
Always In My Heart

When I first met you, you were so beautiful that I was unable to move away my eyes from your smile. Everything around me seemed to brighten and I feel as if the time around me stayed still and I forgot to even breathe. But why after he came, you seemed so distant, or was it always has been an illusion that I created for myself for my own self-satisfaction? Why when everything is getting worse, you did not look at me? Was our relationship means nothing to you? Why? I can feel in my heart, feeling stifled, as I feel severely depressed. I really cannot help it, even if I will lose my life, I will never let anyone tarnish you. No matter.

Aniel_Clorwine · Teen
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6 Chs


At Raikal home,

Qiza Shumi stood in front of the gate, the two storey house, was tightly closed, all the windows are covered by the curtain. Even it's garden were not being taken care off properly that grasses started to grown. It looked like no one is living there just seeing the outside. Nevertheless Qiza pressed the bell a few times.

After the third time, she stopped and waited. Not too long after she stopped, the gate opened automatically. Qiza walked in, followed with the gate closing again. When she reached the front door, the door knob turned and opened a little bit, she can now enter.

When she enter, saw Raikal, "Hey Qiza.. Whats up?"

He seemed quite low spirited, his face pale and his cheek a bit sunken, below his eyes is some dark lines. "I'm here to check on you... You... don't look okay." she tried to reach his forehead to feel it, who knows if he has fever or not.

"I'm just a bit unwell, but i don't have any fever or flu." Raikal smiled a bit, and he bend his leg a bit to let her touch his forehead.

"Raikal need to take good care of yourself... I know you are still sad, but don't be, because she doesn't remember you at all." Qiza said with puffed cheek. She hugged him, making him bury his face to her chest.

"Qiza, this is not proper.." he push her away a bit, and look away, he does not agree for this kind of comfort method.

"Look here, Raikal, remember i love you so i will always support you." She hold to his head, making him look at her, she look into his eyes full of determination as she said that. "I can't force you to like me back, but i can still stay by your side and support you." She smiled. "How about tomorrow, i accompany you around? To wherever you'd like to go?" Qiza suggested as she patted him.

Raikal looked at Qiza, he understood why she is nice to him, but he can't reply to her feelings. He just can't stop liking Wani. However he also felt huge gratitude toward this sweet girl, so he nodded with an okay. "Lets meet at the subway at 10 then.."

Qiza laughed a bit, happy, "Okay, i'll be sure to come." She smile and landed a kiss on Raikal cheek again. Seeing him blushing out of embarrassment, Qiza giggled and leave with a smile on her face.

Raikal felt his cheek was burning as he watches the door closed, only realizing that Qiza, this friend of him and Wani, also have her own daring side that was probably hidden. He had never yet one that gave him a peck on his cheek, and can even laugh it off even thought she knew that her crush liked someone else.

This kind of friend, he find that it was precious, and one of a kind. He thought that he should cherishes her, and since he promised to went out with her tomorrow, he went to his own room to choose some proper clothes.


So the next day, Qiza skipped school along with Raikal, and as promised they meet up at the subway, and waited for the train together. Raikal wore a casual set of clothes, just a simple grey shirt, and dark brown jeans. He combed his black hair neatly to the back, and with a darker grey scarf around his neck to complete his attire. His bangs that hid his face now completely reveal his face, showing translucent white skin, and his deep light brown eyes.

Though yesterday he still had some dark lines, it was noticeably reduced when they met today. It may be because he had an early rest last night, and he also applied some concealer to cover up some of them to make sure he looked proper.

Qiza smiled and took a selfie with Raikal when they meet-up. Qiza actually matched with Raikal's today, she wore a polka-dot grey one piece dress, with long cream legging and cream plain choker and hairband. Her hair she tied in a half bun and half released a part of it. Her big eyes seem to sparkle each time she looked at him today, and she commented "Raikal, you look handsome today… And less gloomy too." She stare at her with a smile.

And she laughed a bit when Raikal pinched her arm, "You are making me feel somewhat embarrassed…" He muttered but still released and looked at her. Her outfit looked great at her and he muttered a compliment, but nevertheless it was not heard by Qiza as the train was arriving at the platform.

Indeed the people in the train coach seems to look at him. Raikal blushed a bit resulting in a slight pinkish spreading on his cheek, contrasting with his white skin. "Uh, really?" he ask as he rubbed his nose a bit, looking at his feet. Qiza know that Raikal is feeling embarrassed, so she giggled and hugged his arm.

"Yup, look everyone is loooking at you." She giggled more, and this time she can see his ear also become a bit reddish. Though Raikal looked around, and he can see a few people turned to look somewhere else when Raikal looked around. There is even some brave girls winked at him. Raikal blushed more and looked at Qiza, "Y-you're right... Uh.." He took something out from his pocket and wear it on his face.

Its a half face mask, only covering his nose down to his chin. However since he was still blushing, people can still see some tint of red that are visible on the area that was not fully covered. Qiza pats his arm with a smile, "Its a bit of a shame when you wear that." She giggled.

"Shhuuussh that...!" Raikal huffed and Qiza laughed again, then she lean to his arm with a smile and they chatted to each other.

-To Be Continue-