
Altera: High Seas Survival

In a distant future, humanity faces a completely new world, where the remnants of a devastating disaster have transformed Earth into a post-apocalyptic stage. More than two centuries have passed since humanity escaped the catastrophe, emerging into a world teeming with resources and mysteries. However, this new beginning is far from peaceful. Discovering that they are not alone on this planet was just the beginning of a series of challenges for humanity. Other extraterrestrial species, also seeking a new home, have arrived in the same way, each determined to assert their dominance over the planet. What follows is a relentless struggle for supremacy, a war that has consumed humanity and the other species for two centuries. Civilizations have risen and fallen amid massive conflicts, leaving a landscape marked by destruction and chaos. Although peace has not been achieved, each species has found its place in this ruthless world, where survival is the only law that matters. In this turbulent world, Victor, a young man whose destiny was altered when he was separated from his parents in a tragic accident and sold into slavery, finds himself trapped in a struggle for his freedom and his destiny. As he tries to escape his captivity, a chance encounter will lead him down a path that will change the course of his life forever.

DreamTech · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Escape

Despite the constant rain of bullets, the naga abominations continued to advance relentlessly toward the beach. The deafening roar of gunfire did little to deter these grotesque creatures from their fierce onslaught. With each passing second, more and more abominations emerged from the water, renewing the terror of the battle.

The beach, a narrow strip of sand bordering the island, provided little space for maneuvering. The waves crashed violently against the shore, adding an additional challenge for those fighting on the beach. Victor, standing in the midst of chaos, watched with growing concern as the defense line was increasingly compromised by the relentless advance of the abominations.

The abominations, with their twisted bodies and serpentine tentacles, moved with an almost supernatural determination. Despite the wounds inflicted by bullets, some fell dead while others writhed in pain in the sand, only to be quickly replaced by new waves of creatures emerging from the raging sea.

The situation was chaotic and desperate. The sound of gunfire mixed with the cries of the wounded and the roar of the sea, creating a cacophony of sounds that filled the air. Time seemed to slow down in the midst of this desperate struggle, each moment loaded with tension and danger.

Suddenly, Luna urgently transmitted through Victor's mind: "Prepare for battle. They will soon overwhelm our defenses." Victor nodded with determination, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew they had to act quickly if they wanted any chance of surviving this onslaught.

"I'm ready," Victor responded, his voice firm despite the palpable nervousness. Aware of his physical limitations, he relied on strategy and determination. His mind worked at full speed as he evaluated the available options.

The ship, with its sturdy metal structure and imposing height, offered a crucial tactical advantage. Victor knew the abominations would have difficulty scaling it directly and would have to rely on their tentacles to do so. It was his chance to keep the danger at bay and protect their escape.

Taking a spear from the available arsenal, Victor prepared to face the invaders. "We won't let them board," he murmured to himself, feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he focused on the challenge ahead.

"Here they come!" Victor shouted, watching as the abominations approached the beach. The roar of the creatures echoed in the air, announcing their arrival with a ferocity that sent shivers down the spine.

Victor gripped the handle of his spear tightly, prepared for the impending battle. "We won't retreat," he declared with determination, his voice resonating with a tone of bravery in the face of imminent threat.

Without wasting time, the first abomination began to climb the ship's hull, seeking a way to board it. Victor prepared, holding the spear firmly, ready to disrupt the creature's advance. However, he quickly realized the overwhelming difference in strength: his physical enhancement was not enough to directly confront the creature.

Fortunately, he had mastered control of the ether coating during his two years of preparation. This ability not only provided an additional protective layer but also enhanced his own strength. With this advantage, Victor was able to withstand the initial onslaught of the abomination, albeit barely.

But the situation was rapidly worsening. Additional abominations began to climb from different points on the ship's hull, overwhelming Victor with their number and ferocity. Faced with this unstoppable onslaught, Luna had to intervene, directing some of the golems to intercept the advance of the abominations.

This maneuver reduced the flow of defensive bullets, and while it prevented any abomination from boarding the ship, the fierce charge by the abominations increased.

Victor found himself in the midst of chaos, his mind focused on keeping the creatures at bay while seeking opportunities to counter their onslaught. Every movement was calculated, every blow directed with precision as he fought to hold the line and protect the ship at all costs. The tension in the air was palpable, mixed with the smell of salt and gunpowder. The thunderous sound of gunfire resonated in the air, accompanied by the guttural cries of the abominations and the crash of the waves against the ship's hull. In the midst of this chaos, Victor stood firm, his unwavering determination as he fought to stay one step ahead of his enemies.

The situation was desperate, but Victor knew he could not afford to falter. With every blow and every parry, he clung to the hope that eventually, they would manage to contain the advance of the abominations and secure the survival of the ship.

Despite Victor's efforts to prevent boarding, one of the abominations managed to break through the defensive ring. Wounded and mutilated, with a missing arm and several torn tentacles, the creature remained imposing and terrifying. With a guttural roar, it lunged toward Victor, its secondary mouth dripping corrosive saliva and its eyes gleaming with primal hatred.

Victor, armed only with his spear and his valor, faced the abomination in hand-to-hand combat. With agile movements, he dodged the creature's remaining tentacle attacks while seeking an opportunity to strike back. Each blow of the abomination resonated like thunder in the air, but Victor stood firm, his burning determination in his eyes.

With a swift movement, Victor managed to dodge a tentacle and launched a precise strike with his spear towards the weak point of the abomination. The sharp tip of the spear plunged into the creature's wounded flesh, eliciting a cry of pain and fury. However, the abomination did not stop, and with one last effort, Victor moved aside just in time to avoid a counterattack.

The battle was intense and frantic, with Victor fighting with all his might to keep the abomination at bay. Every movement was calculated, every blow delivered with millimeter precision in a desperate attempt to defeat his formidable enemy. Sweat soaked Victor's forehead as his heart pounded in his chest, but he did not falter, determined to protect his home and those he loved.

Despite the ferocity of the abomination, Victor did not retreat, his unwavering determination driving him forward. With each blow, each dodge, he came one step closer to victory. And although the battle was far from over, Victor knew he would not give up easily.

After defeating the first abomination, a second managed to climb the ship, and Victor found himself once again in a life-or-death battle. Despite not being injured so far, he knew he had to avoid any contact with these abominations. Although his body had been enhanced and protected by the ether coating, he was surrounded by enemies, and any wound would be potentially fatal.

With fiery determination in his eyes, Victor prepared to face his new opponent. The second abomination, even more fierce and savage than the previous one, lunged toward him with a deafening roar. Its tentacles thrashed in the air, seeking to ensnare its prey and tear it apart with its sharp claws.

Victor, with agile and precise movements, dodged the abomination's attacks while seeking an opportunity to counterattack. Every avoided blow was a victory in itself, but he knew he could not afford to make a single mistake. Every movement had to be calculated and precise, every blow delivered with determination and strength.

The battle was intense, with Victor and the abomination exchanging blows and dodging attacks in a deadly dance. Sweat beaded on Victor's forehead as his heart pounded in his chest, but he did not falter, determined to emerge victorious.

With a swift movement, Victor managed to dodge a tentacle and launched a precise counterattack toward the abomination. His spear found its mark, plunging deeply into the creature's flesh and eliciting a cry of pain. However, the abomination did not stop, and Victor was forced to continue fighting with all his might.

The battle dragged on, with Victor bravely fighting against his enemy, increasingly determined to survive this adverse situation; he had no intention of giving up when freedom, which he had dreamed of for so long, was so close.

The intensity of the battle reached its peak, with more and more golems abandoning their firing positions to join the hand-to-hand combat. On the ship's deck, several abomination bodies lay lifeless, silent witnesses to the fierce struggle taking place.

Victor, exhausted and desperate, asked once again in his mind, "Luna, how much longer? I don't think we can hold out much longer." He expected a negative response, like the previous times, but this time Luna replied confidently, "It's ready, get down on the ground."

Following Luna's instinct and instruction, Victor and the golems immediately threw themselves to the ground. A deafening sound resonated throughout the deck: the Bushmaster cannons had been activated. The power of these devastating weapons became immediately evident as Victor witnessed the abomination bodies being reduced to pulp in a matter of seconds.

"Awesome!" exclaimed Victor, amazed by the devastating effectiveness of the cannons, remembering the robustness of these horrendous creatures, he couldn't help but say, "I've never seen anything like it."

Luna, boasting, responded, "The Bushmaster cannons are formidable weapons. They're not too complicated to make, they have a good rate of fire, and the power isn't bad at all, unfortunately, we don't have the capability to create better weapons at this time."

Victor decided to ignore Luna's comment for the moment and quickly got up from the ground, the place was a mess with blood and entrails scattered everywhere, but it was something Victor didn't worry about, it was time to continue with his escape.

With the deck cleared of enemies, Luna acted quickly and precisely. Turning the cannons outward, she unleashed a devastating sweep that cleared the beach of any threat. With each shot, the creatures emerging from the water were mercilessly annihilated, leaving only desolation and silence in their wake.

The scene was impressive: the might of the Bushmaster cannons was manifested in all its glory as the projectiles swept away everything in their path. The ground shook with each impact, and the air was filled with the deafening roar of the explosions. The bodies of the abominations were sent flying, torn to pieces by the force of the bullets.

With the beach secured by the relentless artillery, Victor quickly ordered several golems to descend and begin pushing the ship. The operation was precarious, but they had no other option: they had to move the ship manually into the open sea.

The golems deployed with determination, using their superhuman strength to push the heavy hull of the ship through the sand. Each push was a monumental effort, but with the help of the golems, the ship began to move slowly toward the water.

Meanwhile, Luna watched from the deck, supervising the operation with attention. Through Victor's eyes, she saw the progress and coordinated the movements of the golems to ensure that the ship advanced safely.

As the ship approached the water, the tension in the air was palpable. Each step forward was a victory against adversity, and every meter gained brought Victor and Luna closer to the freedom and safety of the open sea.

As the ship slowly advanced towards the open sea, a new sense of unease gripped the battlefield. Under the relentless hail of bullets, a silent roar echoed in the air, unlike any sound before. It was a sharp and melodious sound, almost hypnotic, like the song of a bird in the night.

The roar sent chills down Victor's spine, freezing his blood. He knew something was wrong. The nagas, mysterious and ancient creatures, were native to Altera and adapted to the depths of the sea. Although little was known about them, rumors suggested that the abominations and fish heads were just a small sample of their true power. The larger and more lethal creatures, those that inhabited the darkest depths, were a mystery even to the oldest inhabitants of Altera.

Fear seized Victor as he wondered what creatures lurked in the depths of the sea, beyond his understanding and reach. The idea of ​​confronting something so unknown and powerful filled him with a sense of vulnerability he had never experienced before.

Determined to escape that imminent danger, Victor hastened the ship's pace. He even got down himself to join the golems in their effort to push the ship's hull. Every movement became a race against time, a desperate struggle to escape the invisible threat lurking in the depths of the sea.

The melodious but strange song resonated louder and louder in the air, enveloping the environment in an atmosphere charged with mystery and urgency. Victor felt the sense of insecurity intensify with each note, as if the melody itself were weaving threads of fear around him. His heart pounded, urging him to act quickly before it was too late.

Suddenly, as if a sudden truce had arrived, the nagas withdrew, leaving behind an unsettling silence. Victor and the golems seized the opportunity to redouble their efforts and quickly move the ship into deeper waters. Once on board, Victor watched with relief as the machinery came to life, the turbines roared, and the ship moved away from the island with determination.

However, the sense of urgency persisted, like a shadow clinging to his mind. Victor turned his head to observe the island they were leaving behind, as if he were waiting for something, a sign of what would come next.

Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by an overwhelming rumble. A colossal creature emerged majestically from the water, its imposing form rising above the waves with a supernatural presence. It had an appearance that defied human understanding: its body seemed like a fusion of the grace of a sea creature and the nobility of a divine being.

Its multiple arms extended like powerful branches, each ending in sharp claws that gleamed with iridescent light under the sun. Its skin was covered in iridescent scales that reflected the colors of the ocean, creating a spectacle of light and color that mesmerized those who beheld it. Four bright eyes, like precious jewels embedded in its face, stared at Victor with a penetrating intensity that made him feel naked under its gaze. A mane of undulating seaweed swayed around its head, granting it an aura of majesty and mystery.

The creature emanated a dark beauty and an aura of indomitable power. Its presence was a combination of fear and fascination, a manifestation of the majesty and mysterious greatness of the ocean depths. Victor felt small and vulnerable in the face of the magnificence of that creature, aware that he was facing something that transcended his understanding.

Sighing with relief at having escaped, Victor averted his gaze and plunged into the vastness of the ocean, leaving behind the vision of that mythical creature that would remain etched in his mind forever.

A warm greeting from the author, first I would like to thank you for reading this far. The first 8 chapters represent a sort of prologue, as I want to establish the capabilities of the protagonists and what this world is going to be about. Now, in the upcoming chapters, the real adventures will begin. To be honest, I have a general idea of what I want to create, but I suppose it may change over time. All I can say is that I hope you enjoy my story, and thank you for giving it a chance.

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