
American TV Shows & Movies: Reincarnated as a Girl.

"fu*k you, goddess! i don't wanna be a girl." Alex cursed the goddess. Story of a man named Alex garrison, because of a misunderstanding he got reincarnated as girl in Movie/TV show world. journey of him who is now she. how this story go on as he lived as a girl. and becomes famous mysterious billionaire or trillionaire of the world. _______ Powers: 1) Tony starks mind and talent. 2) Total recall of his past life. 3) ability from the manhwa 'sweet guy' without any side effects and perfect control.( you can check out this manhwa or pornhwa on manganato.) _______ TV shows or drama series: Modern family, Euphoria(2019). Movies: Mean girls(2004), John wick(all), Fast and furious (which one hasn't decided). I can add more if required. ________ disclaimer: I don't own any of the TV shows and movies and characters. I only created mc and his family. all the character are fictional. so Don't be offended by it. _______ Mc likes girls, so don't say ,"it will not be a gender bender if he likes girl." it will be harem, but not a big one only 3-5 girls. [Warning: Mc can be little manipulative.] they can selected by voting the comments. _____ English is not the main language I use, so if they is any mistake please let me know. thanks.

TrueTruth6t · Movies
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97 Chs

Viggo's End.

<General perspective>

John was waiting in the luggage area when he saw Wilson walking in his direction with his usual smile.

Wilson sat in front of John and asked, "So, what do you need?"

John replied, "I want to put a bounty."

Wilson was surprised by what John said. "You said a bounty, not guns?"

John nodded. Wilson chuckled, "You know, John, I've known you for a while, but I never thought the famous John Wick would put a bounty on someone. So, who is this unlucky person?"

John replied, "It's not one person. I want to put a bounty on everyone currently associated with Viggo Tarasov within one hour, except for his son and himself. The bounty will activate after an hour."

Wilson frowned and looked at John with wide eyes. "John, when did you learn such mind games and planning? The John I know only knows how to pull a trigger and kill."

John's mouth twitched as he said, "Can you stop calling me an idiot assassin?"

Wilson laughed a little and asked, "Okay, so what's the bounty amount?"

John showed Wilson one finger and said, "One million."

Wilson nodded and said, "1,000,000 is a small amount for the number of people that work for Viggo."

John shook his head and said, "I said 1 million for one head."

Wilson frowned and said, "John, do you know what this means? There are more than 200 men under Viggo; that's 200 million dollars."

John showed Wilson his bank account with 350 million dollars in it.

Wilson looked at the balance, turned to John, and said, "You found a filthy rich boss, John."

John nodded and said, "Well, the bounty is to instill fear. If people know that anyone who works with Viggo will have a 1 million bounty on their head after an hour, they will stop working with him out of fear of assassination."

Wilson just smiled and nodded. He picked up the telephone and called the head department for the bounty, describing the specifics of the bounty.

After the call ended, John said, "Now you have to spread this news."

Wilson nodded and asked, "Do you need anything else?"

John thought for a moment and said, "A dagger with a bottle of poison used in torture."

Wilson nodded and asked, while looking at John's face, "I will get that for you, but what happened to you, John?"

John frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Wilson replied, "Well, you look younger, calmer, and more collected than before."

John sighed, knowing he was wearing contact lenses to hide his purple eyes. He said, "I am trying to live a healthy and fit life."

Wilson nodded and patted John's shoulder, "That's good. Take care of Helen."

John was surprised and looked at Wilson, asking, "How do you know?"

Wilson smiled and said, "You can't be this happy if Helen wasn't alive."

John sighed and said, "Don't let anyone know about it."

Wilson nodded and stood up, saying, "She is also my daughter; you don't have to worry."

Wilson walked towards the weapons room, with John following him.

Inside the room, Wilson took out a dagger and handed it to John. "It's the sharpest I have. It's made of solid titanium."

(Pic in the comment)

John took the dagger in his hand, swung it a few times, and said, "It's good."

Wilson then took out three bottles with different colored liquids inside them and said, "I only have three types of poison used for torture."

John looked at them and asked, "Which one gives the most pain?"

Wilson picked up a bottle with dark purple liquid inside it and said, "This is ATX-TD. It's the blood of a unique organism mixed with some chemicals. It can damage body tissues faster than fire and gives a person pain equal to a third-degree burn when it gets into the blood."

While John was selecting his weapon and suit, news about the unique bounty on anyone associated with Viggo spread.

All the people who were working with or for Viggo started to cut ties with him. Viggo grew tense because of John's return and his subordinates leaving his side one after another.

After one hour, only 10 to 15 people remained who were truly loyal to Viggo. However, then assassins started killing Viggo's remaining subordinates.

After another hour, only Viggo was alive in the entire building, while his son had been hiding for the last three weeks.

A Mustang stopped in front of Viggo's building. John walked inside slowly. After getting to the third floor, he saw Viggo on his knees with bloodstains on his face.

John took a seat in front of Viggo. Viggo looked at John in horror. John smiled while looking at Viggo, took out the dagger and bottle of poison, poured half of the poison on the dagger, and walked toward Viggo.

Viggo looked around, picked up a gun, and shot five bullets at John. Even after being hit by five bullets, John's expression didn't change; he was still walking towards Viggo with a smile.

Viggo's eyes widened as one bullet hit John's head, but only red and orange glowing cracks appeared and then disappeared again.

Viggo put the gun to his own head, but John cut Viggo's finger, which was holding the trigger, with a dagger to stop Viggo from killing himself.

Viggo screamed in pain as he felt the agony increase when the poison came in contact with his blood.

John placed his phone on a stand and started recording. He then sat next to Viggo, who was still screaming in pain. John sighed and said, "Viggo, tell me where your son is, and I will let you live."

Viggo screamed at John, "You devil, you are not human...ah...ah..."

John shook his head and said while playing with the dagger, "I am more human than you, Viggo. I am giving you an offer: give your son's life in exchange for yours."

Viggo didn't answer for minutes while he was still in pain. John sighed and stabbed the dagger into Viggo's hand, causing him to scream even louder.

John asked, "Tell me, or I can stab you 400 more times."

Viggo shivered and told John about losaf's location, but John already knew losaf's location and realized that Viggo was lying.

John looked at Viggo and said, "Viggo, I don't like lies, so you have to pay for it."

Viggo's eyes widened, thinking about how John knew he was lying. John then stabbed Viggo in his other hand.

Viggo felt he could faint from the pain, but John took a glass of water and splashed it on Viggo's face, saying, "You can't faint until you inform me about your son's location."

To be Continued....

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

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