
American TV Shows & Movies: Reincarnated as a Girl.

"fu*k you, goddess! i don't wanna be a girl." Alex cursed the goddess. Story of a man named Alex garrison, because of a misunderstanding he got reincarnated as girl in Movie/TV show world. journey of him who is now she. how this story go on as he lived as a girl. and becomes famous mysterious billionaire or trillionaire of the world. _______ Powers: 1) Tony starks mind and talent. 2) Total recall of his past life. 3) ability from the manhwa 'sweet guy' without any side effects and perfect control.( you can check out this manhwa or pornhwa on manganato.) _______ TV shows or drama series: Modern family, Euphoria(2019). Movies: Mean girls(2004), John wick(all), Fast and furious (which one hasn't decided). I can add more if required. ________ disclaimer: I don't own any of the TV shows and movies and characters. I only created mc and his family. all the character are fictional. so Don't be offended by it. _______ Mc likes girls, so don't say ,"it will not be a gender bender if he likes girl." it will be harem, but not a big one only 3-5 girls. [Warning: Mc can be little manipulative.] they can selected by voting the comments. _____ English is not the main language I use, so if they is any mistake please let me know. thanks.

TrueTruth6t · Movies
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97 Chs

First task.

<General perspective>

After John and Deckard left, Ava addressed the remaining people, "So everyone, we've got work to do."

Ava then looked at Ares, Andy, and Queenie and said, "Can you guys gather a large amount of material?" She showed them a map with some marked locations.

Pointing at the marks on the map, Ava said, "These are the locations of the materials. I need you to get everything from these factories and warehouses."

Ares asked, "We can't do this alone, Ava."

Ava nodded and said, "I know that. That's why Lee, Evelyn, Emmett, and Nora are here to help."

Ava continued, showing them some images of a military base, "This military base is completely deserted after the creature attacks, so we can get four military helicopters for our use to transport the materials quickly."

Andy glanced at Ava and asked, "You want to use military helicopters for transportation?"

Ava nodded, "Yeah, it will be faster that way."

Andy sighed and said, "But only Meg and I know how to pilot helicopters."

Ava replied, "Well, Elena, Ares, and I also know how to pilot them, right Elena?"

Elena nodded while Andy asked, "Then what about the others?"

Ava said, "The others can use trucks. There's a truck company 2 km south of here, and they have at least 10 to 12 trucks."

Queenie nodded and asked, "Are you coming with us?"

Ava shook her head and said, "No, I have some work here, and there are kids here, so I think it's better if I stay."

Andy muttered, "Just say that you want to be lazy."

Ava looked at Andy with an evil smile and asked, "Did you say something, teacher?"

Andy felt a shiver down her back, "No, nothing."

Elena, Queenie, and Ares chuckled while looking at Andy.

Then, Elena, Queenie, Ares, and Andy left in a Hummer and drove to the military base that Ava showed them on the map.

After they left, Lee, Evelyn, Nora, and Emmett were still in the VR world. Ava looked at the kids and said, "Hey, guys, come here and have a seat." She took out snacks she had brought with her.

The kids meekly took seats. Ava smiled and offered them snacks, "Here, have some snacks."

The kids hesitated as their parents were unconscious, wearing some weird helmets. Ava saw their expressions and, taking a bite of a chocolate bar, said, "See, it's safe."

The kids saw this and started eating the snacks. Marcus looked at Ava and asked, "Miss, if I eat chips, those creatures won't attack me, right?"

As Beau said that, everyone stopped eating. Ava looked at them and replied, "This place is safe. You don't have to worry about those creatures here." She munched on some chips and said, "See, did something happen?"

The kids looked around and sighed, then started eating again. Ava started working on making microbots with the tools and materials she had.

After three hours, Ava had created 40 microbots. At the same time, Lee, Evelyn, Emmett, and Nora emerged from the VR world after their training and took off their helmets.

The kids saw that their parents were conscious and hugged them. Their parents patted them. Ava approached and asked, "So, how was the training?"

Evelyn replied, "A little difficult, but we managed to complete it."

Ava nodded and said, "Okay, I have a task for the four of you."

Lee and Emmett nodded, and Lee asked, "What is the task?"

Ava took out four phones and said, "These phones can be used for communication, and they have the locations of a truck company where there are 10 to 12 trucks. I want you four to use those trucks to load and transport material from the warehouses marked on the map."

Emmett asked, "What about the creatures that might attack us during transportation?"

Ava replied, "My team and I have cleared a 1000-mile radius around this area. There will be drones with you and these guns for safety." Ava placed four A3-Z guns on the table.

Emmett said, looking at the A3-Z, "Are you sure you want to give these to us?"

Ava replied, "These guns work with biometric chips, so others can't use them. But still, be careful." Ava added their biometrics to the A3-Zs.

Ava then bid farewell to Lee, Evelyn, Nora, and Emmett. The four of them left in a Hummer and drove to the truck factory.

An hour after Lee, Evelyn, Nora, and Emmett left, Ava heard a loud noise of a helicopter outside the factory. She went outside while the kids were playing video games. Ava saw a helicopter with two drones on each side.

Ava spoke into her communicator, "Ares, drop the package and go back to get the second package." Ares, who was piloting the helicopter, dropped a huge box in front of Ava.

After dropping the package, Ares piloted the helicopter back in the direction she had come from. Ava opened the package and took out all the materials, saying, "Katie, control all the microbots I created and start making more microbots."

Katie replied, "Got it, miss."

Ava then looked at her watch and said, "Katie, use the microbots to bring the material inside. I have to go back for a call. Use drones to secure this place."

Katie said, "Yes, miss."

Ava looked at the kids and asked, "Guys, do you want to go to the beach?"

The kids looked at each other as Regan asked in sign language, "Isn't the beach too far and dangerous?"

Ava patted Regan's head and said, "I'm a magician. I can take you to my world where there are no alien creatures."

Regan and all the other kids looked at Ava with sparkling eyes.

Ava smiled and asked, "Katie, how much time will it take for their family members to get here with the materials?"

Katie replied, "At least eight hours. They will arrive at night."

Ava nodded and opened a portal to her villa in Houston, saying, "Okay, kids, that's the portal we are going to pass through."

Beau and Zach started running towards the portal while Marcus and Regan tried to stop them. Ava chuckled and followed them.

After the kids passed through the portal, they saw another high-tech lab. Ava, along with Regan and Marcus, also passed through the portal and said, "Okay, guys, let me show you the beach."

To be Continued...

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

[Author's note: There are some changes in "A Quiet Place" movie. For example, one of Emmett's sons survived the attack of the alien creature, and his name is Zach.]

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

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