improve his strength to med iron rank, his heart skipped a beat when he needed 2,500 copper-grade mana crystals to improve his strength to med iron rank.

he could use med grade mana crystals, but they are only gained by killing iron rank monsters. he only had 60, and that was from Fugaku and the others killing the dungeon monster which has been added to the system

he needed 300 iron rank dungeon monsters to improve strength, which was more than 5 times the amount a normal person needed to improve to med iron rank. a normal person would need around 50 iron rank crystals, those top genii would need around 100 or slightly more mana crystals to improve to med iron rank

Sora sighed as he looked at Fugaku's strength, Fugaku had awakened his 2 Tomoe sharingan and had unlocked a few other skills. his strength currently could match an early silver rank expert. this meant that Fugaku could easily defeat an iron rank monster, although he could face a harder time with iron rank dungeon monsters.

Sora went on to improve the D rank summons. he didn't do this to the C or B rank summons as he wanted to see the improvement of these D rank summons. and since C rank summons were similar to normal humans in strength. he planned to have those summons next to him as they followed him around

upon one D rank summon to the next rank, the amount of shards needed would double. at first, just 15 shards were needed to improve a D rank summon to the iron rank, 30 were needed to improve them to the iron rank, and 60 were needed to improve them to the silver rank

But Sora couldn't improve them to the silver rank as he needed at least 5 summons at peak iron rank, so Sora went on to do so, D rank summons didn't need that many mana crystals compared to A rank summons, in fact, A-rank summons used 10 times the amount of mana crystals D rank summons used.

even So, Sora was barely able to make 4 peak iron rank summons. but he was able to improve them all to the silver rank. with such a high number, even Fugaku would have trouble fighting all 4 of them, although, in the end, he would be able to pull off a win,

but if Sora trained these D rank summons to be slightly more skilled and have better teamwork, they could kill Fugaku.

Sora now had 4 A rank summons, 2 B rank summons, 4 C rank summons and so many D rank summons he honestly didn't care to even count.

Sora had Fugaku face a thousand copper rank monster. with him at iron rank, he had not just unlocked the 2 Tomoe sharingan, he also unlocked some cloning techniques. although he could make at most 4 clones, this along with Bardock and the others allowed for quick work of the copper rank summons

in no time Sora had regained the mana crystals he had used and went on to use them to improve Morgan to the iron rank. Morgan only had early iron rank strength, this meant he had trouble facing monsters of the same rank. dungeon monsters were much stronger than a human of the same rank.

As for why Sora was not improving Haku, it was because he wanted her to first gain Ki. her rank will raise to med Copper rank, Sora will then improve her to peak copper rank.

with every summon together, they were able to kill 10,000 summons in around 5 minutes, this was mostly thanks to Bardock he had a wide rank of powerful attacks which killed hundreds of minutes with even the simplest of attacks

Sora had them kill the monsters until he had 5,000 copper-grade mana crystals. Sora went on to use all of this to improve all the summons he had to at least peak copper. as for the D rank summons, he was able to have them all rank at low iron rank. this tried up all his mana again, but at a much faster speed, he regain the mana again and went on to this time improve Fugaku, and everyone else to their peaks.

and after hours of farming, Fugaku was now at peak iron rank, all the B ranks were at peak Copper rank, and the C ranks were at peak copper rank with Morgan ranking peak iron rank. all the D rank summons peak Silver rank.

Fugaku could not make up to 5 clones, which he used to spread out his numbers to teach everyone the way of shadow clones, while he himself began working on combing Ki and Chakra.

of course, the D rank summons was put to work as they killed armies of dungeon bosses which were at iron rank. low iron rank was the level of these dungeon bosses, almost every one of Sora's side could easily defeat them

Sora had ignored the D rank monsters, right now he needed iron rank mana crystals as once a summon reached Silver rank, iron rank mana crystals no longer could be used by them to improve. only iron rank and above mana crystals were accepted

the iron rank dungeon bosses didn't just drop iron rank mana crystals, they could drop C rank shards, D rank shards, and some other stuff. the iron rank monsters had a higher drop rate than the D rank monsters, so by the minute, Sora was getting a shocking amount of drops.

"To think a random Merine will be able to one-shot Bardock," Sora said with a shake of his head, this was not right. but he shook his head as he turned his attention to the iron and silver grade dungeon.

Sora frowned as he thought about the 1 silver rank dungeon in this city. when a dungeon has not been cleared for more than 6 months, it will cause a dungeon outbreak, leading to all the monsters within the dungeon to rush out and began attacking everyone.

the monsters that are killed when they appear in this world will reappear in the dungeon and rush out 10 seconds later. the only way to stop the dungeon outbreak than will have to enter the dungeon, and kill the monsters before they could appear outside

this was also one of the tests the king has set up, were they able to raise a strong enough army within a month to clear a dungeon?

one should know that the silver dungeon boss would be a gold rank dungeon monster, with countless of silver rank and below monsters under its control. one would need at least 50 silver rank experts to clear the dungeon.

similar to how 4 copper rank experts would need to clear a copper grade dungeon, they would have to have perfect teamwork, skills that countered the boss's every move, and fight to slow the boss down.

Adding the guards which came with Sora, there were currently around 70 silver rank experts, not enough to clear the dungeon. Since most of these silver rank experts belonged to different powers around the city. Sora has not even tried to befriend them or be on good footing with these organizations.

lucky for Sora it has been around 3 or so months since the last that dungeon has been cleared, so he didn't have much stuff to worry

of course, there was some stuff that could go wrong and sleep up the dungeon outbreak, someone who enters a dungeon and fail to clear it will cause an outbreak. there was also a chance that the dungeon sometimes randomly shoots open, but that too was extremely rare

There was also something that would randomly happen called a Stampede. It's when a hole suddenly appears in the air, and from out countless monsters would rush out. this is how dungeons are made, as experts forcefully seal up that hole, forming a dungeon.

depending on how large the Stampede is, depends on the grade of the dungeon. these dungeons are all just ticking time bombs, so cities had to be built where these dungeons are made, in order to keep it in check.

"Fugaku, I will be leaving this space. I will find a place where I will secretly summon you. leave the teaching to the leaf Ambu and Ebisu. I will task you with the goal of staying by my side, while secretly sending you out to watch this city from the shadows and clearing out some dungeons." Sora said calmly, to which Fugaku nodded slightly

Fugaku was at peak iron rank, and could match a peak silver rank in combat, he would be the strongest expert in the city, so long as a group of peak silver rank experts didn't team up against him or Gold rank experts didn't go after him, Fugaku had this in the bag.

Some should also remember that Fugaku was a master of illusions, those who didn't have any mental defense ability which was of a high enough level will be pointless before Fugaku. Fugaku needed to make simple eye contact, and he could make cast a powerful illusion, or a simple small illusion that would be so small that one could not be able to detect it allowing him to have an upper hand

that's not adding the hundreds of skills he had, and even that new energy he gained which was more powerful than chakra.

"You can leave it to me," Fugaku said as he stood up, his clones which were training everyone else also disappeared as the information the clones gained returned to him alone with the clones remaining chakra

Sora left the system and with great difficulty go out of his window, but when he got down, he saw Kanan was waiting for him at the bottom.

"We going somewhere young prince?" She asked with a smile, since Sora no longer had his necklace, she of course kept an even tighter eye on him. Sora frowned slightly, if she caught him why did she wait until he got down. did she not know how huge of a pain it was to climb down?

no, she knew, she just wanted to see him struggle.

"..." Sora looked at her closely, she just looked back with a smile. thoughts ran past Sora's head, it was almost nighttime, and he had no clear way to get around her. if he only knew how she knew where he was at, he could find a way to get away from her.

"Sigh... I'm going to the city to buy mother something." Sora said with a deep frown as he walked off, Kanan nodded slightly as she followed. upon arriving in the city, Sora tried disappearing into a thick coward, but it always ended up pointless as Kanan always appeared next to him when he looked back.

in the end, Sora entered a male bathhouse. Kanan couldn't fallower, but she could lock off the whole bathhouse, making sure no one entered and everyone who was in left. Sora sighed in relief seeing he was alone, with a thought, Fugaku disappeared from the training ground as a golden card which showed Fugaku crossing his arms while seriously looking forward appeared in his hands.

Sora threw the card forward, and with a bright light. Fugaku appeared in this world, Fugaku had suppressed his energy, and as a ninja, he was of course capable of doing this to the point even someone like Kanan couldn't sense him.

"leave but appear in front of me with some injuries that could be healed. I will house you back to help and you will be grateful and follow at my side from then on." Sora said with a smile, Fugaku nodded slightly as he disappeared

Sora entered the bath and injured himself, after some time. he left and went shopping, but when he passed an ally way, he found as he went back to look into an ally way and saw Fugaku struggling to his feet with a sword in his stomach.

Kanan forward as she stepped in front of Sora, this man was at the peak iron rank. she could sense that clearly, this could be a trap for the young prince.

"... help him. if this is a trap, I will get the information out of him of who sent him." Sora said calmly, Kanan frowned slightly. but in the end, this was an order from the prince, after scanning and making sure there were no weapons on Fugaku, she pulled out the sword and went on to heal Fugaku.

"you're lucky the sword missed the heart. you will be up and moving in about a few weeks or so." She said calmly, as she turned to leave with Sora,

"He too weak to move on his own... let's bring him back to the palace. I also want to know who dares to try and kill someone in the city." Sora said calmly, stunning Kanan. she sighed softly as she called before a carriage to come to pick up Fugaku, after which Sora and Kanan returned to shopping