
Always In My Heart

When I first met you, you were so beautiful that I was unable to move away my eyes from your smile. Everything around me seemed to brighten and I feel as if the time around me stayed still and I forgot to even breathe. But why after he came, you seemed so distant, or was it always has been an illusion that I created for myself for my own self-satisfaction? Why when everything is getting worse, you did not look at me? Was our relationship means nothing to you? Why? I can feel in my heart, feeling stifled, as I feel severely depressed. I really cannot help it, even if I will lose my life, I will never let anyone tarnish you. No matter.

Aniel_Clorwine · Teen
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


~A week later~

Behind their school building, a small area was planted with small flowers. Currently its 30 minutes after school hour has ended, in the evening, the time is around 5.30-6.00pm, which giving an orange hue to the surrounding because of the sun gradually going down.

A black haired young man is currently waiting there with a nervous expression. He kept walking back and forth, as he waits, for him this is the time of his life, so he cannot help but to feel nervous.

He checked his appearance and corrected his tie, then again stand still at the same spot. As he wait at the place, he saw a person shadow, coming from his back, the shape and uniform portrayed by the shadow showed that it was a girl. Since the person stopped walking, he choose to slowly turn around.

"Ah, stop, its okay not to turn around." She said, causing him to stop abruptly with a bit confused face.

"Why? I-I wanted to conf-" He was once again stopped by the girl when she talked abruptly, cutting him off.

"Yes I know, I've noticed your feelings... Plus, because he told me about how you felt, its making me feel guilty..." She said slowly and clearly. "And so, i sincerely would like to thanks for your feelings... But I already have someone I liked, so I have to reject you."

"I see... Alright..." He nods his head slightly, and he can see the shadow of the girl moved away, and finally gone. She decisively left, there was no hesitation. "..."

"Are you okay?" A girl came toward him from his front, he didn't see who it was, since he feel depressed and upset. "I'm here, i'll always be here for you..." She take his hand, and hold them firmly.

"Qiza thanks, I'll... I'll just... Uh.." He cover his face with his arm, he could not help it, that rejection is too much, he didn't even get to properly confess before he was rejected.

"It's okay, it's fine to cry..." Qiza patted his shoulder, "Lets go to somewhere else, okay?"

"..." Though he did not answer, he still walked with her, with her holding his hand and leading him at the front.

They reached a much more secluded place, and found and sit there. He looked a bit calmer now when they reached there, however Qiza letting him sit and then hug him, as she pats him slowly.

"I'm okay now Qiza..." He looked up to look at her.

"Mhm, but let me comfort you for now, okay?" She smiled and take out her handkerchief and wipe the residue of the tears, she can see his eyes was a bit red, he has probably cried a little earlier after all.

"Qiza, say... Am i not good enough ?"

"No, you are already good enough.. It's just, we can't force her to like you... But surely there is someone better than her out there."

"mhm, i see..." He looked down, "I should... Be okay tomorrow..." He sighed a bit, "and we should go home now anyway." he patted her arm, to make her release him.

So Qiza stop hugging him, and after she make sure that he really is all right, then she agree to go home, and keep telling him to be strong and asked him a few times to make sure once again.

He smiled a bit as he waves his hands to her when they need to part ways at the road fork, Qiza also smiled, but she make a sign to ask him to bend down a bit. When he did, she kissed his cheek, and with a blush run away, leaving him frozen there.


Don't know how but the news of Raikal confession to Wani spread to the whole school the next day. Furthermore, the fact that Wani rejected him make a group of girls berate her behind her back, but are secretly gleefully happy. He had heard that there were quite a lot of girls actually liked Raikal, but none tried to gave a confession to him and thus this become the reason of why they were happy for this situation that happened.

Whatever it is, Raikal are currently absent, and it has been a few days since he last came to school. Who knows how the wellbeing of Raikal, whether he ate properly or not, or maybe locking himself inside his own room due to the sadness. Anyway Wani told their class teacher about the absence of Raikal, while Takero glanced at the seat next to him.

He guess that this person must have been quite broken hearted for being rejected by his crush, but did not expect that he would not come to school due to that. Which is why, when their class teacher asked if someone can help her go to Raikal house to check, he was just going to raise his hand to volunteer, but was beaten by a silver haired girl sitting a few row in front him.

From what he knew, this girl is one of Wani friends in her group, and can be said to not speak that much to other people, except wani and raikal. It might be that this girl was a rather shy one, and such people usually have a small circle of friends and rarely would they extend this circle.

Oh well, since some already volunteer earlier, nothing he can do, he will just back off and let this girl go instead, and wondered if this shy girl would be able to persuade that guy to come back to the school, and if she did then he guessed that she might be using all her efforts to finally be successful.

When he was on the fourth day, Qiza finally pack up and ready to go check up on Raikal. And when school ended, she left the classroom as fast as lightning and went to Raikal home, while carrying a whole bunch of homeworks that the teachers has asked her to pass to Raikal.

-To be continue-