
American TV Shows & Movies: Reincarnated as a Girl.

"fu*k you, goddess! i don't wanna be a girl." Alex cursed the goddess. Story of a man named Alex garrison, because of a misunderstanding he got reincarnated as girl in Movie/TV show world. journey of him who is now she. how this story go on as he lived as a girl. and becomes famous mysterious billionaire or trillionaire of the world. _______ Powers: 1) Tony starks mind and talent. 2) Total recall of his past life. 3) ability from the manhwa 'sweet guy' without any side effects and perfect control.( you can check out this manhwa or pornhwa on manganato.) _______ TV shows or drama series: Modern family, Euphoria(2019). Movies: Mean girls(2004), John wick(all), Fast and furious (which one hasn't decided). I can add more if required. ________ disclaimer: I don't own any of the TV shows and movies and characters. I only created mc and his family. all the character are fictional. so Don't be offended by it. _______ Mc likes girls, so don't say ,"it will not be a gender bender if he likes girl." it will be harem, but not a big one only 3-5 girls. [Warning: Mc can be little manipulative.] they can selected by voting the comments. _____ English is not the main language I use, so if they is any mistake please let me know. thanks.

Alex_D_Locke · Movies
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98 Chs

Mission day (Part - 2)

<General perspective>

Lee and Evelyn frowned as Ava said she was not from this planet.

Beau looked at them in fascination and asked in sign language, "Do you look like us?" Evelyn tried to stop him, but it was too late.

Ava looked at Elena and Andy, then turned to Lee and Evelyn as her helmet contracted and revealed her face. The entire Abbott family was surprised. Ava chuckled when she saw their expressions and asked, "What did you guys think I looked like?"

Marcus said, "They thought you might have long ears or look a little different," as Evelyn closed his mouth.

Andy chuckled and said, "That's something new. I think long ears might suit you, Ava, as nothing is normal about you."

Elena also chuckled, as Ava pushed Andy to the side with half force, which made Andy crash into a tree 15 meters away.

The Abbott family was shocked by Ava's power. Andy shouted, "Hey, that's not fair! I could have gotten hurt."

Ava looked to the other side of the bridge and spotted a creature running toward them. She aimed her A3-Z and fired a concentrated energy blast that hit the creature in the head, instantly killing it.

Ava looked at Andy and said with a smile, "You were blocking my view."

Andy sighed and said, "That is just an excuse to push me."

Ava made a clueless expression and said, "Oh really? But I don't think that push was enough to hurt you, teacher."

Andy stood up and said, "Oh really, my student?"

Evelyn held Lee's hand as Lee asked hesitantly, "So, what's your purpose for coming to this planet, and do these creatures have something to do with you?"

Ava replied seriously, "I found out about this planet 9 days ago, and I don't know about them. All I know is that they are extraterrestrial creatures who can survive in space and are sensitive to sound."

Ava continued, "As for our purpose, we want to take control of the resources of this world."

Lee nodded, understanding that it was a logical reason to explore other planets for resources. It was just a galactic level of colonization.

Lee asked, "Can we follow you?" He thought his family would be safer with them.

Ava looked at the Abbott family and said, "Okay, you can follow us. Just don't try anything funny."

Lee nodded and looked at his family, then said to Evelyn, "Even if they are here for resources, they might need people to work, and we need a safe place for our children."

Both of them looked at Beau, Marcus, and Regan. Evelyn nodded and said, "Okay, we will talk with them."

After that, Abbott started walking in the same direction they had come from, with Ava, Elena, and Andy. After a minute, they reached a Hummer.

(Pic in the comment)

Ava took the driver's seat, Elena sat next to her, while Andy and the Abbott family made some adjustments to fit in the back. They introduced themselves to Ava, Elena, and Andy.

Ava started driving the Hummer and spoke into the communicator, "John, is the north side clear?"

John replied, "It's clear. I don't see any of them in the north, even after making loud noise."

Ava nodded and asked, "Ares, is the east clear?"

Ares replied, "The east is clear, but some people who claim to be from the military were trying out our weapons."

Ava snorted and asked, "So what did you do?"

Queenie answered instead of Ares, "I punched them in the face and knocked them out."

Ava chuckled and said, "That was great, Aunt Meg. They deserved it."

Queenie, looking at A3-Z in her hand, said, "Of course. How could they even think of stealing my baby from my hand?"

Ava laughed a little and said, "Okay, everyone, return to the checkpoint we decided on."

Everyone on the other side of the communicator nodded.

Ava looked at Elena and said, "Next time, don't run with this idiot teacher of mine."

Andy looked at Ava and said, "Hey, it's cruel to call your own teacher an idiot."

Elena said, "Miss Andy is kind of fun."

Andy smiled and said, "See, someone likes my company."

Ava put the car on autopilot and turned to Elena as her helmet contracted. Elena was surprised that the helmet contracted without her permission.

Ava smiled and said, "I said you can control the armor, but I never said you are the only one who can control it."

Ava touched Elena's face and said, "You know, I feel jealous when you take someone else's side." Elena's face turned red as Ava kissed her on the lips. Lee and Evelyn covered their kids' eyes, while the children tried to peek through the gaps between their fingers.

Andy interjected, "Ava, you are so manipulative. You're trying to seduce my only follower."

Ava hugged Elena and pulled her towards herself, saying, "What do you mean by seduce? She is my girlfriend. I have every right to have a romantic moment with her." Elena was still in a daze because of the kiss.

Andy thought as she looked at the Abbott family and said, "But, you can see, there are kids here."

Ava looked at Regan, Marcus, and Beau and asked, "Kids, is it wrong to kiss a person you love?"

Regan, Marcus, and Beau shook their heads. Ava smiled and turned to Andy, "See, even kids know about this kind of thing. Andy, you should date someone, as I think you are just frustrated from being alone for a long time."

Andy felt her heart being stabbed by Ava's words and being indirectly called single. Andy glared at Ava, saying, "You..."

Andy looked at Evelyn and said with a pitiful tone, "Did you see that, Mrs. Abbott? Is this the way to treat your elder? I am turning 40 this year."

Before Evelyn could say anything, Ava snapped her fingers, causing Andy's helmet to contract, revealing her young face. They realized Andy had lied about her age.

Ava looked at Lee and Evelyn and said, "She did lie. She is 64 years old." Lee and Evelyn's eyes widened as they saw Andy's young face, and Ava repeated, "64 years old."

Andy sighed and said, "Ava, it's not a good thing to reveal a woman's age."

"Ava replied, 'But I said the truth. It's not a good thing to lie, teacher.'

Andy said, 'Oh really? A 15-year-old is teaching me that.' Lee and Evelyn were again surprised by Ava's age, as they thought Ava was the leader of this group."

Elena snapped out of her daze and looked at them, saying seriously, "Could you two please stop?"

Andy and Ava exchanged glances and burst into laughter. Andy replied, "We were just trying to start a conversation to keep ourselves entertained, isn't that right, Ava?"

Ava nodded in agreement, "Absolutely."

To be Continued....

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]