
Crossing the Line?

No one makes a move. People from both sides have now just seen a fight between two heroes. The enemy was holding their weapons with anger in their eyes as I held their King.

I look back and forth.

"I have to do something," I thought. "Or else we're going to fight again!"

I shout, "Lay down your weapons or else your King dies!"

"Don't listen to him!" shouts the King. "We still outnumber them!"

I clench my fists, "Alright I had enough of this!" I instantly grab the king and lift him up by his shoulders.

"Save me!" shouts the king.

The Black Knight is held back by Sulton.

His soldiers rush towards me.

I turn to them now pissed off, "Attack me and you king dies!"

They immediately stop.

"KILL HI…" he says before I slam him into the ground. He looks up at my furious eyes now frightened, "What are you going to do to me?"

I grabbed his face, "Making sure you won't attack us again."

"Stop!" he says, shaking. "Don't kill me!"

I manage to begin taking in his magic power on the first try. I remember Sulton's words, "Have you ever drained it completely from someone?"

My body begins to heat up slowly. The king begins to struggle, "NO! NOT LIKE THIS!"

I continue taking his magic little by little. My body is now burning up.

I soon begin to hear whispers in my head. The more magic I took away from him, the louder they got. Soon I begin to hear crying and shouting.

Just as I'm about to completely take his magic away, I hear Ralf shouting, "FOSTER!"

I look up to see everyone staring at me in horror.

"STOP!" shouts Glenn who's crying as she's held back by Sulton.

I look down at the king who has almost all the color sucked away from him, resembling the undead.

"What am I doing?" I said, shocked. I try to stop.

I can't.

"I have to stop!" I thought.

I soon begin to scream as I fight against the voices. All of a sudden, my hair starts to glow slowly.

I finally give back his magic making the voices go away. His color returns back to him. My hair returns to normal.

I let go of him.

He quickly crawls back shouting, "Retreat!" A few soldiers pick up the black knight and retreat back to their carriages quickly leaving.

I look back at everyone who's staring at me horrified. I take a step forward, they take a step back.

As soon as I take another step I collapse. I was burning up. Glenn rushes to my aid trying to cool me down. I slowly close my eyes.

I slowly wake up.

I try to sit straight up but can't.

"Woah there," says Doc Mell. "You're still recovering."

"Why are you here?" I said. "You need to help others first."

"I already healed them."

"Oh," I said slowly. I look up at the ceiling, "I screwed up huh?"

"Foster, I am not your therapist."

"You could at least hear me out."

She sighs, "Fine."

"I was about to suck all the magic from the king, almost killing him. I was blinded by rage. For all the horrible things he did and was about to do… The moment I looked up, I saw everyone's face filled with horror."

"I don't blame them," says Doc. "To them, you looked like the Dark Lord."

"If it weren't for Glenn and Ralf, I would have actually killed him. Now everyone is afraid of me again."

"It's not like they liked you anyways."

"Thanks for that," I said with exaggeration.

Doc shrugs, "Hey I've only been a therapist for a couple of seconds." She grabs her medicine and stands up, "If you really want to gain their trust go do something so great that they'll forgive you."

Glenn and Ralf slam open the room shouting, "Foster!"

They both hug me tightly.

"I'm alive!" I said, wincing from the pain. "Doc help me!"

She shrugs, "They're just so happy to see you."

Glenn looks up, "I'm so glad you're alive!"

"What happened?" I said.

"You were burning up!" shouts Ralf. "Like just touching you was enough to burn me!"

"Then how did I?"

"She cooled you down," says Doc. "If it weren't for her magic you would have probably died."

I turn to Glenn, "Thanks, Glenn."

She scratches her head, "It was nothing."

"Alright!" I said standing up. "Time to move."

"Sit back down!" says Doc. "You still haven't recovered!"

"I'm fine," I said as I passed her. I exit the house. The sun blinds me.

The people passing by stared at me. The moment I look at them, they quickly turn and walk away.

I spot Sofia with her mom. Sofia waves cheerfully at me. Her mother picks her up. We make eye contact before she quickly walks away. That one eye contact was enough for me to know, She was afraid of me.

"Hey," says Glenn. "They'll warm up to you again."

"Ya," says Ralf. "Just give it time."

I sigh, "It doesn't matter to me."

"It should matter to you!" shouts Glenn. "You helped build and keep this village safe! It's not fair that they continue acting this way!"

"If it really matters to you, what should I do?"

Ralf hops excited, "Oh! Oh! Why not do something for them? Like something so big that they'll have to be happy."

"That's exactly the same thing Doc said."

"Ah, man."

Sulton shows up and walks up to Glenn, "Glenn! The person I've been looking for! I need help repairing the damages in the town."

Glenn turns to me.

"I'm good Glenn," I said.

She nods and walks off with Sulton. Sulton looks back at me hesitantly.

"You know what," says Ralf. "I'll go help too."

Ralf runs off to catch up to them leaving me and Doc alone.

"I have a question."

"Nope," says Doc quickly as she turns around and walks away.

"Wait!" I shouted. "You didn't even hear me out!"

"I already know what you're going to tell me. You're asking the wrong person."

"Come on, hear me out!"

Doc stops and turns around, "You really want me to help?"


"Fine," she says, adjusting her glasses. She begins to ask questions quickly, "How long have you known her?"

"Since we were children."

"When did you start developing feelings for her?"


"How recently?"

"A few days ago?"

"Have you asked her out already?"

"No. But she has confessed her feelings to me."

"How long ago?"

I pause, "Like a year ago."

Doc stares at me, "Final question. What was your answer?"

I slowly said, "I told her to wait for my answer."

Doc sighs, "Buddy I think you missed your chance."

"What!" I shouted.

"I'm going to be honest, if I were her, I would have already moved on."

I slump down defeated, "What do I do now?"

Doc sighs, "Go do something amazing for the town and then she'll notice you."

"Do you happen to know anything that could help me?"

"Let's see," says Doc, closing her eyes. "There is this one legend about a lost artifact that can be used to raise a barrier."

"Where is this lost artifact located?"

"No one knows. That's why it's lost dummy."

"Thanks for the help," I said as I summoned my staff.

"Where are you going?"

"Going to look for it."

"You're not going to tell your friends?"

I remember Isabell and Kathrine's words.


I jump up over the gates and head for Dane's house.