
American Adventure

Majestic five millennia of Chinese civilization, marred by a mere century of humiliation. How many treasures have been lost overseas? Fine porcelain, exquisite jade, all taken away! From the Orient, from the Occident, all are mine! If you've eaten what's mine, regurgitate it; if you've taken what's mine, return it! Antiques, curios, delicacies, beauties, none shall escape my grasp! Behold how Jin Muchen, with his golden eyes and indomitable spirit, rises against all odds in the land of America!

jojokria · Urban
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65 Chs

061 Randy is a mess

When Helen returned from the restroom, she saw Jin Muchen and Randy sitting close, laughing and talking together.

She raised her delicate eyebrows slightly, "Oh, Muchen, do you know Randy?"

"Yes! But we've only just met a few days ago. We've played pool together a couple of times."

"Indeed, it's quite surprising. Mr. Jin, it turns out you are acquainted with Miss Helen," Randy said with a sycophantic smile. Helen chose to sit on Jin Muchen's right side, tacitly accepting Randy into their small circle.

Seeing Helen's lack of opposition, Randy was delighted. He quickly called over the red-haired bartender and ordered drinks and various snacks for the three of them.

"By the way, I heard Hoffman was ill. How is he recovering?" Helen asked suddenly amidst their idle chatter. Randy's expression changed abruptly upon hearing the question, showing a mix of hatred and confusion, but not a trace of concern for his relative.

Considering Randy's current actions—gambling in a bar while his father lay critically ill in a hospital bed—it was understandable why he looked that way. Jin Muchen despised Randy inwardly but kept his face impassive.

"My father is stable for now, but the long-term prognosis isn't good. The doctor said full recovery is impossible, and the crucial question is whether he can survive the winter."

Randy feigned a look of deep sorrow, but his poor acting did not deceive Jin Muchen or Helen, who both chose to remain silent.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Helen said, then smoothly changed the subject. "By the way, Randy, weren't you working on some construction projects in Florida a few years ago? They seemed quite successful."

Randy's face turned various shades of red and green. "Yes, I had several projects in Sarasota, mainly a new logistics port. Everything was set until there was a sudden change in the mayor's office, and now the project is on hold..."

He paused before turning to Helen. "Miss Helen, to be honest, meeting you here is fortuitous. I need your help with something."

The man's audacity was astounding—barely acquainted, and already making requests. Helen, however, did not reject him outright, smiling as she said, "Oh? What is it? Do tell."

"It's like this, Miss Helen. During the logistics port project in Sarasota, I had a partner named Gennaro Sorrentino. Because of the change in mayor, the project stalled, and I owe him a lot of money. You know Gennaro is not easy to deal with, but he seems to have a good relationship with your uncle. Could you perhaps speak to your uncle on my behalf to ask Gennaro for an extension on the debt?"

Randy was straightforward, clearly desperate, as he wouldn't be asking Helen otherwise. Helen gave no immediate response, while Randy cast a pleading glance at Jin Muchen, signaling for his support.

Jin Muchen remained silent, his mind racing as he pondered Helen's earlier words. No wonder she was so confident; she must have known Randy would come to her for help. She likely investigated my recent activities and discovered my interest in Randy, which is why she's here, using this opportunity to assist me.

Moreover, it seems Randy has tangled with the wrong person. This Gennaro Sorrentino, judging by the name alone, is likely of Latin descent, possibly Italian or South American, and quite possibly involved in organized crime. No wonder Randy is so terrified of him.

"Randy, how much do you owe Gennaro?" Helen asked casually.

"A million... um, with interest, probably around one-point-two million," Randy answered hesitantly, clearly afraid the large sum would deter Helen from helping.

"One-point-two million? That's no small amount," Helen remarked, her smile now tinged with amusement. Randy's heart sank at her reaction.

"Don't worry, Miss Helen. You know my father's condition; he doesn't have much time left. Once he passes, I'll inherit his estate and repay the debt promptly. Please, just ask your uncle to speak to Gennaro and give me a few more months."

At Randy's words, Helen burst into laughter, her mirth growing louder and more uncontrollable. Both Jin Muchen and Randy looked at her, bewildered.

"What's so funny, Miss Helen? You might doubt my ability to repay, but you can't question my father's. His Manhattan property alone is worth more than one-point-two million," Randy said, his voice quivering slightly, betraying his own uncertainty.

"Randy, you've been in Florida too long; you're out of touch with the situation here in New York!" Helen's expression turned mocking, her gaze filled with scorn and derision. Randy was utterly confused.

"What do you mean, Miss Helen?"

"Do you not know? During your time in Florida, Mr. Hoffman has been entirely cared for by your family's maid, Sophia. Their relationship seems quite... special. And here you are, waiting for Hoffman to die so you can inherit his fortune. Let me be blunt, Randy: once Hoffman passes, you'll likely be kicked out of that mansion. As for the Friedrich family's heir, it probably won't be you. The chances are higher for that Mexican maid, and who knows, you might already have a mixed-race sibling!"

Jin Muchen finally understood Helen's earlier demeanor towards Randy. Meanwhile, Randy sat there in shock, unable to process what he'd just heard.

"I knew it... I knew it... That old man insisted on keeping her around for a reason. It's because he couldn't part with that Mexican tramp..." Randy muttered to himself, but Jin Muchen and Helen heard every word clearly.

Jin Muchen now understood why Randy had fired all the old household staff upon returning home. He must have heard rumors before. Nevertheless, it seemed his worst fears had materialized, which brought a sinister smile to Jin Muchen's face. Randy, still in shock, was now the perfect prey.

"Randy, it's true that Gennaro knows my uncle. But you should be well aware of Gennaro's nature from your dealings with him. He's a man who values money over people. We might be able to buy you a few more months, but if you still can't pay up by then, you know what awaits you. And don't think about running; even if you flee to the ends of the earth, he'll find you."

Helen's words added to Randy's panic. He stared at his drink, utterly disoriented.

"So, what should I do?"

He seemed to be asking himself in a low voice, but Helen spoke up.

"In fact, you do have some options."

"Oh! Miss Helen, do you have a solution?" Randy suddenly looked up, his eyes wide with hope. He even reached out to grab Helen's hand, but she skillfully dodged.

"I don't have any brilliant solutions, but Randy, aren't you a bit dense?" Helen scolded, yet Randy wasn't angered. Instead, curiosity filled his mind. Why was Helen speaking this way?


"Randy, the person who can help you is sitting right beside you, yet you fail to see it. Are you not acting foolishly?" Helen pointed at Jin Muchen with a smile, leaving Randy puzzled as he turned to look at Jin Muchen.

"Him... I just met him. What can he do?"

"Listen, Randy. Your family's cash and real estate are out of reach for now. But I remember your family has quite a few antiques, right? Your grandfather's stories are well-known, and this gentleman here happens to be a rising antique dealer in Manhattan. If you can bring out some valuable items, I believe he won't hesitate to offer you a good price."

Helen smiled enticingly at Randy, her smile reminiscent of a cunning fox.

Randy finally understood what Helen meant by her suggestion. But when he glanced at Jin Muchen, he couldn't help but wonder: this Chinese guy? Yet, it didn't seem entirely impossible. After all, these Chinese people are among the wealthiest in the world.

"What are you hesitating for? If you keep delaying, even those antiques might end up belonging to that Mexican maid!"