
Pirates to the Rescue

The storm has finally passed by for some odd reason.

“That’s weird,” says Jack. “The storm lasted for a couple of days and now it’s gone.”

I down at my hands and form small trails of lightning. For the past few days, I’ve been training on controlling my magic with the help of Jack. He explained to me that he learned a bit from my mom on how my magic worked.

“Where are we heading now?” I said.

“Now that we can see where we are going, we’re heading to New Gripan.”

“New Gripan,” I said slowly.

The name felt familiar to me.

I rub my head as a headache forms.

All of a sudden, I somehow sense something below us. I look down to see a large army of undead and demons marching in the same direction.

“That isn’t good,” says Jack.

“Captain,” says a crewmate. “The undead army is invading a city that has been holding out!”

“What should we do?” I said.

Jack scrunches his face and spins the wheel, turning the ship to the city.