
Alpha Luke

Will a human accept a Werewolf's love?

Roxanne_Ros3 · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 56: Another Weird Dream


I woke up and noticed Luis wasn't by my side anymore so I rolled my eyes. He must have gone to work today and didn't tell me. Sometimes he thinks I don't wake up after he leaves but this time he was so silent that I didn't even notice him leave. I sighed out and I picked up my phone to check the time. It was already 1:44pm. I groaned out. I looked around the room and just inhaled and exhaled. Should I wait for him? No thanks. It's going to be so boring.

I unlocked my phone and noticed seven missed calls from Jasmine. Like twenty messages from Andrew. Did something happen? When I checked Andrew was trying to spam wake me up. But how didn't I hear my phone. I pressed the volume button on my phone and noticed it was in Silent mode. Great. Sometimes Luis is such a good boyfriend but sometimes he forgets I can't over sleep. My body feels so hot. Damn it. I called Jasmine and she picks it up in seconds. Already yelling full panicked.

"... Why didn't you answer?" Was all I was able to hear

"I was sleeping... Luis placed my phone is silent mode and I overslept..." I say with a gentle smile

"Aaawww I wish my boyfriend did that for me!" She says it extra loud and I assume that Andrew is with her

"Come on babe I love you and I spoil you... At times..." I hear him in the background begging basically

"You now what it doesn't matter... You need to come over girl... There's an artesian festival mixed with art show... You still have time to come!" She tells me in a hurry

"Come over... I am not walking alone anywhere" I tell her like a little kid

I hear her groan out but gives in "We're on our way..."

She hangs up and I just laugh a little. At least something interesting is happening and I am so happy to get there. I love the Art Shows. Sometimes does artist's sell prints of their most asked art. Like any artist. Once is good. Second not so good. I stood up from the bed and I started removing my shirt. I love using big shirts. It's so comfortable to sleep in. If I get stuck all I gotta do is put my hands inside. I usually sleep naked. But last night Luis and I forgot to lower a little the volume of the air conditioner and it got the room pretty cold. I opened the door to the apartment. Silence. I just don't know what to do anymore. The house is clean. Food is out. I entered the shower and I just turned it on. For some reason I felt my body convulse. Leaving all room to breath gone.

I banged on my chest to get whatever is happening to go back to normal. I felt the convulse sensation again and it made me cough. The shower is on. I entered it and it was freezing cold. My body tenses up in seconds. Whatever happening gone. I started coughing like crazy trying to force air into my lungs. 'What the fuck was that!' I went to grab my soap but I slipped with something. Falling on my ass. Rage started kicking in and I noticed my soap on the floor. It must have fallen when I turned the shower on. It has a dangling thing so the soap never has that slime pile up. I grabbed the soap and smacked it on top of the counter. I re-enter the shower and grabbed my body wash.

I cleaned my body angrily but the moment I got under the spray I remember the cold water. I took almost a pounce forward and so I turned the hot one and lowered the cold. I would place my hand for a few seconds each moment until I felt it warm.

I cleaned the soap off of my body and just felt so relaxed. When all soap is off of my body I got my hair wet and face. I already washed my hair so I'll use the conditioner to untangle it. After maybe ten minutes untangling my hair and then removing the conditioner I heard a knock on my window. I got out of the shower yelled out to give me a second. So I rushed in and got just a dress on while using a towel wrapping it around my hair. Not wanting the floor to get too wet. This tiles are too smooth so I can slip very easily.

I unlocked the door and then the gate. Jasmine and Andrew were there. Jasmine hugs me and Andrew just walts in. I giggle at this woman and we head inside.

"Let me get completely dressed so we can head out" I tell her with a big smile

She responded "Alright... We'll watch TV while you finish"

I accept and I just went into my room. I closed the door locking it. I trust Andrew to stay in the living room. I don't trust Jasmine. She has a nasty habit of coming in and helping me look pretty. I don't care about beauty or being cute. So I got my sleeveless tight striped black and marine blue shirt. Fishnets. Short jeans. Black boots. Lastly tied my hair into a pony tail while my bangs are free. I grabbed my side purse to finish this weird match. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I like it. I am comfortable and it's fresh. I am not sweating like a pig today.

Once I made sure I am ready I got out of the room and for some reason Jasmine likes what I am wearing. Though she complained a little about not having make up on. I ignored her and Andrew saved me so we headed to the Festival. It was a twenty minute walk. I can walk fast whenever I want. But the closer we got the more we noticed people all crowded into a corner. They were all surrounding the big cement box. It was supposed to be a grave and it was very protective by the council here in the city we live. Not even the government can destroy it to plant trees so the plaza could be more beautiful.

But a lot of teenagers including ourselves back in the day didn't believe it being a grave. So everyone sat on the marble slab on top of the cement box. Everyone always expected a tree to break it as it grew from the dirt inside. The council came by frantically trying to get everyone to stand back but they weren't so lucky with these many people.

The slab on top had been raised. The dirt is so hard it didn't even crumble. The cement box is cracked. A casket had raised. A bunch of roots under it. A growing tree. Nailed it. But did it pop open or did someone try opening causing this to happen? The casket was partially open a little crack here and there from the roots growing inside. I hear laughing behind me and clapping. He was even jumping like a little child. His laughing sounded so terrifying. Everyone stopped coming forward to stare at the crazy man. Everyone gasps as we saw the blood coming by the bunch from his wrists. Like a river over flowing. I moved to the side and noticed the giant splatter of blood on the almost tilted slab.

"Master has finally awoken!" This crazy man starts yelling

"So it was you!" The council president yells out "Guards! GUARDS!!! Take this man into prison! This lunatic can't be left alone!"

Officers emerged from the group of people and the man tried running away but he was weak from the lack of blood. I noticed the officers trying to get an ambulance for him. But all he could do was stare at me and laugh. So creepy. 'My love...' I heard something in my mind and I panicked. I shook my head and just rushed out of the group. Jasmine finds me and she checks on me. She started blabbering about the crazy man as if he wasn't in ear shot. I looked back and noticed everyone complaining and I just calmed down a little. He is just a crazy man. He must have tried to pry it open when he thought offering blood would do something. What a freak. What makes it even more freaky and terrifying is he looks straight at me and laughs while getting weak. That's just too freaky.

Everyone now's about him but nobody has ever known his name. Nobody wasn't even interested. As everybody thought he was just a weirdo with a wild fascination of vampires and a world of myths and fantasy. He actually believed they lived among us and that the most powerful vampire was inside the casket. It was really terrifying when you see this grown ass man going crazy while your still a teenager. He chases everyone away when they sat on the grave thingy. But he never chased us three. Why? Never knew. Never cared. It was always creepy. We went towards the booths and Jasmine to distract me started being clingy and buying me things. Andrew didn't even care. He may be skinny but he eats so much.

So while buying things I found the most beautiful heart stone I have ever seen. I had already over five necklaces but I wanted to add this one to my necklace with crystal collection. This one is heart shaped so it made me even happier. But Jasmine grabs my arm as she basically squeals in excitement. The Frappe truck had arrived and I felt distracted for a moment. When I turn my head back to just quickly get the necklace it was gone.

What bad luck. So I let Jasmine drag me away to the Frappe truck. Andrew wasn't beside us. I looked around and noticed him by the candy truck. Grabbing three bags of cotton candy. So he is getting more candy. What did I expect? Pizza. Well I would love to eat pizza right now. Maybe when I get back home I'll see if I can make pizza today. I have urges for Nutella and Oreo Frappe extra whip cream.

I felt like if someone is watching me and I looked around. I noticed the news here doing their best to exploit the situation. I sighed out. They are asswholes. The cameraman was spinning around as she walked. So he could face the situation and record whatever she is saying. I looked back to Jasmine as she was doing a happy walk basically. She is a chocolate addict basically

~Back to Reality~

I slowly opened my eyes and I looked upwards. Clearing up slowly. I saw the gentle dark color of Luke's bedrooms roof. Weird dream again. Great. I looked to the side looking for Luke but he wasn't there. I turn around and saw him fast asleep in the chair. Why is he sleeping in the chair? Did I miss something? What happened? Last I remember was seeing two wolves fighting.

Did I pass out?

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