
Always In My Heart

When I first met you, you were so beautiful that I was unable to move away my eyes from your smile. Everything around me seemed to brighten and I feel as if the time around me stayed still and I forgot to even breathe. But why after he came, you seemed so distant, or was it always has been an illusion that I created for myself for my own self-satisfaction? Why when everything is getting worse, you did not look at me? Was our relationship means nothing to you? Why? I can feel in my heart, feeling stifled, as I feel severely depressed. I really cannot help it, even if I will lose my life, I will never let anyone tarnish you. No matter.

Aniel_Clorwine · Teen
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6 Chs


Everyone was surrounding the new person, and since there is an empty seat next to Raikal, the teacher make him sit there. The new person smiled to whoever talks to him, while Raikal looks away, he felt very upset whenever Wani talk to the new person.

Moreover, since the new person is new, Raikal was forced to share his books with him for the whole day. Though unsatisfied with this, Raikal could only go with the flow and shared the book with the new person.

By the way, he did come and introduce himself. The said new person is a second-generation rich tycoon, he seems to be a hospital director son and worse of all, he is the only son, and definitely, his parents would spoil that son of theirs a lot.

The person name is Takero Blair, so I called him Blair.

During today recess, as he is still new here, there is a lot of our classmates that were excited to bring him to the cafeteria. However, Wani managed to make the others give up, even though it with I that was supposed to show him around, even if i do not want to.

"Blair, I'll show you around while we go to cafeteria," Wani said with a smile as she plays with her hand, shyly, and I can see the slight blush on her cheek.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue, she definitely fall in love with this person. "Wani, it's okay, I can show this Blair, since he is my desk mat-"

"Aw, still, i want to have recess with him..." she pouted, and seeing that I glanced at Takero, seeing that he is going to say something, I decided to cut him before he start to speak.

"I'll still go to the cafeteria with him, so Wani can just reserve two extra seat, and we should be able to eat together..." I suggested as a remedy, by which Wani nods with a sparkling eyes.

Ah, those eyes, it so darn increase her cuteness. Sadly, it is not exactly because of me. I can only sigh, and so turned toward that person, "you, let's go, i'll show you around."

Takero raised his eyebrow as he stand up, simply follow that new classmate of him. He did not know why this person seems to hate him, which is weird; after all this is his first day here.

Anyway, that guy, despite hating him still properly show him around the school, he showed where the infirmary is, library, school bookstore, the school down, teacher office, and etc. Despite the unfriendliness. After all that short tour, he finally was lead to the cafeteria, where that pretty girl are waiting. Oh, seems like that person liked that girl, could be why he disliked.

It was rather obvious, since that person eyes practically become gentle and warm, along with a small smile on his face when he saw her. Takero wondered whether that girl noticed this person feeling towards her or not. He knew he is new, so there is nothing yet he can do.

"Wani, I'm bac-"

"Oh! Takero-kun! Come let's eat!" Wani went and hold Takero hand and drags him to the cafeteria food counter. "Oh there's a variety of food that you can choose ~!"

"Ah, okay..." Takero smiled as he listened, and glanced toward where that person is, and could see that he actually froze on the spot. Hmn, to be pushed aside by the one he liked, that really must hurt a bit too.. Really ouchie.

"...." Raikal turned to see Wani still talking with Takero, looking down, i went to another counter to buy some food and took a seat, and waits for her to come.

"Hey, Raikal, you okay?" A girl who is sitting next to Raikal asked him, she put a chilled orange juice in front of him.

"I'm a bit sad, but it's okay. Thanks." Raikal smiled to her, and took the drink and take a few sip as a way to show his gratitude toward the girl.

The girl blushed and looked down as she plays with her fingers, looked happy that he smiled to her. "You are welcomed..." She glanced up to look at him, seems like he finally start to eat without waiting for Wani, so she also took her spoon and start eating with him.

Raikal smiled to her again when their eyes met, and seeing her blush again, he reached and pats her head. "Thanks really."

"Umu, yeah, I-I'm here whenever Raikal needs me, okay?" She said shyly.

"Alright, Qiza-san." Raikal nods, and thus they continued eating their food without waiting for Wani and Takero. The other member in their group chatted non-stop as they ate. Raikal also eat, while he watch the girl next to him, he does not know why she is always nice toward him, but he does not mind that.

Qiza Shumi, this girl is one of Wani Ketly friends that joined her group during their elementary school year, so she is considered as one that has been friends with Wani for quite a long time.

This girl is short, shorter than the average height of their classmates, and one glance at her, one always mistake her as an elementary school student due to how short she is. Nevertheless, no one in their class or school dared to bully this girl, because of how protective Wani is toward her group of friends.

This girl, have a long greyish with a glint of silver hair, she never tied her long hair except on PE class. Raikal has to know her when he first joined this group, where she accompanied him during the welcoming party for new member.

Due to her shy but adorable attitude, Raikal find that he is a bit more open with her up until now. So now, they always be in the same group whenever they needed to do group assignment, so whenever Raikal could not group up with Wani, he will group up with Qiza.

However when they group up, their work actually become almost perfect, with the highest mark given by the teachers compared to when he was grouped with Wani. Which is why the teachers would now always assign Raikal and Qiza to be in the same group.

Things actually become as usual despite the addition of the new transfer student, the slight different things is that wani now talked with Takero for every single day and every single moment that she can find. Some of the girls in the class did not manage to be able to get close or get any chances to talk with Takero due to how Wani is.

Which is causing them to become jealous of her.