
Found Out

I woke up to Merry shouting excitedly, “They’re back!”

Merry wakes up confused before smiling, “I can sense them!”

I carry her in my arms as I rush outside. We look around trying to find the group.

“There’s Mama!” says Merry, pointing.

I look to see Mama passing through the crowd with the glowing orb in her hand. I rush to her and hug her.

“Where is everyone else?” I said.

She avoids my gaze as she says, “Odin and I are the only ones that made it back alive.”

“No…” I said

All of a sudden, my body shakes from fear.

“Something’s coming!” shouts Merry scared.

I look around trying to find the source. I look right above us to see a single dark cloud. It suddenly falls straight for us, slamming into the ground in front of us. The smoke dissipates revealing Aamon.

“He found us,” I thought in horror.

He looks around, “I can’t believe it took me this long to find this place.”

“How did you find us!” shouts Glenn.