
Chapter 5

"Fine," I grunt, looking over the plate of lasagna before me as if it's poisoned. I feel my stomach growling and I just can't help but take a bite. As soon as I start eating, I feel his presence beside me. Mouth full, I look up.

His face looks amused and his eyes zone over to my lips. Before I can react, he rubs his thumb over the corner of my lips and wipes it over his tongue, tasting the remnants of my food. I blush deeply. I've never seen anything so erotic.

His eyes seem to be on fire as he watches me biting my bottom lip. I look away and continue to eat then I feel his presence behind me. His strong arms wrap around my waist and he places his chin above my head so that I'm pressed against his chest and trapped between him and the table. I shift uncomfortably, not having the strength to push him away.

What is he doing?

Oblivious to my discomfort, he kisses the top of my head and nuzzles into my neck. "Stay here," he whispers in my ear, his voice warning, then he leaves.

As soon as he's gone, the same girl with thick brunette bangs walks in and she places a strawberry milkshake beside my plate. My mouth waters. As she turns around to leave, I call, "Wait."

She stops and bows her head, avoiding eye contact. "Yes, Luna?"


"Um, can I use the bathroom?" I ask. I definitely don't plan to stay here for so long. I need to find my way out of here.

"Yes, it's right at the end of the hall." She points towards left and I nod my head. She goes away without another word.

Finishing my food, I take my strawberry milkshake and stand up from my seat. I walk towards the end of the hall. Why is this house so big? It's like a maze. I can definitely get lost in here.

I walk downstairs and see the bathroom. Wow, it's really big. This is twice the size of my bedroom. I place down my milkshake on the counter and tiptoe towards the window. It's closed so I open it. I raise one leg and carefully fit myself through. The large shirt I'm wearing shifts upward due to the narrow space and ends up around my waist. My pink underwear shows and I feel the wind blowing against my skin.

I duck my head under the windshield and my feet touch the ground. Soft grass stroke my feet and excitement surges through me. I'm free! I'm finally free! I raise my head and look around. The woods surround the place and suddenly I remember home. My father. The city. I desperately want to go back home.

Without second thoughts, I run as fast as I can towards the forest. The trees surround me and I feel the fresh wind kissing my face. I don't know what I'm thinking running to the forest and all but it seems necessary to not think straight at the moment. I feel like I just need to get away from here without thinking of the consequences.

It isn't long until a loud ferocious growl echoes around the woods. Birds fly away and right then I really wish to become a bird and fly away, too.

The ground shakes beneath my bare feet. I stop running in fear as I hear a growl behind me. Turning around, I gasp and fall on my butt. An enormous pitch black wolf is standing in front of me. His eyes are dark and cold. I suddenly remember the handsome stranger who captured me. They have the exact same eyes.

The wolf stalks towards me in dangerous steps and rounds me as if caging his prey. My hair curtains around my face. I feel scared for my life as I hug myself, suddenly feeling cold and suddenly hating myself for running away in only my underwear. Good thing my shirt reaches my thighs. I think it's enough to cover me. The wolf steps towards me and stops. I close my eyes.

Strong arms suddenly wrap around me and I'm being lifted off the ground. I open my eyes and I gasp in shock. What the hell? I see my handsome captor looking down at me while carrying me in his arms. So where is the wolf?

I shift in his arms. "Did you see the wolf?!" I ask, completely frightened, as I look behind us, searching for the terrifying wolf. He shakes his head and chuckles. I look at him, wide-eyed.

"The wolf ran away from me," he states then his face becomes so serious. "Don't ever try to run away again," he scolds, his voice deadly. "Wild wolves wander around this forest. But if you ever try to escape again, I will always always find you. Remember that."

I gulp, nodding my head. I guess it was a stupid idea. Wolves could have eaten me if he wasn't here. He walks us towards the direction of his mansion and I lean my head on his shoulder, feeling safe. "Thank you," I murmur softly to his neck, "for saving my life."

He kisses my forehead. His lips linger on my skin and it tingles. I don't know why. "I'll always protect you, baby doll," he mutters under his breath. "Always."