
American TV Shows & Movies: Reincarnated as a Girl.

"fu*k you, goddess! i don't wanna be a girl." Alex cursed the goddess. Story of a man named Alex garrison, because of a misunderstanding he got reincarnated as girl in Movie/TV show world. journey of him who is now she. how this story go on as he lived as a girl. and becomes famous mysterious billionaire or trillionaire of the world. _______ Powers: 1) Tony starks mind and talent. 2) Total recall of his past life. 3) ability from the manhwa 'sweet guy' without any side effects and perfect control.( you can check out this manhwa or pornhwa on manganato.) _______ TV shows or drama series: Modern family, Euphoria(2019). Movies: Mean girls(2004), John wick(all), Fast and furious (which one hasn't decided). I can add more if required. ________ disclaimer: I don't own any of the TV shows and movies and characters. I only created mc and his family. all the character are fictional. so Don't be offended by it. _______ Mc likes girls, so don't say ,"it will not be a gender bender if he likes girl." it will be harem, but not a big one only 3-5 girls. [Warning: Mc can be little manipulative.] they can selected by voting the comments. _____ English is not the main language I use, so if they is any mistake please let me know. thanks.

TrueTruth6t · Movies
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losaf's End.

<General perspective>

Viggo felt he couldn't bear the pain as he told John where Iosaf was.

John nodded, realizing this time the location was right. He knocked Viggo down, tied his legs with a rope, grabbed his hand, and started dragging him to the ground floor. After reaching the car, John threw Viggo in the backseat and tied his hands.

John then drove the car to the abandoned building where Iosaf was hiding. He parked the car and started dragging Viggo to the underground floor. Upon reaching the door, John destroyed it and entered, finding Iosaf on the bed with two women.

Iosaf looked at John in shock. John signaled two women to leave. The women grabbed their clothes and money from Iosaf and left the place.

Iosaf asked in fear, "How did you get here?"

John threw Viggo on the bed and showed Iosaf a video of Viggo informing John about Iosaf's location. However, John only showed the part where Viggo confessed, not the part where he was tortured.

losaf looked at his father with a betrayed expression, but he knew that his father might be tortured. John put a gun to losaf's head as losaf begged for mercy. John smiled and said, "You have two options: either you die, or you kill your father."

losaf looked at his father and thought, 'Dad is old; he can only live for a few more years, but I am young and still have a long life ahead.'

losaf looked at John and said, "I will kill my father."

John smiled and handed losaf a gun with one bullet, while still holding a gun to losaf's head.

John looked at Iosaf, pointing a gun at Viggo's head, and said, "This isn't fun. Hey, grab that glass of water and pour it on your father's face."

Iosaf hesitated, but when he felt the gun's muzzle touch his head and John shouted, "Do it," he picked up the glass with one hand and poured it on Viggo's face.

Viggo regained consciousness and saw Iosaf holding a gun to his head and John holding one to Iosaf's head.

Iosaf looked at his father and said, "Sorry, Dad, but I want to live."

Viggo chuckled and said, "Do you think John will..."

Before Viggo could complete his sentence, Iosaf shot him in the head.

John laughed and said, "You should have heard him."

Iosaf was confused but he asked, "Now let me go."

John chuckled and said, "I never said I would let you live. I just said you would kill your father." As he spoke, John cut losaf's hand with a dagger.

losaf screamed in pain. John looked at him and said, "This was the hand you used to shoot my wife."

John began stabbing losaf all over his body with inhuman speed until losaf died from a heart attack.

Kicking losaf's body to the side, John snorted, "Kids these days think they're gangsters. They can't even handle a simple torture."

For satisfaction, John shot losaf in the head, then placed a detonator in the room. He left the building, got into his car, and drove to a safe distance before pressing the button to detonate the bomb.

John looked at the fire on the building from a distance, sighed, and said, "Now it's the new start of my new life."


After waking up and getting fresh, Ava began analyzing the fragments of meteorites that drones had collected. Ava and Elena then designed two different versions of Calistos, with Ava implementing the designs in manufacturing using microbots and nanobots.

Elena asked, "Why are you creating a different design?"

Ava replied, "Because I want to use it to wipe out those creatures."

Elena became confused and asked, "But how?"

Ava explained, "My design is intended to be used as a weapon, whereas yours is for energy generation only."

Noticing Elena's continued confusion, Ava further explained that the alien creatures also had brains, so Calisto's electromagnetic pulse blast could clear the whole city in just a second.

Elena, concerned, asked, "But won't it harm us too?"

Ava nodded and replied, "Well, the suits I create can protect you from the EMP blast."

Elena became even more confused, wondering how a suit using electricity could survive an EMP blast.

Ava then explained to Elena about the core of the suit, clarifying that it has its own energy source and operates on pure energy, not electricity. She demonstrated this by showing Elena a small arc reactor she had created earlier that morning.

Elena's eyes widened as she saw that Ava had a controllable reactor that fit in the palm of her hand. Elena sighed and looked at Ava, saying, "You know, I should stop being surprised by anything you create or do. It didn't even shock me that much when you created a controllable reactor that produces completely clean energy."

Ava simply smiled at Elena's response.

Later, Ava, Evelyn, and Nora prepared breakfast for everyone, while Queenie, Andy, Ares, and Elena went out for a walk. After breakfast, Ava informed them that they would clear the entire continent of the USA that day.

Ava then created a spaceship for fast travel using nanobots and microbots. Since the spaceship was huge, Ava constructed it outside the factory.

As the spaceship was completed, everyone's eyes widened at the sight of it. Beau looked at it with sparkling eyes and said to Regan, "Now we can go to space."

(Pic in the comment)

Ava chuckled upon hearing Beau's question and replied, "Well, this ship can take us to space, but we're not leaving this planet."

Beau looked at Ava, puzzled, and asked, "But why?"

Ava explained, "Because we're going to make this place a utopia."

Though Beau didn't understand what a utopia was, he still nodded.

Andy touched the spaceship and declared, "This baby is mine now."

Ava smiled and responded, "Of course, it's yours, teacher."

Andy looked at Ava with sparkling eyes, asking, "You're not lying, right?"

Ava shook her head. "Of course not, why would I lie?"

After half an hour, Ava created three more spaceships. Then, she noticed the data on meteorite fragments had just been completed, surprising her.

Elena observed Ava staring at the screen and asked curiously, "What happened?"

Ava replied, "I was analyzing the data on the fragments of the meteorites and found that it contains a very unique metal."

Ares inquired, "What's so special about it?"

Ava explained, "Well, I need more time to learn about it as this metal is entirely new to me, but I want to collect every meteorite that falls on Earth."

To be Continued...

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

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