
An Adventure Island in One Piece

Ye Chen played the Adventure Island game all night and traveled to the world of One Piece, and bound a super-dimensional Adventure Island! And the world changed! Kaido: I’m going to MapleStory, and I’ll definitely beat that boss today! Whitebeard: Adventure Island is the biggest adventure of my life! Rayleigh: Ralph Drew is nothing compared to MapleStory, Roger, you died too soon… …

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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309 Chs

Chapter 36: Contra!

"The appearance of Uranus Ghost Dragon God is really shocking!"

In the West Blue Golden Adventure Island, Ye Chen stood above a base of a future high-tech civilization and muttered.

The Golden Adventure Island will be bombed just now, but the plot mode is actually turned on.

A special mode only available on the Golden Maple Map!

The first scene is the scene of the final BOSS Uranus coming.

Uranus Ghost Dragon God, this name may be unfamiliar to many people.

But the name "Contra" is probably familiar to many people, and they have never heard of it before!

And Uranus Ghost Dragon God is the final boss of Contra, Contra, Super Contra, and Contra 3 are all fighting it!

The final boss in the first play is the heart below the island base, and although it was defeated, it didn't really die.

And Contra 3 is the brain of the final boss!

If the brain does not die, the final boss will not die.

And Contra is one of the high-level maps opened in this Golden Adventure Island!

As the boss of the advanced map, the power of Uranus Guilongshen is extremely powerful. In the plot, the final battle of Contra 1 is in its body.

Each of its cells can emit energy light bombs, and if it was in its heyday, its power would be enough to destroy the world!

In a certain Contra work, although the two protagonists of Contra defeated the Uranus Ghost Dragon God, they also triggered its self-destruction device, which blew up the earth.

Of course, "Contra" is one of the maps of Golden Adventure Island, Ye Chen will not let it blow up the planet.

Then Ye Chen wouldn't have to play anymore.

And Ye Chen, as the owner of the island, also has the authority to limit the death of Uranus and the player.

"You can't blow up the earth, but you can use this to gain greater benefits for me."

Ye Chen thought for a while, and a good idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Using his status as a cheater might make things more interesting.

However, he doesn't need to come forward now. There is not only one map in Golden Adventure Island, but also many interesting maps and functions. This will only gradually lift the fog when subsequent adventurers land on MapleStory.

At this time, time has passed, but ten minutes have passed.

West Blue, Ohara Sea.

"The smoke is gone."

"I can see the island."

"I don't know what happened to Golden Adventure Island."

"Shouldn't it be blown up?"

"I don't think so, it's an island created by the gods."

"Well, I wasn't killed just now, how could I blow up the island."

"But why did it explode, those flying saucers came from inside Adventure Island, or were they aliens?"

Pirates, sailors, merchants and tourists have been discussing which ship is on the sea, but because they don't know the internal situation of MapleStory, they can't come to a conclusion.

And although they were startled by the explosion of Golden Adventure Island, they did not dispel their enthusiasm for Adventure Island. Anyway, they were even more enthusiastic and looking forward to it! !

Now, even if they pay the price of their lives and souls, they still have to land on Adventure Island!

After all, I just escaped from the dead once, and my heart became more and more fearless!

"These guys are really not afraid of death. Even if Adventure Island is opened, these people may not be able to gain much benefit from being so weak."

Momousagi was inexplicably upset when she listened to the discussions around her, and a handsome and handsome figure suddenly flashed in her heart.

"If only Lord Ye Chen were here!!!"

Momousagi thought that if Ye Chen was here, he would know what happened to Golden MapleStory.

After all, he is a cheater, and he must have landed on Golden Adventure Island in advance.

"Whitebeard, aren't you moving forward? I heard from Sengoku that you Whitebeard Pirates had a good time in Temple Escape."

At this point, Garp teased Whitebeard on the Moby Dick.

"Hey, Garp, don't use such a stupid move as the aggressive method. We will naturally explore the way when we should explore the way. We pirates are naturally adventurous, so we won't be frightened by the small explosion just now!"

Whitebeard replied with a sneer, and then handed the highest reward 'Invincible Charm' that he had gotten in the temple escape in the past few months to the phoenix beside him: "Marco, go check the island situation, if you encounter Immediately use this spell when you are in danger!"

"Okay, Dad!!!"

The captain of the first team, Marco, nodded, and then turned into a blue flame phoenix, flew into the sky, and flew towards the Golden Adventure Island.

"The phoenix fruit is really useful."

Garp watched the phoenix flying towards Adventure Island, slightly envious.

Flying has been one of the dreams of mankind since ancient times.

Moonwalk in Marine Six Styles can fly, but not as much as flying fruit.

What's more, it's still a phantom beast, a phoenix with regeneration ability, it's the most suitable for inquiring about information, and it can run when it encounters danger.

"If Mr. Garp wants to eat Devil Fruit, Marine will definitely support him with all his strength. It is not difficult to find a flying phantom beast."

Momousagi has also read World government's Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, and remembers that there are not many Eudemons fruits that can fly.

For example, the Green Dragon Fruit, the Vampire Fruit, the Suzaku Fruit, the Renren Fruit Angel Form, the Renren Fruit Fallen Angel Form and so on.

It is impossible to find all these rare fruits, no matter how high the World Government's reward is.

But to find one or two of them, with the financial power of the World government, there is absolutely no problem.

"That's okay, I don't want to become a landlubber."

Garp shook his head and refused. If he wanted to eat a powerful Devil Fruit, he would have eaten it twenty years ago, and he would not have waited until now.

Eating Devil Fruit can make him more comprehensive and even stronger, but at the cost of gaining weakness!

He doesn't like restraint, he doesn't like weakness!

"It would be nice if there were no side effects like the power of flames that MapleStory got."

Momousagi controlled the catkin and burst into flames, and when thrown into the sea, a small mushroom cloud exploded instantly!

Since eating the flame flower on Mushroom Island, her ability to control flames has become stronger.

"Yo, I didn't expect you to get the power of Mushroom Island too."

On the opposite boat, Wydibe the Ice Witch gave Momousagi a provocative look, and a flame bomb was condensed in her palm, which was thrown into the sea to explode a gorgeous mushroom cloud.

And it is more powerful than Momousagi, but the control range is smaller, and the control ability is extremely strong!

"This woman also cleared Adventure Island? But her strength is obviously not as strong as mine."

Momousagi frowned slightly, wondering if there was any secret she didn't know.

"Hee hee, I have passed the seventh level of Super Mario and the fifth level of MapleStory."

Whitebeard smiled smugly, satisfied with Momousagi's surprised expression.

"So that's it, you combined the flame power of Adventure Island and Mushroom Island, and ate a lot of flame flowers?"

Momousagi instantly guessed why Whitebee's flames were stronger than hers.

Combining two kinds of flame bombs, and eating flame flowers may increase the experience of manipulating flames.

"You are very smart."

The Ice Witch took one more look at Momousagi, and was secretly shocked. She guessed the truth of the matter from just a few words. This female Rear Admiral has a great future.

And Momousagi saw that Whitebeard acquiesced to her guess, and felt a little regretful in her heart, knowing that she would enter MapleStory again before East Blue set off.

"But now I know it's not in a hurry. Adventure islands are interconnected, and we can return to East Blue in West Blue!" Momousagi comforted himself in his heart.

"Dad, I'm back!"

At this time, the Phoenix came back from the Golden Adventure Island.

"It's no surprise, Marco."

Whitebeard didn't ask about the island directly, but worried about Marko's safety.

"There are five areas on the island, the center area is the largest, and there is a base at the waterfall in the center area. The base is full of elite army guards. They also have many high-tech weapons, but they can't hurt me. A veil of space, it feels like we're not in the same world."

Marco said.

"Not in one world, maybe that's why West Blue exploded and everyone was okay."

Garp guessed for the first time.

"This is the key to the problem!" Whitebeard said solemnly: "Not in the same world can affect our sea area. If we were in the same world, how strong was the explosion just now?"


Garp, Momousagi, and Phoenix were at a loss for words, as if that was the case.

It seems that this trip to Adventure Island is not difficult! !

However, Garp and Whitebeard have long-lost blood in their hearts. It's okay to be difficult, and it's an adventure if the difficulty is high!

"Ku la la la, good, go full speed ahead, boys!!!"

With Whitebeard's order, all the helmsmen of the fleet adjusted the direction of the bow and flocked to the Golden Adventure Island.
