
Chapter 6

It's getting dark as he carries me out of the woods. Night comes crawling on the skies. The back of his mansion comes in view from the tall trees. It's beautiful. I didn't have the chance to look back before but now that I'm seeing it in front of my eyes and it's just so captivating. I can't take my eyes off it. To think I thought of it as hell is somehow ironic. Maybe I should stop judging things based on appearance.

"How did you find me?" I ask, finally disturbing the silence between us. I hear his rapid breathing and I look up at him, frowning.

"My senses are extremely great," he answers. "I can smell you and I can sense when you're gone."

"You can smell me?" I ask in disbelief. "Do I stink?"

He grins and it takes my breath away. He looks so much like an angel when he smiles like that.

"No," he replies, "you smell like chocolate." And to punctuate his statement, he kisses me on the cheek and licks it. I draw back, reddening and wiping my cheek with my shoulder's fabric.


He only smirks and carries me towards the house. When he licked my face, I suddenly felt cautious of him. I became aware of his closeness and I'm practically pressed against his bare chest, clinging to him, feeling every indent of his muscles. My heart starts beating frantically, feeling myself getting hot against his skin and suddenly burning. He's hot. Literally. Does he not own any shirt?

As soon as we enter through the back door, I say, "I can walk now."

He shakes his head and continues to walk upstairs. He's treating me like I can't walk on my own. Nothing's worse than feeling like a child. Considering his size, I'm a kitten and he's a large dog.

"Where are you taking me?" I question.

"To my room," he answers. I start to panic as we near a large mahogany double doors. We enter a large dimly lit room and I see a king-sized bed where I remember I woke up from. The curtains are closed so it's dark. He strides towards the corner of the room and enters a door which leads to the bathroom. He steps into the shower and places me down on my feet. Looking at him, I gasp and cover my eyes quickly.

He's naked! Completely naked! Why is he naked?!

He grabs my arms and slowly pulls them down. Flushed, I look at his face. He grabs my face and then it happens in slow motion, his lips brush softly against mine. He pulls back and pulls my shirt over my head. Still dazed with my first kiss, I don't notice it until I'm naked. I quickly cover my chest.

"Don't cover yourself from me," he growls.

I slowly put my arms down in submission. There's just something about his tone that makes me obey in an instant. He steps forward, eyeing my naked chest. I blush deeply. He pulls down my pink underwear from my hips and it falls quietly on the bathroom floor. He turns the shower on and turns me around.

The water runs down as he glides his large hands down my arms and settles them around my waist. He kisses my shoulder blade and kisses the crook of my neck, pressing himself against my back and softly stroking his little friend against my backside.

Well, not so little now.

I shiver, tugging my bottom lip under my teeth. We stand there for a while as he keeps running his hands all over my sensitive body. I don't know what to think by feeling this way, feeling shy and flustered and hot. His lips are soft and warm. It's making me feel hot.

He pulls away suddenly and I feel him pour liquid on my head and start rubbing it on my hair and scalp. Next, he pours liquid soap on his hand and runs it smoothly down my back. He turns me around to face him, his hands pulling me closer. His calloused hands caress my back and smoothly down my sides. He covers my ample breasts and fondles them with his hands. A soft moan involuntarily escapes my lips.

I watch his eyes darken as my nipples tighten underneath his touch. He catch my eyes staring at him and I blush. He keeps eye contact as he slides his hands down my waist then my backside. I chew on my bottom lip, stopping myself from moaning.

I'm completely hairless down there and I think he likes it. He strokes softly between my legs then down my thighs. His gentle touch is heart warming. How can he be so much like a gentleman?

He finishes down my feet and ends the sweet torture on my body. He grabs my hands and pours liquid soap on my palms, pressing them on his chest. Does he want me to.. touch him?

Still, I look up at him, searching for his approval yet all I see is his lust. His lust for me. I've never seen that look on any man's eyes before. It's scary and hot at the same time.

My eyes slowly wander down his ripped chest as I touch his skin. He shivers slightly underneath my touch and his hands fist by his sides as if he's keeping himself from touching me. I run my fingers smoothly down his abs and feel every indent.

I'm still in a daze when he suddenly grabs my shoulders, cups my face, and kisses me deeply, pressing me against the tiles. His tongue seeks mine. I'm new to this so I follow his lead to a deeper kiss. He grabs my thighs and hoists me up on his hips. I wrap my arms around his neck for support.

"You haven't kissed any man before, have you?" he asks huskily against my lips, more like a threat than a question itself.

"No," I answer honestly.
