
Answers to Questions

Just as I'm about to open the door, Dane slams it open shouting quickly, "Stop!"

I stop moving.

We stare at each other for a few seconds.

I can feel her stare dig into my soul.

She finally says, "You almost did it."

"Did what?"

She walks up to my face, "You almost killed someone."

I step back, "How did you…"

She grabs my hands revealing my burn marks, "THIS!"

I pull back my hands, "Well I didn't!"

"You don't understand!" she yells. "You didn't just almost kill him. You almost took away all his magic! A fate worse than death! When were you able to take magic!"

"It activates at random times. I learned how to use it on command. Wait, how do you know all this!" I quickly said as I stepped back. "You're always telling me what to do and not to do despite never explaining it!" She stares at me in silence, "HOW DO YOU KNOW ALL THIS!"

She stays silent for a couple of seconds before saying, "Remember Aamon?"

I nod.

"Well," she says slowly. "As I said, he was a prodigy. He was able to create all these theories about magic and how it connects with us. I remember walking into one of his experiments. He was standing over a rabbit that was turned into a husk. He was also holding on a black square." She takes a deep breath, "His hands were burned just like yours. When I questioned what he did, he said that he found the rabbit like that."

"He took the rabbit's magic away."

Dane nods, "The next week, he and Enzo were gone." She holds my hands, "I don't know how you're doing this with no magic but I'm telling you right now to stop. Before something bad happens to you too."

I stare at her crimson eyes in silence, "As I was taking his magic away, I started to hear whispers in my head. The closer I got to taking away his magic, the whispers soon turned to screaming and crying." I tighten my grip, "My friends broke me out of that trance. When I tried to stop I couldn't. I don't know how but the moment my hair began to glow I was able to break free from the trance and was able to return his magic."

"Your hair began to glow?" says Dane, confused.


"Is this the first time?"

I shake my head, "No… It happened multiple times in the past in dire situations. I haven't been able to figure out why it does that."

Dane looks up at the sky, "I don't know anything about your hair glowing but it sounds like it keeps you safe." She then hugs me saying, "I swear you're full of surprises. Promise me to not use that ability anymore."

I hug her tightly, "I promise."

She strokes my hair, "Thank you, Foster. Come inside, I'll make some tea."

I sit down on the couch.

"So what was it that you came for?" says Dane as she hands me a cup.

"About that, do you happen to know anything about a lost artifact that can raise a barrier?"

"Hmm, actually I do." She walks into her house and comes back out with a map, "This is a really old map but apparently if you follow it correctly then you'll find it." She hands me the map, "It's really dangerous tho. Why do you want it?"

"I don't want it. I'm planning to hand it to the village."

"The village?" Dane says as she heats up the kettle with water.

"Right, you don't know that," I said.

"Explain to me your adventures from the start," says Dane with curiosity.

I begin to tell her the short version from when I left her. Finding my friends, meeting the King, and the little girl that bought the wand to give to the Dark Lord, and the trip to the Kingdom of Gripan with the maids.

The kettle begins to whistle.

"What happened when you arrived at the captured lands?" she says as she stands turning off the fire.

"I met this man called Turner."

She flinches as she hears that name, "Turner?" She grabs tea leaves and places them in my cup.

My eyebrows raise, "You know Turner?"

She smiles as she pours the hot water, "I didn't just stay in my town doing nothing. I went looking for Aamon and Enzo." She clears her throat, "I met Turner while looking in the Kingdom of Gripan back when it wasn't destroyed." She smiles, "He was a nice fellow. Had a good heart. How is he?"

There's silence.

"He…" I said slowly. "Lead us to the last survivors of my kingdom saying that he was keeping them safe. He agreed to help me steal the legendary wand as long as I lead the survivors safely out of the captured lands. Things… Didn't go according to plan." I take a deep breath, "He sacrificed himself to hold back the Dark Lord allowing us to escape."

"Ohh." She says slowly.

"What's worse," I clench my fists, "The Dark Lord found us and then Isabell and Kathrine sacrificed themselves causing the whole cavern to collapse on them with the Dark Lord." I look at the palm of my hand, "It was at that moment, I realized how powerless I was against the Dark Lord. It was as if I was staring at death itself."

Dane places her hand on mine comforting me.

I stare into Dane's eyes, "I couldn't save that little girl from the Dark Lord. I couldn't save Turner. I couldn't save Kathrine and Isabell…" I stop talking as I feel a lump stuck in my throat.

"You can't save everyone," says Dane softly. "I learned that the hard way too." She picks up the cup and offers it to me, "I also learn to cherish those around me. I think you should too."

I accept the cup, "Thank you." I drink the tea and feel the lump go away.

I smile.

Dane grins.

"What?" I said

"Nothing… It's just… You're smiling. I've never seen you do that."

I feel my body grow warm from embarrassment.

"Well it's time for me to leave," I said.

"I have one final question for you," says Dane. "You're not the type of person to go out of his way to help others you barely know. Especially the towns folks. Even if they are from your country."

"I'm not doing this to them," I said quickly.

Dane spins her finger on the rim of her cup, "While you were telling me your story, I noticed you were talking an awful lot about your friend Glenn. Do you happen to be doing this for her?"

"Yes actually… How did you know?"

She puts on a mischievous look, "You like her don't ya?"

"Wha… What?" I quickly said, stammering.

"Don't play dumb with me," she says laughing. My face starts to turn red from embarrassment. She boops my nose, "All I have to say is good luck, Foster."

I slowly whisper, "Thank you." I stand up, "Why don't you come help me find the lost artifact?"

Dane shakes her head, "I'm fine here. My adventures are over for me."

I sigh, "You never want to leave this mountain."

"It shall stay that way."

Dane stands up and hugs me, "Be safe Foster."

I hug her back, "Thank you."