
Alpha Luke

Will a human accept a Werewolf's love?

Roxanne_Ros3 · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 77: Surprise

We walked out of the university with Alpha Jacob beside Luke. He had a big smile on his face as they seemed pretty good friends. I didn't expect that as Luke is always busy with work so I usually expect him with specific people. Not tall and broody. Strong and aggressive. All laughter though as well. Luke is usually so serious only smiling and laughing when I am present. But when I am watching at a distance he is so serious. All he talks about is work and or to his own pack about tasks. I have seen him laugh and chuckle with how Jey suffers while Scarlet tries her best to give him a second chance.

I followed Luke to his car as he looked really happy. Whatever they spoke about must have been somewhat good news. I felt completely happy seeing him so relaxed and happy. I just wanted everything to balance out and just have fun. I wanted everything normal again. But I know we have to be attentive to whatever happens. These people won't give up so easily. It is a pain in the ass to be honest but it cannot be helped. I looked forward and noticed Kassandra walking. She was walking with a male. Maybe they now each other. Maybe dead as well. Maybe. I don't know. Kassandra looks at me and waves at me. The male by her looks at me as well but he vanishes into thin air. Panicked. I looked at Kassandra confused.

Is it a different being? I know I am able to see Kassandra but I haven't seen another ghost. Well I can't see ghost in general. We are still able to see Kassandra but because the demon keeps sharing his power with her so she can be able to do some things before going into another body. Once I continue reading the book of hers then she'll be able to go on without her old memory. That's what she is wishing the most. Once I know the full name of the person who will be reborn as her I can be able to at least save up something for her just in case.

I felt a gentle tug and I looked to Luke. He looks at me worriedly and I just smiled back in return. Letting him now with just a smile that I am ok. I have been spacing out lately. I felt a sudden surge of pain in my knee and I just did my best not to let him know that my leg is aching. So I just followed him as we were nearing the car. I can see how the Valentine's Decoration's were vibrant this year. In a way it is very beautiful to see.

Once we arrived to the car he went towards the driver side while I headed to the passenger side. I just didn't expect anything else though. Today everything is a surprise. Though this wasn't a surprise he got called in the moment we passed from Georgia to South Carolina. I didn't expect us to be that close to it. I felt completely relaxed and even more once I was inside the car. Luke looked pretty much excited now and I felt completely confused. I looked at him and he just glances at me. Winking at me gently.

It made me roll my eyes on instinct as he can be a total dummy at times. Adorable dummy though. He started driving and all I did was lay back. I looked at the roof. I felt like something is missing. What is it? I scratched my head until I noticed that I didn't feel something holding me back a bit. I looked at my chest and I did not have my seat belt on. 'Shit!' I quickly placed it on and it only made Luke chuckle gently.

"For a moment I was about to mention it to you" he tells me with a gentle smile

"Next time you might" I say jokingly

I hear a gentle laugh from him as he says "Don't worry love... I will do my very best to stay glued to you"

It made a giggle come forth as I say "Your already like glue... You stick to me no matter what"

It made his smile wider as he wanted to laugh so hard but he couldn't in the end so he spoke "Try to sleep... We have a long drive to ahead"

"How long?" I asked confused

"Maybe like two to three hours... Depending on the traffic" he tells me gently

I looked around as I laid against the chair and I say "Understood... Will you wake me once we're close? Or something different appears?"

"Different? Have you never driven to another place?" he asked confused

I closed my eyes as I yawned gently "I only moved... Never explored"

Darkness started to welcome me as Luke did not speak at all. I never told him about my moving a lot. Not even about the University I studied at. I was not able to get the practice books as they were unavailable that day but they were ordered and they will be sent to our home back at the pack. I yawned lowly once again as I felt my whole body heavy suddenly. I didn't know I needed sleep this badly


I had finished cooking and looked around my little brother always loved a grilled sandwich before bed so I took of my apron and walked out of the cottage and saw him chase a bunny. I looked up the sun was beginning to go down I ran towards the gates where he followed.

I began to looked around frantically for my baby brother he had ran of to the forest an hour before curfew he was chasing a damn bunny. 'Shit...' I walked out from our barrier and ran to the direction where my little brother went I heard giggling by two children.

I followed it and saw my little brother with another boy they laughed for a bit I smiled lightly as I watched them play but when Alexander faced me I raised my eye brow at him as I crossed my arms at him the other boy crashed behind him I sighed.

"You both ok..." My voice gentle and soft

"Yes thank you" the little boy said

"Sis this is Sebastian... He was chasing the bunny with me but it then disappeared" Alexander pouted at his fail attempt to capture something

I chuckled but spoke "Well then lets go both of you we are going to get yelled at for leaving and we are passed curfew"

Alexander went to my side so did the boy named Sebastian I smiled at the two who whispered and giggled for a bit. I looked up to the sky it was dark and we had to move quickly I smiled at the two kids who kept giggling but suddenly a male appeared and he looked pretty mad.

"SEBASTIAN! COME HERE KNOW" the man said between clenched teeth

He smiled and waved good bye to us and the man scanned us both but his eyes stayed on me he circled me and my little brother I covered him from his eyes. He was behind him and he took in a deep breath around my neck it made me shiver in fear as my hairs on my arm and behind my neck raised as my blood ran cold.

He was know in front of me a dark smile was on his face but he then left and vanished with the boy beside him I relaxed and we headed back to the clan the Prince was in front looking around and speaking to the soldiers but he saw us and he ran to us.

He began to check me. The Prince was checking me a civilian but I have to get use to it after his confession towards me I chuckled at him he looked so dreamy.

"You ok? Nothing happened to you?" He asked me worriedly

Damn his voice is so dreamy as well but I spoke "Yeah am alright just shaken really badly..."

He hugged me I felt a pair of small arms wrap around my waist I looked to see my little brother crying in fear I rubbed his head. Trying to calm him down Raf showed us to his house it was way bigger than our cottage the King was looking worried as hell I was confused.

He spotted us and calmed down a bit as he ushered us inside the Queen took Alexander and sat me down as the King sat in front of me while the Prince sat next to me holding my hand as he trailed circles around it. I was know feeling fear did something bad happened so I just waited a bit.

He was contemplating if to speak or stay silent but the Prince clasped his hands around mine I looked at him. 'What's going on here?' I gulped I was feeling nerves and I just needed to run.

"... Jenna" the King rasped a bit but spoke "We have been talking and we think you are ready to be told"

"Told what?" My voice was so soft it was hard for me to speak know

My throat ached but the Prince spoke "It is something very important... We kept it from you because we thought it was a good way to keep you safe but you are at age to know the truth"

I stood up and finally spoke "Ok it doesn't have to do with Alexander... Alexander is just a small b..."

"Is not Alexander... Its you" the Prince said as he looked down

The King stood up as he took steps towards me but I spoke "Me? I haven't done anything wrong"

The King placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke "Jenna your half vampire..."

My heart stopped and I took step back but began laughing and said "Your joking this is all a joke right"

They looked serious and I started to hyperventilate I felt so scared fear engulfed me "... Jenna"

I bolted out the door I was scared the guards began to close the gate and I ran faster and faster and I passed through the gape I rolled and I ended up cutting myself on my shoulder and tears began to fall freely. I heard the guards yell at me but I stood up and bolted towards the forest.

The wind blew I was so scared of myself I just needed to be away of every one if am actually half vampire I don't want to kill anybody am not a monster. 'Am I a monster? Who are my parents? Where are they? Why did they keep it a secret? Why not kill me when they knew? Is my brother same as me? Is Alexander really my brother?' Questions exploded in my brain I was so terrified I don't want to hurt any one.

I stopped my breath was a going in pants I rested my back against a tree as I slid down I raised my knees getting them close to my chest. 'After all these years... I might be 19 but they should have told me when I was 10 or less when I know better... Why know?' I felt frustrated as more tears escaped freely as I began to see why some people looked at me weirdly or tried to be nice. My heart began to ache more as I began to hyperventilate all over again as all I could feel was pain.

~Back to Reality~

I felt a gentle shake and I slowly opened my eyes. Luke is staring at me with a gentle smile. I wish I had normal dreams. It would be nice once in a while though.

A normal dream. Nothing weird and confusing.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Roxanne_Ros3creators' thoughts