
Altera: High Seas Survival

In a distant future, humanity faces a completely new world, where the remnants of a devastating disaster have transformed Earth into a post-apocalyptic stage. More than two centuries have passed since humanity escaped the catastrophe, emerging into a world teeming with resources and mysteries. However, this new beginning is far from peaceful. Discovering that they are not alone on this planet was just the beginning of a series of challenges for humanity. Other extraterrestrial species, also seeking a new home, have arrived in the same way, each determined to assert their dominance over the planet. What follows is a relentless struggle for supremacy, a war that has consumed humanity and the other species for two centuries. Civilizations have risen and fallen amid massive conflicts, leaving a landscape marked by destruction and chaos. Although peace has not been achieved, each species has found its place in this ruthless world, where survival is the only law that matters. In this turbulent world, Victor, a young man whose destiny was altered when he was separated from his parents in a tragic accident and sold into slavery, finds himself trapped in a struggle for his freedom and his destiny. As he tries to escape his captivity, a chance encounter will lead him down a path that will change the course of his life forever.

DreamTech · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Siege

Victor emerged from his hiding place, feeling the cold breeze of the cave caress his face. His eyes, accustomed to the darkness, blinked momentarily at the light timidly penetrating from the cave entrance. With cautious steps, he stepped into the main corridor, attentively surveying his surroundings for any signs of residual danger.

"Are you sure it's safe to come out now?" Victor asked, his voice resonating lightly in the cave's silence.

"Yes, the nagas have left the area," Luna replied with her characteristic calmness. "But still, we must proceed with caution. We don't know if they might return."

Victor nodded, taking note of Luna's words. Though he had spent three days in relative safety within their hideout, he knew that danger still lurked in the dark corners of the cave.

With determination in his gaze, Victor advanced down the corridor, guided by the faint light filtering in from the entrance. Each step was cautious, every movement calculated to avoid any unwanted encounters.

"What do you think prompted the nagas' invasion?" Victor asked, breaking the silence as they made their way down the corridor.

"Unfortunately, it's hard to say," Luna responded. "Nagas are unpredictable creatures, and their motives are often unknown to us."

Victor nodded, reflecting on Luna's words. Though he had faced nagas in the past, they remained an unknown and dangerous threat.

As they progressed through the cave, Victor and Luna remained constantly alert, watching every shadow and listening for any sign of danger. Fortunately, the path seemed clear, and soon they reached the cave's entrance.

Daylight flooded the corridor, illuminating the path to the outside. Victor paused for a moment, savoring the feeling of freedom that enveloped him as he gazed out at the landscape beyond the cave.

"And now what?" Victor asked, turning to Luna.

"Now, we need to assess the situation outside the cave and decide our next course of action," Luna replied. "We're not safe yet, but at least we've avoided immediate danger."

Victor nodded, understanding the importance of remaining vigilant even in moments of apparent calm. With determination in his heart, he prepared to face whatever fate had in store for them, knowing that with Luna by his side, they were better equipped to overcome any challenge that lay ahead.

Victor's mind teemed with thoughts as they made their way outside. He considered the possibility that the nagas' invasion might be related to the presence of the monsters inhabiting the cave. It was plausible that the nagas viewed the place as a source of beast meat, leading them to invade the cave in search of easy prey. However, he also understood that this was just one theory among many other possibilities.

With the weight of time and uncertainty on his shoulders, Victor felt compelled by a sense of urgency that drove him to act decisively. He knew that the threat of the nagas still lingered and that every moment lost inside the cave increased the risk of another attack. With that premise in mind, he decided to hasten to devise an escape plan.

"We need to move fast," Victor said, addressing Luna as they made their way down the corridor. "We can't afford to get trapped here again."

Luna nodded in agreement, her voice resonating in Victor's mind with calmness and determination. "I understand. We have to be prepared for any eventuality."

With that goal in mind, Victor quickened his pace, feeling the palpable urgency in every fiber of his being. He couldn't afford to waste any more time in the cave, not when the threat of the nagas hung over their heads like a sword of Damocles.

Upon reaching their makeshift workshop, Victor immediately immersed himself in his work, using his skills and knowledge to create more golems. He knew they needed a force large enough to keep one of the cave's exits clear and assist in the construction of the ship. They decided that a total of 25 golems would be sufficient for that purpose.

As he worked, Luna supervised the process, offering advice and suggestions to optimize the efficiency of the golem production. Her reassuring presence acted as a balm for Victor's nerves, reminding him that he wasn't alone in this endeavor.

After hours of hard work, they finally finished creating the 25 golems needed to carry out their plan. With renewed determination, Victor and Luna headed towards the cave's exit, where the golems awaited in a defensive position.

Once outside the cave, Victor carefully surveyed his surroundings, searching for the perfect spot to build their ship. After a brief discussion with Luna, they found a suitable site near the coast, where they could work undisturbed and have access to water for the ship.

With the location chosen, Victor and Luna set to work, sketching out plans and gathering the materials needed for the ship's construction. The task was monumental, but with the help of the golems, they made surprising progress.

Day after day, Victor and Luna worked tirelessly, building the ship piece by piece. Every detail was meticulously planned and executed, from the size and shape of the hull to the defense and propulsion systems.

As the ship took shape, Victor felt overwhelmed by a mix of excitement and anticipation. After so much effort and sacrifice, they were finally one step closer to the freedom they longed for.

Victor was puzzled to see that the ship was made of metal, something entirely different from the wooden ships he had seen all his life. It was the first time he had heard of a metal ship in this world. If it weren't for his full trust in Luna and the longing to see a ship similar to those in Earth's videos, Victor would have believed it impossible.

The construction of the ship was a monumental challenge. They used metals and minerals extracted directly from the cave, adding an additional level of complexity to the task. Additionally, the ship's design required the integration of several golem cores and hundreds of thousands of cables and pipes.

During the construction time, the nagas returned on several occasions, forcing Victor and Luna to hide each time and delaying the ship's construction. Each interruption represented a new obstacle in their path to freedom.

Despite the challenges, Victor and Luna persevered, reminding each other that they were united in their goal of escape. With each passing day, the ship gradually took shape, edging closer to its final form.

But the work was not yet finished. With the construction of the ship nearly complete, Victor and Luna prepared to face their next challenge: making the vessel fully functional and ready to set sail towards a new horizon of possibilities.

Victor stood before the imposing metal ship, his eyes wide and his jaw slightly dropped. He had devoted two long years of his life to the construction of this magnificent vessel, and now, seeing it in all its glory, he felt a mixture of awe and satisfaction.

"Look what we've created, Victor!" Luna exclaimed with enthusiasm, her voice resonating in Victor's mind. "It's a true marvel of engineering. Nothing like this has ever been seen in this world before."

Victor nodded slowly, still assimilating the magnitude of their achievement. They had overcome countless challenges and obstacles to get to this point, and now, finally, they had before them the fruit of their hard work and dedication.

"All right, Victor, let me give you a tour of our ship," Luna said with a smile as she began to guide Victor through the different rooms and compartments of the vessel.

The first stop was the food storage, where huge shelves were stocked with carefully organized provisions. Victor looked curiously at the various supplies stored: beast meat, blood, minerals, and metals. Luna explained that these provisions were essential for keeping the crew fed and healthy during their voyages at sea.

They continued on to the water purifier, a complex machine that converted seawater into potable water. Luna explained that this system was vital to ensure they always had access to fresh and safe water.

As they progressed, Victor couldn't help but wonder how all of this worked. "How is it possible to have such advanced systems in a world where electrical energy is scarce?" he asked, looking to Luna for answers.

Luna smiled knowingly. "Actually, Victor, the claim that electrical energy is scarce isn't entirely true," she explained. "While electron exchange may be complicated, we can harness the world's own electromagnetic field from the ether flow to produce various types of energy."

"The ship is equipped with several golem cores, which act as energy sources," Luna continued. "These cores generate an electromagnetic field that powers the ship's systems, from lighting to propulsion and defense."

Victor nodded, taking in the information. It all made sense now. The golem cores not only provided the necessary energy to keep the ship running, but also tapped into the world's own ether flow to do so.

After exploring the provisions storage and water purifier, Luna led Victor to the next stop on their tour: the armory. They entered a spacious room filled with shelves and cabinets containing an impressive array of weapons and ammunition.

"This is our armory," Luna announced. "Here we store all the weapons and ammunition we've built to defend ourselves at sea."

Victor examined the weapons with fascination, surprised to see the variety and quality of the arsenal. There were automatic rifles, light machine guns, and pistols, all carefully crafted and ready for use.

"So these were weapons!" Victor exclaimed, amazed by the revelation. "How do they work?"

Luna explained the firing mechanism of the weapons. "Let me explain. Take a simple pistol, for example. When the trigger is pulled, a striker is released that strikes the primer of the bullet in the cartridge. This creates a small explosion that ignites the gunpowder inside the cartridge. The rapid expansion of gases pushes the bullet out of the barrel with great force, firing it towards its target."

After exploring the armory, Luna led Victor to the outer deck of the ship, where the defense system was located. Ten Bushmaster cannons were strategically mounted at different points around the ship, each pointing in a different direction to provide complete coverage.

"These are our Bushmaster cannons," Luna explained. "They are 25mm caliber automatic weapons designed to repel any threats we may encounter at sea."

Victor observed the cannons with admiration, impressed by their size and imposing shape. "How do they work?" he asked.

Luna explained the firing system of the cannons. "When a threat is detected, the cannons are automatically activated. The control system sends an electrical signal that activates the firing mechanism. Once activated, the cannons load and fire the bullets in rapid succession, thanks to an automatic reloading mechanism that transports ammunition from the storage room to the cannons via mechanical arms and rollers. This process allows for a quick and effective response to any danger that may arise."

The guttural cry of the nagas echoed in the distance, a terrifying sound that sent shivers down Victor's spine. It was a primal roar, full of ferocity and promises of danger. In that moment, he realized the dire situation he was in. If the nagas had already invaded the cave, he would be trapped between two fronts of imminent danger: the monsters on land and the sea teeming with perils.

"How long will it take for the ether cores to fully boot up?" Victor asked, his voice laden with urgency.

Luna, present only in his mind, responded calmly, "It won't be too long, but we'll need several minutes until they're fully activated."

With that information, Victor was forced to make a quick decision. He couldn't afford to wait passively while the nagas closed in. He took up a defensive position around the ship alongside his golems, aware that every second counted.

Luckily, they were near the ship at that moment, loading supplies and defending the area. The proximity of the ship offered temporary refuge, but it also presented an easy target for the nagas in their hunt for prey. With his heart pounding, Victor prepared to face whatever challenges lay in his path as he waited for the ship's ether cores to fully activate.

In the blink of an eye, Victor found himself surrounded by nagas. From the shore, he watched as hundreds of these creatures emerged from the sea and headed towards the ship stranded on the beach of the small island. Luna, in her calm yet firm voice, instructed Victor to leave the defense to her for the moment. Confused, but trusting in Luna's wisdom, Victor nodded, deciding to follow her advice temporarily.

"What are you planning, Luna?" Victor asked, his voice full of concern as he watched the tide of nagas approaching.

"Let me handle this, Victor," Luna replied. "Trust me."

With that response, Victor was forced to leave the situation in Luna's hands, while he watched in disbelief. The golems, under Luna's control, began to move with determination, fetching weapons from the ship's armory. Despite having heard the explanation about these strange metal bars, Victor still didn't understand how they could be useful in defending against the approaching creatures.

However, he soon was amazed by the effectiveness of these weapons.

The golems strategically positioned themselves around the ship, armed to the teeth with rifles, machine guns, and other weapons. It wasn't the first time Victor had seen one of these weapons in real life. Sailors used to carry and use them, but each shot required a reload, and their firepower was much lower compared to what Victor was witnessing now.

Victor watched in awe as the roar of the weapons began to fill the air, breaking the silence of the island with their ferocity.

Amidst the chaos and violence, Victor observed as the nagas fell one after another, some wounded, others dead, in a spectacle of destruction and despair. The bullets from the golems' weapons cut through the air with a deafening buzz, leaving trails of smoke and fire in their wake.

The sea, already roiled by the presence of the nagas, became even more tumultuous, stirred by the fury of the battle raging on the coast. However, amidst the confusion, the golems' weapons continued to fire without rest, their lethal accuracy cutting through the ranks of the invaders.

The cries of pain and fury from the nagas mixed with the deafening roar of the weaponry, creating a cacophony of sounds that filled the air and echoed off the surrounding cliffs. Victor felt overwhelmed by the ferocity of the scene, by the brutality of the battle unfolding before his eyes.

As the nagas fell, some crawled towards the sea, trying to escape the hail of bullets raining down on them. Others writhed on the ground, screaming in pain as their bodies were torn apart by the impacts of the golems' weapons. It was a scene of chaos and destruction, a sight that Victor would never forget as long as he lived.

Despite the ferocity of the battle, Victor stood firm, watching in amazement as the golems fought bravely to protect the ship.

A new guttural cry resonated with a force that shook the very ground, eclipsing even the deafening roar of the firearms. Suddenly, from the sea emerged the abominations, the grotesque creatures that Victor had seen two years ago, but now in much greater numbers and with renewed ferocity.

The beasts, with their twisted bodies and serpentine tentacles, surged towards the ship with relentless determination.

Their horrific mouths, situated in the center of their stomachs, seemed to salivate eagerly in anticipation of the impending feast. They showed no mercy or remorse as they trampled over the bodies of their fallen naga brethren, whether alive or dead, in their desperate attempt to reach the ship.

Victor watched in horror as the abominations drew closer and closer, their defiant roar echoing in the air like a harbinger of death. Despite the fierce charge, Victor did not falter, trusting in Luna, and for now, it seemed that everything was within her calculations.

The scene was chaotic and filled with terror as the naga abominations ruthlessly surged towards the ship, completely ignoring the bodies of their fallen comrades. The rain of bullets, like a curtain of lead, concentrated on the mass of frenzied creatures rushing towards them.

The first bullets found easy targets, piercing the less protected parts of the abominations' bodies. Some struck the secondary mouth opening in their abdomens, causing a burst of blood and torn flesh. The nagas, disoriented by the sudden assault, attempted to shield themselves with their arms and tentacles, but the ferocity of the gunfire was relentless.

Despite the creatures' attempts to protect themselves, the bullets continued their relentless advance, finding gaps in their natural armor and wreaking havoc on their bodies. The abominations, once so confident in their invulnerability, now screamed in pain and fury as their flesh was torn apart by the bullets.

However, the beasts' determination was palpable, and though their advance slowed due to accumulated damage, they continued to press forward towards the ship with an almost supernatural determination. The struggle intensified with each passing moment, and the battle was far from over.