
Altera: High Seas Survival

In a distant future, humanity faces a completely new world, where the remnants of a devastating disaster have transformed Earth into a post-apocalyptic stage. More than two centuries have passed since humanity escaped the catastrophe, emerging into a world teeming with resources and mysteries. However, this new beginning is far from peaceful. Discovering that they are not alone on this planet was just the beginning of a series of challenges for humanity. Other extraterrestrial species, also seeking a new home, have arrived in the same way, each determined to assert their dominance over the planet. What follows is a relentless struggle for supremacy, a war that has consumed humanity and the other species for two centuries. Civilizations have risen and fallen amid massive conflicts, leaving a landscape marked by destruction and chaos. Although peace has not been achieved, each species has found its place in this ruthless world, where survival is the only law that matters. In this turbulent world, Victor, a young man whose destiny was altered when he was separated from his parents in a tragic accident and sold into slavery, finds himself trapped in a struggle for his freedom and his destiny. As he tries to escape his captivity, a chance encounter will lead him down a path that will change the course of his life forever.

DreamTech · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Innovation

Victor frowned, surprised by the statement. "Ether Core?" he asked, not fully comprehending.

Luna responded in her usually calm tone, but this time, a hint of excitement seeped into her voice. "Yes, a device of my own making! After studying your core and delving into the Gaia Network, I have designed an ether core that could be the key to activating the golem we are building."

Victor couldn't miss the excitement in Luna's voice. Although he was accustomed to her usual serenity, the idea of Luna being excited about something caught him off guard. However, it also filled him with a renewed sense of anticipation for what they were about to achieve together.

Despite his enthusiasm, Victor felt slightly uncomfortable hearing that Luna had researched his core. Although he knew she had access to his memories and thoughts, the idea of her delving into his essence made him feel exposed and vulnerable. Although he trusted Luna and her ability to help him, the feeling that someone else had explored the depths of his being left him pondering the limits of his privacy in this new symbiotic relationship.

Guided by Luna's instructions, Victor gathered various materials, including minerals, metals, and even some beast blood. Among the materials he found was an unknown mineral called "luminite," a stone that emitted a soft light and had properties conducive to magical energy. Additionally, he discovered a rare metal called "aerium," known for its lightness and ability to retain energy. These materials would be key in the process of creating the ether core.

Victor also found a couple of additional metals that Luna had identified as essential for the process. One of them was "wolframite," a metal with an exceptionally low melting point and properties conducive to heat and electricity conduction. The other metal was "endurium," known for its resilient nature and ability to withstand high pressures and tensions.

According to Luna, both metals were malleable and had a low melting point individually. However, when combined in the right alloy, their durability and melting point increased significantly, making them an ideal choice for the ether core.

With these materials gathered, Victor began melting the metals in the crucible, using the coal he found to fuel the fire and reach the high temperatures necessary. The combination of luminite, aerium, wolframite, and endurium slowly melted, creating a shiny and resilient alloy that would serve as the base for the ether core. Although it did not have a name yet, its potential was evident even in its molten state.

As he watched the liquid begin to solidify, forming a new alloy, Luna instructed Victor to use his hands to shape it. However, Victor felt the heat emanating from the alloy and, surprised, responded that he was not willing to burn his hands.

"Do you want me to put my hands in there? It's boiling!" exclaimed Victor, instinctively backing away.

"Trust me, Victor," Luna insisted confidently. "You won't get burned."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think that's a good idea," replied Victor, cautiously eyeing the molten alloy.

"Come on, don't be so fearful," Luna said with a touch of impatience in her voice. "You have to do it to shape it properly."

Victor hesitated for a moment, but ultimately yielded to Luna's insistence. Before his hands touched the hot alloy, he noticed a strange blue glow surrounding them, forming a kind of gloves.

"What the hell is going on?!" exclaimed Victor, surprised by the sudden appearance of ether gloves.

"I just gathered some ether around your hands so you won't get burned," explained Luna calmly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"And how did you do that?" asked Victor, still amazed by what had just happened.

"I used your core," Luna replied. "It's easier than you think."

Victor fell silent for a moment, processing the information. Then, with an ironic laugh, he said, "I guess I still have a lot to discover about my own body."

"How can you do that? It's supposed to be my body," Victor asked, his tone mixing surprise and a hint of disbelief. He felt like a part of his identity was being stripped away, although he knew that Luna was only acting for his well-being.

Luna remained unruffled by Victor's question. "To carry out my work properly, I have control over many processes and parts of your body," she responded with her usual calmness.

Victor fell silent for a moment, letting Luna's words sink in. The idea that an external entity could manipulate his body was disconcerting, but he also understood that at that moment, his collaboration with Luna was essential.

Finally, Victor sighed resignedly, accepting the new reality that was presented to him. "I guess my body is no longer just mine," he admitted with a hint of melancholy. Although he wanted to retain his autonomy, he understood that at that moment, his collaboration with Luna was essential.

Victor continued to follow Luna's instructions, trusting that she had everything under control. He didn't have to worry about his safety, which allowed him to fully concentrate on shaping the alloy he was creating. At first, it was a brilliant and burning liquid, but as it cooled, the alloy began to solidify slowly, acquiring a denser and more resistant consistency.

As he carefully manipulated the alloy, Victor noticed how his hands were enveloped in a blue glow, a protective layer of ether created by Luna. This allowed him to shape and maintain the alloy without burning himself as it hardened.

"This is incredible," commented Victor, marveling at Luna's ability to manipulate ether and protect him at the same time.

Luna nodded virtually. "Ether is a powerful tool when used correctly," she explained. "It can be molded to suit various needs, like in this case, to protect you from extreme heat."

Victor nodded, impressed by the versatility of ether. Although he still had many questions about its nature and how Luna could control it, he decided to set them aside for the moment and focus on the task at hand. With Luna's help and ether, he finally managed to shape the alloy according to the desired specifications, thus creating the base for the core they were building.

After several days of meticulous work, Victor's creation lay before him: a sphere the size of a soccer ball, but its appearance went far beyond the mundane. The magical sphere emitted a soft bluish light that seemed to dance on its surface, revealing the intricate network of tunnels and ducts that ran through it. These tunnels, meticulously intertwined, were arranged like an intricate web that stretched throughout the sphere.

On the surface of the sphere, hundreds of magical runes were inscribed, some glowing with a faint luminescence, others barely visible to the naked eye. These runes, written with a special ink composed of beast blood fused with crushed minerals and some substance that even Victor himself didn't know exactly what it was made of, were the key to activating and directing the flow of ether through the sphere.

The function of the sphere was clear: to serve as the pulsating heart of the golem, providing the vitality necessary to animate its inert form. Through the beast blood and crushed minerals, ether would flow constantly, feeding the golem's magical circuits and granting it the strength necessary to fulfill its purpose. Victor himself was surprised that with just a little ether and using his hands properly, he could create such a beautiful piece that could easily be in an art museum.

While Victor admired his creation with amazement, Luna interrupted his thoughts with her soft but firm voice. "It's time to continue. We need to complete the construction of the golem."

Victor nodded, returning his attention to Luna's instructions. Following her guidance, he placed the core inside the golem's front torso. It was a delicate task, but Victor focused to avoid making any mistakes, although there were enough materials to make several attempts, it was a quite long process and for some reason Victor had a bad feeling about staying too long in this damn cave.

Once the core was in place, Victor proceeded to connect cables and hoses, designed to cover each opening in the golem's core. The cables connected to certain outputs belonging to the intricate network of channels inside the core, and the hoses had their own anchorage point around the core.

With the cables and hoses in place, Victor joined the two halves of the golem's torso. Although there were no visible screws or cables, the parts fit perfectly thanks to the snap closures designed by Luna and built by Victor.

Then came the limbs. Victor first placed a skeletal structure made of metal that was hollow inside, designed to allow the passage of hoses. This skeletal structure was carefully wrapped in cables, followed by a layer of artificial muscles, made of a material that expanded and contracted when energized.

Finally, Victor covered the entire structure with a plate armor, formed by metals and beast shells. The result was a humanoid golem, imposing and powerful, with an appearance similar to that of a modern robot, but without facial features.

Victor couldn't help but whistle with satisfaction as he contemplated his complete creation. The golem, imposing and majestic, awaited with the promise of its still unlocked potential. With determination in his gaze, Victor prepared for the last step: activating the golem.

Carefully, Victor verified that the mixture of beast blood, crushed minerals, and the special substance was in place, ensuring that each component was correctly distributed throughout the golem's body.

Once satisfied with the arrangement of the ingredients, Victor placed his right hand on the golem's head and closed his eyes. This ritual was something he had performed many times before, but each time was a unique experience. He focused his mind and energy on the golem, tracing his magical seal inside it.

As the connection was established, Victor felt a sensation of vertigo, as if he were being sucked into a whirlwind of energy. However, he stood firm, allowing his will to merge with that of the golem.

Finally, when the process was complete, Victor opened his eyes and felt the firm connection between him and his creation. It was as if a part of his being was now intertwined with the golem, ready to guide and control it as needed.

With a determined gesture, Victor gave the first command to the golem, and with an electric buzz, the ether lights inside it began to glow brightly. The golem came to life, its initially clumsy and mechanical movements becoming more fluid and coordinated as the magical core roared while reaching 100% functionality.

With the birth of the first golem, Victor's tasks were significantly facilitated. His ability to create and control these powerful creatures gave him a significant advantage in his daily work. With each new golem that emerged from his hands, tasks that previously took hours were completed in half the time.

The creation process became more efficient with practice, and Victor soon found his rhythm, perfecting each step and optimizing the available resources. The accumulated experience allowed him to refine his techniques, from material selection to the configuration of the magical circuits that animated his creations.

As the days passed, Victor found himself creating golems with increasing ease. The second golem was born shortly after the first, followed quickly by a third and a fourth. With each new creation, Victor gained confidence in his abilities and experienced a sense of accomplishment as he saw his efforts materialize in the form of obedient and powerful golems.

Soon, Victor's workshop was bustling with activity, with multiple golems in different stages of production. The room resonated with the hum of magic and the creaking of materials as Victor and Luna worked tirelessly to expand their golem army.

Despite the ease of finding materials and facing wild beasts, Victor still had to personally create the most important parts of the golems. The core, hoses, cables, and special blood required Victor's craftsmanship to be precisely and efficiently manufactured. However, this task no longer posed an insurmountable obstacle, but rather another step in the creation process.

Fortunately, Luna proved to be an invaluable ally by taking control of the golems once they were complete. This freed Victor to focus exclusively on increasing the number of his helpers, expanding his golem army with each new creation.

The cave where Victor had taken refuge became a scene of constant activity and challenges. Before, Victor fought personally against the wild beasts and only managed to keep a small area of the cave clear. However, with the introduction of the new golems, all that changed.

These new creations, designed by Luna and built by Victor, proved to be much more than simple tools. They were agile, fast, strong, and resistant, capable of facing wild beasts with surprising efficiency.

Unlike before, when Victor fought alone, now the golems took care of most

 of the work. With just one golem, they could clear large areas of the cave, facing multiple beasts at once with ease and efficiency.

Additionally, Luna played a crucial role in providing the golems with an ether coating, further increasing their resistance and ability to withstand the onslaught of beasts. This new layer of defense turned the golems into true mobile fortresses, capable of facing any threat that came their way.

The relative peace that Victor and Luna had enjoyed in the cave was abruptly interrupted by an unexpected and terrifying event: a naga invasion. These humanoid creatures, with their fish-like heads and lethal spears, stormed into the cave with ruthless ferocity.

Chaos ensued as the nagas advanced, exterminating and devouring any form of life in their path. Apparently, this place was a naga farm; after all, the minerals inside the cave attracted all kinds of magical beasts.

Victor reacted quickly to the naga invasion. Instead of confronting the creatures directly, he chose to hide. Although he was confident he could survive against common nagas if he fought alongside his golems, he wasn't sure he could say the same if he faced the naga abominations.

Guided by the instinct of survival, Victor took refuge in a hidden chamber of the cave, which had been previously prepared for emergencies. With Luna's mapped assistance, he managed to find a safe place to hide. He blocked the entrance with a large rock, making sure no one could discover his hiding place.

Despite the adverse conditions of the improvised refuge, Victor felt relieved to have at least one place to take shelter. Although dark, damp, and somewhat claustrophobic, he had enough food and supplies to survive a couple of days.

Thus, in the midst of the darkness of his hideout, Victor waited patiently, aware that his fate was in the hands of time and fortune.