
American Adventure

Majestic five millennia of Chinese civilization, marred by a mere century of humiliation. How many treasures have been lost overseas? Fine porcelain, exquisite jade, all taken away! From the Orient, from the Occident, all are mine! If you've eaten what's mine, regurgitate it; if you've taken what's mine, return it! Antiques, curios, delicacies, beauties, none shall escape my grasp! Behold how Jin Muchen, with his golden eyes and indomitable spirit, rises against all odds in the land of America!

jojokria · Urban
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65 Chs

062 Zaibeiyetian

Randy's eyes were initially hesitant, but Helen's last sentence made them firm.

"All right, Miss Helen, your proposal has convinced me. Mr. Jin, you better make sure Helen's words are true. You're not wasting my time."

At this, Jin Muchen gave Randy a cold smile, showing no warmth. "That depends on the quality of your goods. And don't forget, you owe me a big favor."

Randy's expression darkened, but he didn't dare confront Jin Muchen directly.

"Fine, you come find me tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, the old man and that ** will be going to the hospital for a check-up. We'll have enough time to complete the transaction."

Through gritted teeth, Randy spoke. He was truly at the end of his rope now.

His partner, Genaro, was a full-fledged member of the underworld. The reason he abandoned his halfway project in Florida to return to New York was twofold: to wait for his old man to kick the bucket and to avoid Genaro's wrath.

If he couldn't repay the money in a few days, that guy wouldn't hesitate to sink him into the Gulf of Mexico.


Underneath a building on 15th Street, two paramedics wheeled a wheelchair out of the building, accompanied by a very voluptuous Mexican woman.

"That woman isn't even that good-looking. I don't understand why Hoffman fell for her," Jin Muchen and Helen sat in a car nearby, watching as Hoffman and the woman got into the ambulance and gradually drove away.

"When you reach his age, you might understand. Pretty faces aren't that important. What matters is having someone by your side in your most difficult times."

Helen's gaze never left the retreating ambulance. It was surprising to hear such profound words from someone of her age.

As she turned, she caught Jin Muchen's gaze directed at her, and her cheeks flushed slightly.

"What are you looking at? It's just that I also had a relative like him in my family. Randy is just a fool. If he could spend more time with his old man, that Mexican woman wouldn't stand a chance."

Jin Muchen nodded with a smile, saying nothing more.

As they looked up, they saw a window on the tenth floor of the building had opened, and Randy was waving at them from the window.

"Let's go up. Randy called earlier and said the old man's check-up will only take half a day. We have to hurry, or we might end up with lawsuits if we're trapped in the house," Jin Muchen said to Helen with a smile as he got out of the car.

Randy's home was on the tenth floor of this building, occupying an entire floor, with a spacious area of about five to six hundred square meters.

Despite the low number of floors and the age of the building, this was the most prestigious Upper East Side area in Manhattan, worth every inch of gold.

Jin Muchen and Helen took the elevator directly to Randy's place. Upon entering, Randy led them straight to a study.

The study was very spacious, with an area of more than fifty square meters. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with books, likely Hoffman's collection.

But on the desk near the window, there were various valuable items. Porcelain, jade, and some study room curiosities were laid out. It seemed Randy had brought them out overnight.

"All right, let's cut to the chase. These are all left by my grandfather back then, and some my father also liked. They're usually kept in the study, while some are in the storage room and rarely taken out. I've brought out all the antiques I know of. Mr. Jin, feel free to look around. If there's anything you like, pick it out, and then we'll discuss the price."

Randy was straightforward. This transaction was kept secret from his old man, so out of everyone involved, he was the most anxious.

After coming back yesterday, he had thought it over all night and more or less understood it.

Taking these items to auction would indeed be most advantageous for him, but presently, he cannot afford such a delay.

If, by chance, Helen's intuition proves true, and the old gentleman bequeaths his estate entirely to that Mexican **, then he would be left with nothing. It is wiser for him to strategize now for his own benefit.

Indeed, as the saying goes, "The son sells the father's field without a pang." If he doesn't act decisively now, once the old gentleman breathes his last, he might not even get a sip of soup!

Helen isn't very knowledgeable about these antiques, hence she leaves Jin Muchen to select by himself. Randy is quite tactful, making coffee for both and then quietly standing by the window, puffing on his cigarette.

To be frank, when Jin Muchen entered the room, his eyes were immediately captivated by the items on the desk, their array of colors shimmering endlessly on the porcelain vases and jade pieces.

These treasures could be said to be enveloped in a halo of brilliance, so much so that with just one glance, he could surmise that the majority of the items on this desk were antiques, and fine ones at that.

Without wasting any time, he promptly seated himself at the desk and reached for a porcelain vase, meticulously examining it.

This was a red-ground famille rose Cong vase, with a rectangular body adorned with figures of ladies in various scenes. The craftsmanship was exceptionally refined, with the figures appearing full and rounded, making the vase exceedingly beautiful.

Measuring the vase with a tape measure, it stood approximately thirty centimeters tall, a truly perfect ornamental piece.

What intrigued him most was the inscription under the base of the vase, bearing the mark of the Chenghua reign of the Ming Dynasty, identical to the Yongzheng famille rose inscription he had acquired over a month ago.

While judging solely by the style and clay quality, Jin Muchen wouldn't dare to conclude that this vase was Yongzheng famille rose. However, the dazzling red light emanating from the vase allowed Jin Muchen to ascertain unequivocally that this was indeed an authentic antique.

Combining his previous study of antiques with the knowledge imparted by Master Fang, if his eyes didn't deceive him, this should be a Yongzheng red-ground famille rose Cong vase, most likely originating from the palace, much like the previous bowl.

Due to the events with the bowl, he had made an effort to learn more about Yongzheng famille rose porcelain.

It's worth noting that in recent years, the prices of antique porcelain in China have been steadily rising, especially those from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, highly sought after by collectors.

While the Tang and Song Dynasties also produced exquisite porcelain, in terms of craftsmanship, none could compare to the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Hence, the porcelain from the Ming and Qing Dynasties can be considered the absolute cornerstone of the current Chinese antique collection market.

As for the last bowl, despite its mediocre condition, it was purchased for nearly thirty thousand US dollars due to its Imperial kiln status and royal connections. Once brought to China, if auctioned, that bowl could fetch a price of two to three hundred thousand dollars.

In comparison, this red-ground famille rose Cong vase would command a much higher price than that bowl. After all, it is primarily an ornamental piece, inherently more valuable than a utilitarian vessel. Furthermore, this vase's condition is pristine, and its size dwarfs that of the bowl.

A few days ago, Jin Muchen had learned from Master Fang that a similar plum vase was auctioned last autumn, fetching over two million dollars.

Of course, that vase was larger and of superior craftsmanship, warranting such a price. But what about this one?

While the size of this vase isn't small, there are some areas where it still appears somewhat rough. After all, when it comes to Qing Dynasty Imperial kiln porcelain, the best pieces belong to the Kangxi and Qianlong reigns. As for Yongzheng, perhaps due to his frugal nature, his porcelain doesn't seem to have gained as much renown.

"You can rest assured, Mr. Jin. I can guarantee that these porcelain items were brought back from China by my grandfather. After World War II ended, they were stationed in Tianjin. Although it wasn't the capital, there were still many former nobles residing there, having fled from Beijing. Their days weren't easy, and my grandfather exchanged many valuable items with them using military supplies. So, I can assure you, these are all genuine items, without a shadow of a doubt."

After Randy finished his cigarette and returned to Jin Muchen's side, observing him carefully studying the porcelain vase in front of him, he couldn't help but interject.

Without hesitation, Jin Muchen nodded. "Very well, I'll take this vase."

"Alright, that will be two hundred thousand dollars for this vase."

Upon hearing this price, Jin Muchen couldn't help but pause. This asking price was not low at all. If he were to purchase at this price, there would be no need for him to delve into the old mansion.

Two hundred thousand dollars equated to over one million two hundred thousand RMB. At this price, if he were to acquire the vase and then attempt to auction it, failing to fetch a price of two million dollars would essentially result in a loss. After all, the taxes and auction house fees were not insignificant.

However, this grandson wasn't being honest at all. Just yesterday, he was being all meek and low-key, yet today, he dares to push his luck?

Seeing his grandson's current confident demeanor, as if he had the upper hand, it's like he thinks he can pull one over on me! Damn it, does he think I'm easy to deal with, like a penny-pinching miser?

This brat really doesn't hold back, acting like he's the one in charge. He's like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Jin Muchen smirked coldly, not rushing to negotiate the price, but rather contemplating how to put this grandson in his place.