
The Artifact

I look up from the map to see a dark entrance to a cave. I light up a torch and head inside. The deeper I went, the larger the cave itself became. I feel a drop of water splash on my nose. I look up at a large body of water levitating above me.

"What's holding it up there?" I said, amazed.

I venture deeper to find the walls expanding revealing a large cavern. I step inside and feel my foot press on something. Instantly, the exit behind me smalls shut.

"Alrighty," I said slowly. "Where is this artifact?"

I look around but find nothing. In fact, the entire floor is empty. I look up and see only darkness.

I look down at the map and find something written in small print.

"Sometimes you don't need the light to light the way?" I said, confused. I look at my torch, "I'll be in complete darkness if I put out my torch."

With no other choice, I drop my torch and put out the fire. Everything turns pitch black.

However, the walls soon begin to illuminate the cavern revealing a large pond floating upside down.

I spotted a pedestal with something on it.

"It's too high for me to jump."

I look at the walls.

The entire room was the shape of a cylinder.

"If I run fast enough I can circle up the walls and jump to the pedestal."

I take a deep breath, readying myself. I dash forward and run along the wall. I slip and crash to the ground. I try again running faster, I can feel myself grip the wall. As I circle around the room, I slowly make my way up.

I'm now near the pond. I try to touch the water but feel an invisible barrier stop my hand.

"Is the barrier from the artifact holding up the water?" I said, still running. I look up at the pedestal.

"I'm going to have to jump," I thought. "It's still too far."

An idea pops up in my head. I take out my staff and extend it. I slam it straight into the wall. As I make my way back around I think, "I'll use my staff as a spring!"

I approach my staff and jump at the end of the staff. My staff bends and flings me straight at the pedestal. I grab onto the pedestal.

I look at what the pedestal is holding and see a clear blue sphere. I reach out and grab it. I yank it out with ease.

"Now to return back."

The place suddenly begins to shake violently.

I let go of the pedestal and land softly on the ground. I feel a drop of water on my face. I look up to see the pond slowly begin to leak. I watch as water splashes down on the ground all around me. The water slowly forms into soldiers.

I place the artifact into my satchel and extend my hand. My staff flies straight into my hand.

They all begin attacking me. I slash and twirl my staff at each soldier.

Each one I take out another takes its place.

"They're just like the undead," I thought as they suddenly began launching at me. I dodge back and forth.

I twirl with my staff slamming everyone away and splashing into the walls.

"Alright," I said. "Now to find a way out of here."

The artifact suddenly releases a ball of light. The ball of light disappears. The barrier above disappears, unleashing a wave crashing down on me.

I swim up to the surface gasping for air.

"What the!" I shouted. The cavern begins to fill with water. I pound my fist on the walls, anything to escape.

I feel my head press against the ceiling. I take one breath as I submerge.

"What now?" I thought frantically. "I'm going to drown!"

I feel my body begin to weaken.

I begin to descend into the depths.

Just as I'm about to open my mouth, I feel a blast come from below. I look down to see the entrance now blasted open. I try to move but can't.

I spot someone coming out of the entrance and swimming up to me. I slowly close my eyes as I let open my mouth, no longer able to hold it.

I catch a quick glimpse of Glenn before knocking out.