
Alpha Kane : The story begins

A supernatural love story between a powerful alpha king and a human determined woman. When a magic portal sucks Emma park and drops her in the wolf realm... What twists and turns come up in her life as she struggles to keep up with her mate.. Does her mate accept her? Does he reject her because she is human? What turns does her life take when she realises there is no way back? Keep reading to find out (I know the description sucks, but trust me, the story is fun) book 1 of the mystic series. This book is just the beginning of the supernstural series. stay tuned

aarushi_jain_5418 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

I love you

Ethan kane

Today was the day we were to present the wolf kingdom with their queen human Luna, Emma park, today is the day she would take my surname and become Queen human Luna Emma Kane.

Atlas was pacing  about in my mind happily until he finally just took control and shifted, almost immediately he looked at the purple plushy, in the corner of the room and began to chew on it. Yup, he is a pup by heart, specially when he is alone or with Emma.

I saw Emma walk out of the bathroom wearing my hoodie and some leggings, she looked at us and smiled

"Atlas, I knew it, these are your plushies arnt they" She said gesturing to the plushies surrounding the room in different corner.

We just nodded.

"Awe, my alpha king is just a puppy by heart" She said as she scratched us behind the ear while Atlas continued to chew on the plushy.

She sat down, crossed leg in front of us as she let running her hands through our fur

"And to what do I own your visits, Atlas?" She asked as she kissed our snout.

"I was just so happy, that my emotions took troll, and I wished to be let out" He said as he laid half his body on her legs and wagged his tail.

"And what is my baby, so happy about? " She asked

"You'll be crowned queen human Luna Emma Ethan Atlas Kane today"he said as he began to lick her exposed belly, making her giggle.

She tastes like coconut butter.

" Oh yes... I forgot, what time should I be ready at? "She asked as she brushed our fur, fluffing it and also taking out the shredded fluff and keeping it aside.

" Be ready by 8,the Royal coronation ball starts at 9 and goes on tell 3 in the morning"he said, curling up around her, tucking his tail between his legs, preventing our mate from grooming it, be hates it when someone touches his tail, he likes to keep it unbrushed. Not that anyone has ever tried to brush us, but still.

"What all should, I expect, to happen during this coronation ball? " She asked as she grabbed our tail and started to brush it, making Atlas whimper

"Stop whimpering Atlas, your tail needs to be brushed, I promise to fluff it out afterwards" She said and he nodded.

"During the ball, first we will have the Royal feast, in which the people will have a glimpse of you, then you shall make the oath to protect the pack and the kingdom, then you shall swear to love your mate till death do us apart, then we shall crown you, then we shall prey to the moon goddess and finally we shall do the blood ritual to seal our bond and then we kiss and go on a pack run in wolf form, you will be riding me since you are human and have no wolf except me. "said Atlas

"That is a lot of work..... Hold on we end the night with a kiss? " She asked and Atlas nodded.

"Are you nervous, love, about kissing your mate and asserting your dominance and your status to hundreds and thousands of wolves? " Asked Atlas as he raised his head to look at her in the eye.

If she was not comfortable then we would skip the kiss, we don't want her to Panic and get an attack, I read in the books humans can go into panic and anxiety attacks and then die. Not taking any death chances here.

"It's not that I'm worried about... It's uh... I have never kissed anyone in my entire life, I dont even know how to kiss, what if I mess up and make a fool of myself? " She asked, blushing slightly.

It was now that I understood, the day her cheeks turned red when we were going to the Jewellers, was not because she was cold, but it was because the blood rushed up to her cheeks due to our effect on her, so. Etching normal among humans and that is know as blushing.

We wolves don't blush that much, so I was illiterate in that aspect.

"I have a solution to that, why don't we practice kissing right now? " Said Atlas as he suddenly pushed me in control and shifted into human form

"Wait.. What... Ethan for the love of God, stop shifting naked , put some clothes on and give me a warning next time" She squealed as she covered her eyes with her hands.

I chuckled but grabbed some boxers and slid them on and then gently pried her hands off from her beautiful eyes

"Love so about Atlas's suggestion... " I was cut off by her speaking.

"Let's do it, if your comfortable, I do t want to force you to...mhmmmm" I cut her of by placing my lips on hers.

I was going to say that we can ignore it, but looks like she is just as eager to kiss me as I am to her.

Our lips moved in perfect sync, our tongues dancing and our lips moving.i raised one of my hands to cup her delicate phase while the other hand rested at the base of her neck. God's, she tasted divine.

We broke the kiss a few moments later, to catch out breadth

"That was my first kiss. " She whispered.

"It was mine as well" I said..... Wait is she saying  I messed up... Oh no. Shoot.. I need to apologize

"Emma... I ... That was.. " I stammered. Never have I stammered lime this before, I'm at loss of words... What if she hates me now... I ruined my chances to be with my mate... I will be mate less.. She will reject me... God's help your child please.

"That felt so good and so right. You're an amazing kisser. We should have kissed the day we met, that was so good" She said smiling.

Oh, well, I guess I didn't mess up, I am proud of my kissable lips, we worked magic and satisfied her and did not disappoint her.

"We are kissable, let's do that again" Said Atlas.

"Well baby, I aim to please" I said as I lowered my lips on hers again, slowly, allowing her to pull back, if she thinks she doesn't want it, when she didn't I kissed her again, a life tougher than last time,when she didn't complain, I took control of the kiss, my tongue being the dominant one, exploring her, each and every corner of her mouth, she tasted like peppermint. Yummy.

I pulled back and leaned my forehead against her. Our breaths mingled as we took deep breaths to calm down our irregular breathing.

She looked up at me with pure love shinning in her eyes, she may not know it, but her eyes reflect how much she loves me, I do hope that my eyes show her how much I love her as well.

"Take the plunge, Ethan, tell her how we love her and how much she means to us.... Please, we need to tell her , I'll burst out of anticipation otherwise. " Screamed Atlas as he based in the aftermath of the kiss, which was pure bliss.

"You think the time is right? " I asked

"We just kissed her Rosey red lips for the first time and explored her mouth with our tongue, of course it's the right time, we don't want her thinking we only love her because of the pleasure we need" Said Atlas

"Alright, give me a moment, so that I can gather words to describe her" I said

"Fine... But hurry your butt" He said

How does I love you Emma sound? No it's too blunt, we need to ease her into the situation.

What about 'Emma your my world, the day I met you was the day j fell in love with you... Emma I love you, do you love me?'

No, this sounds like a desperate pup begging their girlfriend to love him back.

What about ' Emma I love and I need you to love me back' . No! I am telling her my feelings g not threatening j er to love me back

Aha! Eureka! I k ow just what I want to say.

"Ethan, are you okay? You spaced out a bit" She asked as she cupped my face.

"Yeah, I'm good, just thinking" I said

"About what? Oh god , did I mess up the kiss , oh shit, I k we I was a bad kisser " She said

"No, no, the kiss was fabulous, I loved it, I was thinking about something else" I said

"Okay... Do you want to tell me? " She asked

"Yes I do. " I said I took a deep breath and then stared into her beautiful eyes.

"Emma, what I'm about to say, is something I have never told anyone and to be honest I'm hell nervous about what your reaction will be. I-I want to confess something " I said as I took another deep breath and closed my eyes , I opened them and was now determined to convey my feelings to her.

" There is a garden in your face, Where roses and white lilies blow; A heavenly paradise is that place, Wherein all pleasant fruits do grow. Their cherries grow that none may buy, Till cherry ripe themselves to dry.You're  so beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Even thousands of orchids can't compare to your beauty, you are unique.

I look over to you and I see sunshine.

Your bravery, kindness, and innocence are the things that make you so beautiful.You are beautiful, I do say ,Not outwardly alone but also deep inside. Your beautiful heart is one of the best things that bring joy in my world.

To wake up every morning and to see your beautiful smile is the sense of my life. You are fantastic.

If I was given one last wish before I died, I'd ask to look into your eyes so that I can get a glimpse of what heaven looks like. You have the most beautiful eyes in the whole world, darling.

I get goosebumps all over my body when I think about you. I feel like I'm in heaven when I hug you, What I'm trying to say is that, magic is when our eyes meet and when we feel Sparks between our hearts. Life without you will be incomplete, Emma, my queen, I love you, thoroughly and deep, not just your beauty but everything you do brings me to my knees, I am so in love e with you that without you I cannot breath.

I can spend days without food and sleep, but I cannot spend a minute without you  You are  and always will be, my lifeline

I want to treat you like a queen simply because you rule my world. I am at your service, your majesty. I love you! I love you! I love you "I said.

I saw her eyes begin to water, oh dear, I knew this was so soon. Shit. Atlas help.

" Ethan, I love you so much too"she said as she hugged me tight,"I felt the tears on my neck but I now know they are happy ones, hugging her  I whispered

"You are the first person I think about when I wake up and the last one I think about when I fall asleep. Day in and day out, I remind myself how lucky I am to have you. I love you sweetheart; thanks for being mine." I whispered and heard her sniffle

"I love you a lot, now stop being so poetic or these tears will never stop" She said as she hugged me tighter.

I smiled as I rubbed her back gently and once I was sure she was calm, I pulled back slightly and wiped the tear stands which were adorning her cheeks. I kissed nose, cheeks forehead and then finally her lips.

I think I'm addiction to kissing her now. I love her, I finally told her and she loves me back. I think there is hope that the sun will shine again in my dark life.... And that will it be because of my girl, my mate, my queen, my Luna, my Emma.