
An Anime Summoning System

In a world filled with Dungeon, a young man finds himself able to summon minions from the anime world.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

clearing Dungeons

Fugaku went on to teach everyone to control spiritual energy and physical energy, but it turned out Sora had no talent and couldn't even gain chakra. So, Sora tried to gain Ki, but Bardock disappointed him as he couldn't use Ki as well.

Tashigi on the other hand went on to be the first to be able to control her physical energy, Fugaku, on the other hand, learned to Ki. Sora could only watch on in envy, but he had a summoning system he was going to be grateful that he had something and nothing at all.

Sora went on to use the 15 D rank shards he had gained, which he used to summon a D rank summon. it was a Saibaiman. These Saibaiman are green, humanoid creatures that grow from a planted seed placed in the ground. they were from the world of dragon ball and could Ki for many attacks. but they had strength below even the average human strength of the same rank.

their strongest attack was an attack in which they jumped on their target, giving them a huge bear before they exploded. they were not strong enough to hand a Lava monster, so Sora had it along with the others kill the lava monster. they will take turns killing the lava monster, while the others trained

Sora left the system as he sat in his room and began going over lands for the future. tomorrow he would have to leave to go clear some dungeon, be it with Kanan or with just his summons. he also had to find a way to add his summons to his side without drawing too many eyes

Sora went to sleep after some time, he knew by tomorrow he will wake up to amazing rewards from the system. and since his summons can instantly recover within the system, they could fight all night, of course, there was a cooldown on when he could summon a someone who was called back. so, he couldn't overuse this.

So, the next morning Sora was wakened up by a maid. Sora went on to take his shower, before getting dressed.

"Young prince, great news. the queen said she will be arriving tomorrow. she was happy when she heard of how fast you have completed the dungeon. although for some reason the crystal suddenly broke when I got to the part of you giving away your necklace. I hope she is alright." Kanan said as if she was truly worried.

Sora froze at her words; horror filled his eyes. Sora knew his mother loved him, she was just hard on him because of that fact, he was her only child. even as a cripple, it didn't mean he had to just be a useless young master. the fact that Sora was putting his life on the line, she might just personally kill him since he was asking for a death wish.

"T-than get the whole city ready. make her favorite food." Sora said quickly, Kanan smiled slightly, seeing Sora in so much energy, she handed Sora a paper which had everything that happened around Cadence's house.

there were a few iron rank experts who tried to break into the house but were captured and had their memories searched. only 2 people among them were spies, through them the guards were able to capture many spies around the city

that night, many battles between silver rank experts took place, some were killed and many escaped. in this battle for the throne, only silver rank and below experts could be used, every prince and princess had their own forces of Silver rank experts.

in the past Sora had the Silver rank experts gifted to him by the king, every prince and princess was gifted an equal amount of silver rank experts. they had to build their own forces from there,

of course, if they could grow someone above the silver rank, and have absolute proof that they did raise that expert, they could use said expert. pretty much everyone but Sora is close to making their own gold rank experts

while the city was getting ready for the queen's arrival, Sora went on to look at his gains from last night. he had gained 78 D rank shards, 183 Mana crystals, and a few other useless stuff.

Sora also noticed that Bardock and the others have gained both Ki and Chakra and were working on controlling the new form of energy they have gained. their strength improved as the bar above their head has filled up, Sora just had to push a button to have them reach med copper

Sora of course did so and saw how their strength improved, a new bar also appeared above their heads which were around 70 to 85% for almost all of them. but Tashigi was full, he of course had her improve to peak copper level,

Tashigi's new bar appeared, but this time it was 80% full. once he fills this bar, he will be able to allow her to enter iron rank. she was currently strong enough to handle a whole dungeon monster boss on her own, Bardock and the others were of course stronger than her as they could do it was much more ease than her.

Sora used the mana crystals and began improving the others, he could improve Tashigi anymore within her shards, but he could have the others come towards the peak of peak copper level. over 90 Mana crystals were used to have all reach peak copper rank

with this level of power at his side, Sora could even clear a few iron rank dungeons if he played smart. and since Silver rank experts can't fly, Bardock and the others had the advantage as they could attack from the sky,

Sora went on to use the D rank summoning shard to summon two new D rank summons. he gained 2 low ranking Marine, although Sora was displeased that these 2 marines could defeat the Saibaiman, he didn't say anything as he watched how with a simple Ki bast, Bardock was able to kill over 50 lava monsters

their strength was more than 5 times the amount when they were first summoned, of course with this improvement in strength came at the price of many resources, but Sora didn't care as he improved the D rank summons up to the D rank. with how easily they could kill copper rank summons, it was easy for him to get these low-grade D rank mana crystals.

with the D rank summons reaching the peak of D rank, they barely gained the strength to match the average copper rank expert. which meant that around 2 of them were needed just to defeat 1 lava monster.

this huge difference from D to A rank made Sora wonder just what S rank and Sr rank summons were like. he already had summons above dungeon monster level of power of the same rank, just what will S rank summons have in store for him

Sora opened the system quest board, there will be quests posted up from time to time. there was no punishment for not completing a quest, and one didn't have to do it. but there was some stuff the quest had to offer.

{Quest number 1- Gain 5 summons at the A rank.

Reward- The infinity tower}

{Quest number 2- kill 1,000,000,000 Silver rank experts/monster

Reward- 1 golden summoning ticket}

{Quest number 3- become Emperor

reward- one rainbow summoning ticket}

these were the quest currently posted on the board. and Sora was going to complete each and the last one of them. starting with the first one which was the easiest one he could do, he just had to complete more dungeon, kill more monsters and hope they drop higher rank shards

Sora could easily do this, with 10 red summoning tickets, he could do something called a 10x summons, there was a 100% chance that one could at least get 1 A rank summon. So Sora just needed to collect 20 tickets and he was sure to get 2 A rank summons

even if that first quest turns out to be hard, the second quest will slowly become easier and easier as his summons kill. like right now, he already gained 50 new D rank shards from just how easily his summons was killing the Lava monster. it had barely been an hour since he summoned the marines

as for the becoming emperor part, Sora had no idea if it meant to be King or something else. his father was the king, not some emperor.

"Kanan. let's go to a forest of monsters Dungeon." Sora said calmly to Kanan, the forest of monsters was a copper rank Dungeon. Sora wanted to clear all Dungeon in the city, there was 15 copper rank Dungeon, and 6 iron rank dungeons, and 1 silver rank dungeon. Sora guards could clear every Dungeon in this city, although the silver rank Dungeon might leave a few of his guards killed or heavily injured.

"Sigh, young master. I understand that dungeon is one of the few dungeons a normal human can enter without dying from just being there, but it's not good for the prince to be entering Dungeons like this." She said softly,

"Sigh, I will just go on my own then," Sora said as he left, Kanan sighed as she followed Sora into the carriage. they headed to the dungeon where Sora skipped the whole line and entered the dungeon with Kanan.

Sora and Kanan appeared in a world filled with trees, it looked peaceful, but Sora had the strange feeling of countless eyes on him. Sora looked at the trees around him, and saw each tree begin moving and slowly pulling itself out of the ground.

"let me kill one. and as to why I will say when I'm ready." Sora said calmly, Kanan was confused but didn't ask questions her prince, pulled over a tree monster and weakened it so Sora could kill it.

{killed the copper rank monster (Tree Monster), a monster that can use its countless leaves as thousands of blades that would attack its target. monster has been added to the training ground.} the system said as Sora smiled slightly

"Go ahead and kill them all, I want to kill the dungeon boss," Sora said with a smile, Kanan nodded as she waved her hands, a ring of flames appeared around them before it exploded out flying through every tree in this world, every tree turned to ashes as they left behind their ashes, as they left behind their drops, all but one tree which had pink leaves,

that tree was the dungeon boss, it angrily pulled itself out of the ground and rushed toward them at high speed, much faster than the lava monster boss. but this tree monster seemed smart as it didn't get close but instead stopped a few feet away, its leaves transformed into a huge tornado which created a powerful wind that almost pulled Sora into int

Kanan took hold of Sora before she let out a soft breath at the tornado, the tornado was blown away stunning Sora at how she easily dealt with the dungeon boss's ultimate move. Kanan reached out as a huge arm made out of mana took hold of the dungeon boss, flames exploded on that arm as it injured the dungeon boss, just enough so that Sora could land the finishing blow

{the host has killed the dungeon boss of the Forest of Monsters Dungeon, congratulations host. you have received 10 C rank Shards. this dungeon boss has been added to the system training ground.} the system said making Sora's eye brighten, he now had to kill every dungeon boss he came across, a moment later a huge copper dungeon appeared.

{The forest of monsters Dungeon has been cleared, the host has gained 1 red summoning ticket.} the system said as Sora smiled as he went on to go with Kanan around to the other Dungeon to clear the other copper rank Dungeon in the city, he, of course, skilled a monster in every dungeon along with the dungeon boss.