
An Adventure Island in One Piece

Ye Chen played the Adventure Island game all night and traveled to the world of One Piece, and bound a super-dimensional Adventure Island! And the world changed! Kaido: I’m going to MapleStory, and I’ll definitely beat that boss today! Whitebeard: Adventure Island is the biggest adventure of my life! Rayleigh: Ralph Drew is nothing compared to MapleStory, Roger, you died too soon… …

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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309 Chs

Chapter 35: Uranus, the ghost dragon god, come!


Under the bombardment of the alien flying saucer, the West Blue Golden Adventure Island exploded with a terrifying energy aftermath that sank and blew up the nearby merchant ships and pirate groups.

The Whitebeard Fleet, Marine Fleet, and the Eight Treasures Marine Fleet of the Flower Country were also greatly affected.


Phoenix, Foil, Diamond Man, and Ice Witch looked at Whitebeard for the first time when they were in danger, and now this situation can only depend on the invincible father in their hearts.

"Empty shock wall!"

In a hurry, Whitebeard immediately showed the power of Shock Fruit.


I saw Whitebeard's punch in the air shattered the air, and the air in a radius of hundreds of miles went straight out of the fault.

Resist the aftermath of the MapleStory explosion.

The aftermath of the destruction of the island that affected the sea was extremely powerful, but it was still blocked by Whitebeard. The strongest man in the world was so terrifying!

"Damn Whitebeard!"

On the pirate ship in the distance, Sand Crocodile Crocodile looked at Whitebeard and showed Kamui, his face suddenly gloomy, his teeth gnashed, and his heart was filled with resentment.

Back then, he drew Bullet, was drawn by the Five Elders, and joined Shichibukai in high spirits. He wanted to defeat Whitebeard to become One Piece, but he was defeated by Whitebeard, which caused an extremely serious psychological shadow, and now it can't go away.

Nico Robin watched this scene silently, and thought to himself: It seems that Crocodile and Whitebeard had a holiday.

But when she looked at the center of the explosion again, she was a little surprised: "The core location of West Blue Golden Island is actually in Ohara!"

Is this a coincidence, or is there another reason? ? ?

After a while, the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the flying saucer in the sky disappeared, and West Blue completely returned to calm.

"Alas, as expected of Whitebeard."

Green Pepper touched his concave head, thinking that he was lucky that he didn't offend Whitebeard back then.

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as being punched in the head.

And because of Whitebeard's shot, the rest of the ships and warships that were not destroyed in an instant survived.

The sailors, pirates and adventurers on the ship were all deeply moved.


"I didn't expect Whitebeard to save us."

"What a terrifying power, is this really a human being?"

"The man who destroyed the world really deserves his reputation!"

Listening to the shocking comments from all around, Momousagi frowned slightly and sighed with emotion.

"Whitebeard has always been our Marine's greatest enemy."

Compared to cheaters like Lord Ye Chen, Whitebeard is a big worry.

Because the cheater is the one chosen by God, not on the same level as Marine.

But the emperor of the sea is Marine's natural enemy. Even if Whitebeard's nature is not bad, and even has a positive effect on the stability of the world, it will not change the natural hostile position of Marine pirates.

"Hey, no matter whether he is strong or not, everything depends on the result. Now we can save most of the soldiers' lives without us taking action. That's a good thing."

Garp doesn't think so, but he knew it when he teamed up with Roger to beat the Rocks.

Everything in the world only depends on the result!

If he and Roger lose together, he'll probably be infamous rather than a Marine hero.

And Whitebeard is an old opponent he has to admire.

If it weren't for their different positions, the two would definitely enjoy drinking and talking.

After the battle between East Blue and Ye Chen, Garp doesn't really care about Marine's business now, so he looks more open.


Momousagi sighed slightly, and didn't say any more, just looked at Golden Adventure Island curiously.

"Why did West Blue's Islands of Adventure explode?"

"What are those flying saucers in the sky that dare to offend Adventure Island."

"Also, why aren't there floating corpses and the smell of blood on the sea?"

These questions are not only Momousagi's problems, but also the doubts in the hearts of Whitebeard, Garp, and Green Pepper.

"Garp, don't you guys really want to occupy MapleStory, why don't you move forward."

Whitebeard said cheerfully.

"You think I'm stupid. If the problems with the flying saucers just now are not solved, Marine will not dare to move forward."

Garp pouted, wanting him to be cannon fodder, he wasn't that stupid.

"Dad, do we want to investigate?"

The phoenix asked hesitantly as he looked at the smoky Golden Adventure Island.

"Ku la la la… I really want to investigate, but let's wait for the smoke to clear before looking for news."

Whitebeard thought for a moment, but didn't act in a hurry.

As the emperor of the sea, there are no simple things, and he will not let his sons take risks.

However, there was some unease in the bottom of my heart.

Because he had a hunch, this explosion might be related to this special golden adventure island.

"Help, Mr. Green Pepper."

At this moment, there was a loud cry for help from the sea.

"Grandpa, he is a retainer of our Eight Treasures Navy."

On the Babaoshui warship, the deputy Lao Cai listened to the cry for help, looked into the sea, and found the captain of the pioneer ship directly destroyed by the aftermath of the explosion.

It is one of the members of the Eight Treasures Navy, and there are many pirates on the pioneer ship of the Eight Treasures Navy by his side.

He didn't even get killed! ! !

And still unscathed.

This kind of attack, even if his grandfather green pepper is armed with defense, it may not be intact. "

"Help me, I'm a noble, whoever saves me, I'll give him all my money."

"Lord Garp, help!!!"


Not long after, there were more and more calls on the sea, all of them were people on the ship that had just been sunk and shot down to the bottom of the sea, and there were all kinds of people.

None of them died.

Not even one was injured.

"What's the situation?" Qingjiao was stunned and doubted life.

What a bizarre event this is.

"Haha, green pepper, you are ignorant."

Garp clasped his hands, feeling superior.

"What do you know, Garp?" Green Pepper snorted and asked in spite of her rage.

"Of course I know that MapleStory can't be handled with common sense."

Garp smiled smugly.

As one of the old players in Adventure Island, he also suffered a lot when he entered Adventure Island for the first time.

Although the scene was not as shocking as before, he knew that Adventure Island had the authority to control life and death.

Simply the power of God.

And Adventure Island was originally the test of the gods for the human beings in this world, so it is not surprising that it has such power.

It has to be said that Garp's guess is quite accurate.

The explosion just now is the main storyline of one of the maps of Golden MapleStory.

The final BOSS from aliens – Uranus is coming! ! !
