
An Angelic Hero in MHA

An Angel is betrayed and sent to the lower worlds and ends up in MHA. Captured at the age of 2 by doctors belonging to an evil organization. Will she be saved and if she does how will she go on. Become a villain, a hero or will she abandon this world in search for her heaven. I do not own the story of MHA, this is a fanfiction. I only own the character of the Angel Val. Some parts are inspired by the main canon and other fanfictions I enjoy. I do not own the cover photo.

KumaBear27101 · Anime & Comics
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First Year Ends With a Bang

1 week turned to 1 year. My life during this year has been wonderful. I get to view the sky as much as I want, I even get to fly occasionally, at first that pissed me off not being able to do it all the time but apparently there are laws saying you can't use your quirk unless you have a license or under certain circumstances, I would love nothing more than to fly more but I don't really have anywhere to go and I don't want dad or uncle to yell at me so I obey the rules. I have also been doing a lot of studying. Learning how to read, write, do math, learn history as well as info about quirks just to name a few. I am an Angel so learning is easy for me, I was supposed to learn information about thousands of lower worlds for my job so learning about just this one is a piece of cake.

One thing I have found out about myself which I am slightly ashamed of is I apparently have a vice... sugar... specifically a certain beverage called Dr. Pepper, I first tried it when All Might left one out half-finished and after I drank it, I craved for it, it was the most delicious thing I have ever tasted. Unfortunately when I was discovered with an armful of them trying to hurry to my room I was told I could only have 1 per day. That day was also the first-time tears came to eyes in a long time.

Today was a pretty normal day, Uncle Nighteye went to his office, All Might went into town to save someone probably and I was sitting down with a book on Valkyries that Dad got me, it was apparently mythology but I enjoyed it nonetheless, knowing how awesome these woman warriors with wings were made me very happy for my name however I still refused to smile during this year. I was plenty happy I just refused to smile much to the disappointment of my father.

While I was finishing up a chapter on my book the building slightly shook as a boom sound was heard outside. I immediately got up and rushed to the window to check out what was going on. I saw in the distance a plume of black smoke and wisps of fire coming from a few blocks away. I had never seen a villain attack before and curiosity got the better of me because before I knew it, I had opened the window and jumped out and began to fly towards the explosion.

I don't mean to brag but... actually I do, I am an awesome Angel after all so ya I fly pretty fast, fast enough that it only took a few seconds to reach on top of a building where I saw what had happened.

People everywhere, some laying down, some staggering, some sitting in a daze, along with the people were a couple of heroes helping others evacuate a building that had been hit by a truck which looked like it exploded. Whether it was intentional or not is unknown to me though.

All Might isn't here and he always told me to not use my quirk when he or Uncle Nighteye aren't with me but a lot of these people look bad, some are missing legs and some have a lot of blood around them, I can't just sit back and do nothing. I may be an Angel of death but I am still an Angel and thus I will help these poor souls. For the first time I activated my wings powers or what would be known as a part of my quirk.

***3rd POV***

Today went from a normal to a horrible day is a slit second, a truck drove straight into a building hitting a couple of people on the side walk, once it hit the building either by accident or on purpose the truck exploded with a force more powerful than what normal gas or diesel should provide. The explosion sent shrapnel and debris both out into the road, sidewalks as well as into the building itself.

Thankfully the building had been retrofitted to handle both natural and villain disasters, due to that the building won't be in danger of collapse. A few heroes that were nearby rushed to help put out flames as well as rescue civilians.

Several were already dead and many were going to be shortly without immediate medical care. These heroes while they knew basic first aid none knew how to stabilize these critically wounded. As the heroes rushed to save as many as possible and the civilians made their way to safety or clung to life something happened which made everyone pause to stared at what was in the sky.

Feathers... the most beautiful feathers anyone had ever seen, like a feather made from fresh snow, these feathers flew through the air giving a soft but radiant glow. The people who were in shock, wounded, or close to death were mesmerized by the feather but even more so when those feathers rushed to the critically wounded. Those wounded didn't panic when these feathers rushed them though they accepted that no matter what happens next, they were glad they saw something so beautiful.

A man that had lost allot of blood due to his femoral artery being cut and poorly bandaged was shocked when instead of his drowsy sleepy feeling he had been fighting he now felt that he was warm and felt hope that we would make it.

These feeling went through all of the critically wounded people as the feather touched them and their bodies healed as if nothing had happened to them, blood was replenished, bones were set, limbs were reattached. The people who were certain of death now felt like they had been given a second chance at life. Some wondered where the feathers came from and some could have sworn that they saw a small girl with beautiful wings flying away but they all knew for sure was that they were saved that day.