
Chapter 7

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, completely puzzled with his actions. Why is he so sweet and so caring all of a sudden? This is so confusing.

"I want to take care of you." He says it like it's that simple. That he didn't just take me away in replace of my father's debt debt.

"But why? It's not like I'm your wife or anything."

His eyes have darkened as he looks at me with a glare. "You will be soon enough."

What does that even mean?

He leaves me confused as he proceeds to dry me up with a clean white towel then wraps it around my body. He wraps another towel around me and we return to his room. He leads me towards his walk-in closet and removes his towel around his hips.

I look away, blushing. He really is ripped everywhere. For a moment, I just want to touch him again and feel his muscles with my fingers. Pursing my lips, I try my best to stop my thoughts. This is not the time to succumb to my desires. As if knowing how I'm feeling, he looks into my eyes for a moment then down at my lips, touching it with his thumb. Then he shakes his head as if trying to stop himself.

Then he takes a shirt and a boxer from his closet and gives it to me. "Wear this." He turns around and gives me some space to get dressed. Then after that, he wears some boxers and drags me back to his room. He climbs over the bed and I stand in front of him, just staring. I don't know if I can stay on the same bed with him. The hot session in the shower definitely shouldn't turn to something more. This is really awkward for me. I don't know what to do.

He shifts comfortably on his large bed and leans back on the pillows. "Come here," he orders. When I still don't move, he says, "Don't make me come and get you." With a sigh, I walk reluctantly to the side of the bed and climb over the edge.

"Lay down," he orders, patting the space beside him.

I look at him warily and his face doesn't take no for an answer. I lay down on the bed. At least, as far away from him as possible. I pull the covers up my chin and turn to my side, away from him, thinking over all the things that happened today.

He took me away from home. I ran away and he found me. He took me back and showered with me. He saw me naked and kissed me. He gave me my first kiss. Now, I'm on his bed and I'm feeling hot again. I can't even think straight with him right beside me.

A strong arm suddenly wraps around my waist under the covers and he hugs me from behind. He pulls down the sleeve of my shirt and kisses my bare shoulder, nuzzling his face into my neck. I take sudden intake of breath. I'm too shocked to move. He snakes his hand under the shirt I'm wearing and touches my stomach, reaching up and resting just below my breast. His skin is warm against mine. I feel butterflies erupting in my belly.

Tugging my bottom lip under my teeth, I slowly snake my hand under my shirt and place it over his. I try to remove his hand on me but he covers my little hand and intertwines our fingers, keeping it there. I try to ignore the way his thumb strokes gently on my palm. It's strangely comforting.

We stay like that for a while. His breathing against my ear. His chest against my back. Our hands intertwined. When I hear his even breathing which might indicate he's finally asleep, I quickly try to think of ways to get away from him.

I slowly remove his heavy arm around me. I move away carefully and put a pillow in replace of myself. He hugs it and nuzzles his face into it. I can't help but roll my eyes. Tiptoeing quietly to the door, I gently turn the knob and It silently clicks open. Only to be slammed back closed with a heavy force.

I jump in fear as I see him standing in front of me, his hand pressed against the door. His eyes have turned dark and cold. "Get back. Now," he growls.

Tears swell in my eyes. Bowing my head, I walk back into bed. He follows closely after me. Once I get under the covers, he keeps a firm grip around my waist and keeps me locked around his strong arms.

"This is my last warning," he states dangerously. "I won't hesitate to use force on you if I have to, if it means you'll stay."

My heart pace quickens. "I don't understand," I mutter under my breath.

"It means you're mine, baby doll, and you don't have a choice."

I want to say I'm not his. That he doesn't own me. But I'm too tired to speak and argue. I'm frustrated. With a sigh, I feel myself getting comfortable with his warmth surrounding me. Sleepiness slowly takes me in and darkness blurs my vision. I fall asleep in his arms, thinking about his last statement over and over again.