
American Adventure

Majestic five millennia of Chinese civilization, marred by a mere century of humiliation. How many treasures have been lost overseas? Fine porcelain, exquisite jade, all taken away! From the Orient, from the Occident, all are mine! If you've eaten what's mine, regurgitate it; if you've taken what's mine, return it! Antiques, curios, delicacies, beauties, none shall escape my grasp! Behold how Jin Muchen, with his golden eyes and indomitable spirit, rises against all odds in the land of America!

jojokria · Urban
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65 Chs

060 Arrogant in front and respectful in back

However, what does it matter? It seems that what Jack said was right after all. Randy is indeed a despicable scoundrel. At this point, Jin Muchen no longer wishes to converse with Randy and only desires to teach him a harsh lesson.

In the past, Jin Muchen has encountered such situations in the United States before. Cultured white people always conceal their disdain for people of color. On the other hand, some lower-class white people exhibit blatant racism towards people of color. When Jin Muchen faced such situations before, he could only endure silently, as he didn't want to attract trouble from immigration authorities.

But now, with his green card, he no longer has to worry about such troubles. If need be, he can simply resort to lawsuits. Besides, he's not short of money anymore, so he doesn't have to tolerate such indignities.

Randy still glares fiercely at Jin Muchen. He harbors a natural animosity towards Asians, mainly stemming from a painful experience in high school where he lost his girlfriend to an Asian bookworm whom he despised. Since then, he has harbored hatred towards all Asians. Subsequently, he was expelled from both Yale and Princeton twice for orchestrating pranks with racial discrimination tendencies targeting Asians.

Over a decade has passed, and he hasn't reflected on his mistakes. Instead, he blames all his wrongdoings on Asians.

This Asian has been lingering in this bar for several days now. Someone has reminded him that this guy has been tailing him. Now, with his frustration, he intentionally vents his anger on Jin Muchen.

"Hey, Muchen, good evening! Are you drinking alone? Why didn't you invite me? You're really impolite." 

How did she come here? Jin Muchen was stunned.

With a familiar and charming voice, accompanied by a familiar fragrance, a petite beauty in red clothes, with dazzling golden hair, suddenly appeared beside him. It was Helen, who hadn't been seen for several days since the incident. Initially, Jin Muchen felt a little uncomfortable about it. After all, he had saved her life, but she didn't even show up to thank him. However, he later came to terms with it, especially after West helped him get the green card and Hurst gave him fifty thousand dollars. He realized they were from completely different worlds, so Helen not coming in person to thank him wasn't a big deal.

He never expected to see her again in the future, but who would have thought that Helen would appear beside him at this moment.

Seeing Jin Muchen looking a bit absent-minded, Helen smiled gently. "Hey! Staring at a beauty like this is very impolite. What's wrong? Are you unhappy to see me? Don't you want to invite me for a drink?"

Jin Muchen smiled wryly and shook his head, then asked Helen, "I have no problem buying you a drink, but there's a question: Are you already twenty-one?"

Helen looked a little annoyed. "Oh my God! You're such a killjoy. I'll be twenty-one in a few days. Besides, who cares about that now?"

"Ha-ha, you might not care, but I don't want to get into trouble with the law."

Jin Muchen chuckled and waved for the waitress, ordering a drink for Helen.

"By the way, how have you been these days? I haven't had a chance to thank you. I didn't come to thank you in person before, I'm really sorry. My dad grounded me, so I only have time to come out today."

Helen took a sip of her drink and looked at Jin Muchen. Jin Muchen waved his hand indifferently.

"It's nothing. Your father has expressed his gratitude for you. By the way, how are your friends?"

"My father is my father, and I am me. He can't represent me. Don't worry, I will definitely thank you in my own way."

As Helen spoke, she winked at Jin Muchen. Jin Muchen didn't quite understand her meaning, but he was surprised to see a figure sneaking up behind Helen, making their way towards them. That person was Randy, who had just been angry at him.

Randy seemed to recognize Helen and was obviously trying to strike up a conversation at this point. However, he also seemed somewhat embarrassed and awkward.

"Judy, Maria is recovering well. They asked me to thank you on their behalf. As for those 'cowboys,' they've already gone back to Texas."

"Hey, Miss Helen, is it you?"

By Helen and Jin Muchen's side, Randy, after sneaking around for a while, couldn't resist butting in. It was clear from his demeanor that he wanted to introduce himself and, if possible, establish a connection with Helen.

Helen herself is a socialite in New York's upper circles, not to mention her influential family background. Who wouldn't want to know such a girl?

However, Helen completely ignored Randy's attempt to catch her attention, continuing to converse with Jin Muchen with a smile. Randy's expression became increasingly awkward, but he gathered his courage and spoke up.

"Hello, Miss Helen."

"Excuse me? Who are you?"

Helen turned to look at him, her expression full of impatience and disdain. However, Randy seemed unconcerned, sporting a face of flattery.

"Hello, Miss Helen. Do you not remember me? A few years ago, at my father's sixtieth birthday party, you and your father attended my father's birthday party..."

Seeing Helen's continued puzzled expression, Randy quickly continued.

"My father is Hoffman. Friedrich, I am Randy. Friedrich!"

"Oh! So you're the son of Lawyer Hoffman!"

Helen's demeanor remained cold and she completely ignored Randy's outstretched hand. Randy withdrew his hand, but his face showed no sign of displeasure.

Being looked down upon time and time again is an unpleasant feeling, but who would allow themselves to be disdained when they're from the Hurst family? Some people don't even qualify to be looked down upon by them.

"Yes! It's rare that you still remember. I'm Randy! It's been many years, you're still so beautiful. By the way, is your father David doing well?"

At this moment, Randy completely lost the air of superiority he had when confronting Jin Muchen earlier. He looked more like a tail-wagging dog.

"Thank you for your praise. My father is also doing well. Thank you for your concern. Excuse me, if you don't mind, I have something to discuss with my friend."

Helen gave Randy no face at all, even treating him as if he were invisible. After saying that, she turned around. Just as she turned, the coldness on her face disappeared completely, replaced by a warm smile.

Randy could clearly see Helen's disdain for him, and he witnessed her change in attitude from coldness to warmth. He looked at the guy who was being greeted with a smile by Helen and felt a pang of worry. Damn, it seems Helen is quite close to this guy!

Who is this Asian guy after all? How could Helen, this little coquette, be so affectionate towards him?

Sneaking a glance, Randy noticed that Helen had already linked her arm with the guy's arm. Could it be that this guy is her boyfriend?

Oh no, oh no. If this guy tells Helen about his attitude towards him just now, then his impression in the Hurst family's hearts will be completely ruined.

Randy's heart sank at this moment, especially when he saw the look Jin Muchen gave him just now, full of teasing and mocking.

"Well, that's it. Don't look at that guy. Wait a moment, he'll come over to you voluntarily. How about it? Isn't my return favor good?"

With Helen's back turned to Randy, facing Jin Muchen, she leaned close to his ear again and whispered softly to him.

Jin Muchen shuddered all over. Damn, this little coquette is really good at seducing people. And how did she know about his plan?

"Hey, buddy, I apologize for my previous attitude. Would you mind having a drink with Miss Helen and me? What do you say?"

Seizing the opportunity while Helen went to the restroom, Randy approached Jin Muchen. But this time, there was no suspicion or arrogance on his face. Instead, he wore a face of trying to please Jin Muchen, resembling a dog wagging its tail, almost indistinguishable from it.

Jin Muchen, meanwhile, gazed ahead as if Randy didn't exist at all. Since he was acting like a groveling dog, there was no need to give him any favorable treatment.

"Who are you? I don't know you. Whatever schemes you have, get away from me."

Earlier, this fellow was disrespectful in his words. Now that he needs something from me, do I need to be polite to him? Moreover, the business I want to do with him is only one-time. There's no need to be friendly with him. If he wants to curry favor with Helen through me, there's even less need to be polite to him.

Randy's face suddenly flushed. He knew Jin Muchen was retaliating against him, but this time he dared not show any signs of anger. After all, this guy seemed intimate with the Hurst family's girl, and Randy couldn't afford to offend the Hurst family.

"Hey, buddy, there's no need for this! Previously, you..."

"Humph! The past is the past. The present is the present!"

Randy's face turned red then white. "Okay, what do you want?"

Jin Muchen turned his head without saying a word, just staring at him, making Randy feel uneasy. "What do I want? I just want you to stay away."

"Hey, buddy, there's no need for this! You've been following me for several days. There must be something you want, right? Whatever conditions you have, just say them!"

Randy pleaded with Jin Muchen, almost begging. Jin Muchen turned his head again, looking at him for a while before finally speaking.

"Alright, I'll help you this time, but remember, you owe me a big favor!"

"No problem. As long as you help me this time, rest assured, buddy, whatever requests you have later, I'll agree to them all."