
An Angelic Hero in MHA

An Angel is betrayed and sent to the lower worlds and ends up in MHA. Captured at the age of 2 by doctors belonging to an evil organization. Will she be saved and if she does how will she go on. Become a villain, a hero or will she abandon this world in search for her heaven. I do not own the story of MHA, this is a fanfiction. I only own the character of the Angel Val. Some parts are inspired by the main canon and other fanfictions I enjoy. I do not own the cover photo.

KumaBear27101 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


As I flew back home which took only a few seconds I thought about what I did. Angel wings are used for protecting the weak, I knew that since I was born but I didn't know the specifics, I just assumed it meant it could be used as a shield but when the doctors kept ripping the feathers off and kept saying they were going to help people I thought maybe they could help in others way and once I thought that I knew that I could send my feathers out to heal those in need. Once I knew I could do that I sent out almost half of my feathers to heal those who needed it, I could have done more but then I wouldn't be able to fly home and that would be bad, I defiantly did not want to get caught.

That hope was immediately destroyed as soon as I reached the window, I flew inside to see a very grumpy looking uncle Nighteye

"Fuck" was all I could say

After entering the same window, I left from I freeze midway through as I spot the gleam from a pair of glasses, a gleam that I have become very familiar with.

"Oh, hi uncle Sasaki (Sir Nighteye's real last name). I thought you were working in your office."

I try to pass off the fact that I am still in the window by having some idle chatter but as always it doesn't seem to work.

"I was but I decided to come up and see if you were ok after the explosion occurred, I wanted to make sure you weren't scared or anything. However, I found myself confused as you were not here until I saw you flying back from the direction of the explosion. You wouldn't happen to have gone there by any chance, right? Not after your father and I told you to only fly with us present Also don't think I didn't hear that little curse slip from your mouth young lady."

Despite his calm tone I can tell he is mad. His voice doesn't change inflection that often at least not that I have noticed but I can tell he is mad.

"Well come in then Valerie, we shall wait for All Might to get back but despite what he says you are still being disciplined."

Now I am not sure if it because of my circumstances or just because that's how he is but uncle Sasaki's so called 'discipline' usually contains either no sweets, or I can't look outside for a while. Nothing physical but honestly ide rather it be physical as I love the view of the sky. It is one of my three favorite things after flying and my new father Toshinori Yagi otherwise known as All Might.

"Fine, I shall wait for dad to get home but in my defense, I was only doing what any angel would do."

"I am sure Valerie; I have already let All Might know so he should be back sooner than usual."

After that was said the two of us sat and waited, I was doing some light grooming on my wings and Nighteye was fiddling with a chess piece while looking at various things on his phone, knowing him it either involves work or his fangirl obsession with my dad. At first, I was a little taken aback and thought he was romantically in love with my dad but after getting to know him better he just admires him to a large amount.

We waited and waited... After waiting for an hour, the door opens and I tense up slightly and a large figure burst into the room absolutely like a madman.

I both tense up and relax, he is still acting like his usual self which is good and he isn't wearing his angry smile so I guess I am not in too much trouble.

"Little Valerie I hear that you were on a little trip towards an explosion? Care to elaborate."

Oh... his serious voice, maybe I am in trouble. I steady myself before speaking in my usual casual/ serious tone.

"Dad, I heard the explosion and saw smoke, as an angel it is my responsibility to help if and when needed so I may have flown out a window toward the explosion, however I stayed out of sight and on top of a building so I wasn't in any danger nor was I seen. I then flew back and here we are."

I finish with a matter-of-fact tone trying to end it there.

"Oh is that all? When I was making my way back I heard that beautiful white feathers flew out of nowhere and healed all those that were injured aside from minor scratches. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that?"

I felt my face become hot, I didn't lie, angels don't lie but I have found out that not disclosing information does not count as lying.

"There were a lot of injured people, some were about to die... So I used my angelic powers to heal them."

Both my uncle and father looked towards each other as if having a silent conversation before my dad continued.

"We never got any specific details from you about your quirk, all you have said is that you're an angel, can regenerate and can fly. Now you can heal? Can you please tell us exactly what your quirk is."

My father seemed serious but not in a mad way, more like a sad caring way. It is times like this that I remember why I am happy he is my father.

Wait when did they find out about my regeneration? "How do you know I have regeneration?"

All Might flinched as if realizing he said too much.

"Val... During the investigation into that place where we found you, there was documentation as well as footage of what was done to you all those years, we watched it and read through it."

My eyes dropped down to the floor. Dad and Uncle have been amazing since they found me and I couldn't be happier in this lower world but now knowing that they knew what I went through is both liberating and heartbreaking.

"Very well then... my quirk as you call it is called angel. I have basically the powers of an angel. Such powers include but not limited to: Flight, super strength, wings being used to defend, feathers that can heal, and super regeneration as well as destructive powers."

Both men in the room had wide eyes at this point. I mean it is to be expected after all angels are amazing.

"Valerie... You have so many powers bundled into your quirk, is that why you were kept in that place?"

My proud mood instantly became sour as I had to remember that hell.

"Dad as you know they were removing my feathers and organs daily for various things, they said it was to save people but I don't really know. My super regeneration allows me to regrow any and all organs and body parts quickly so they could take as much as they want. My feathers they were intrigued due to their properties of both defense and healing but they don't last forever once removed from me so they kept removing more. I was always kept paralyzed so I couldn't use my strength and sedatives wouldn't work for more than a minute due to my regeneration. I hadn't flown at all in those 4 years so they didn't really have anything for that."

After my reminiscing on hell I leaned back and close my eyes and the room filled with silence for a few minutes before uncle Sasaki broke that silence.

"Valerie, what about these destructive powers?"

I rubbed my wrists at that question which I am sure they both noticed.

"You said you watched footage of my time in hell right?"

"Yes, we both did."

Well, I used my destructive powers during my first organ removal, it can destroy anything, even gods, devils and angels. Once free I tried to escape but they had quirk users there and stopped me.

The doctors removed my hands shortly thereafter and always kept a device around my wrists that would cut my hands off if it sensed power moving through my arms. After having my hands removed several times, I stopped trying."

They both look angry and sad. Father moved and embraced me in a hug, such a warm hug that made me feel safe.

"You are safe now Val, I will never let you be hurt again."

"Thanks dad."

We sat there hugging for a long while. I would have preferred to end it there and go back to my room however uncle Sasaki had other plans.

"Thank you Valerie for answering our questions, I know it is difficult to remember those horrible years but your father is right, we will protect you. That however does not permit you from flying out alone and using your powers without a hero license. If you had been caught then you might be in trouble with the police although it would probably be just a warning."

"I won't apologize for saving people and I also can't promise that I won't do it again." I say in a stern tone.

"Not even if taking away your favorite drink would be the punishment?" Uncle Sasaki says and a slightly sadistic tone.

This is an actual threat that makes me rethink my decisions for a moment but my resolve as an angel just barely trumps my desire.

"Y-Yes... even if that is the cost!" My conviction not showing in my words.

"All Might, after you are done hugging your daughter, we should discuss her punishment while she goes to her room and before you say anything I know that if I let you handle this by yourself you would give her a day in her room and forgive her."

"Very well, we shall discuss it, Val, why don't you go to your room and while we talk."


With that I head to my room. I really hope I don't lose Dr. Pepper or Sky privileges....