
Alpha Kane : The story begins

A supernatural love story between a powerful alpha king and a human determined woman. When a magic portal sucks Emma park and drops her in the wolf realm... What twists and turns come up in her life as she struggles to keep up with her mate.. Does her mate accept her? Does he reject her because she is human? What turns does her life take when she realises there is no way back? Keep reading to find out (I know the description sucks, but trust me, the story is fun) book 1 of the mystic series. This book is just the beginning of the supernstural series. stay tuned

aarushi_jain_5418 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Royal Coronation

Ethan Kane

"Babes , as much as I would love for us to stay on the floor kissing and cuddling we have to get ready for the Royal coronation ball. " I said as I pulled back from my pouting mate.

"Can we ditch it and cuddle instead, I mean you and I just confessed our love for each other and I want celebrate it, in private" She said with a wink.

If winks could kill, she was doing a pretty good job in trying to assassinate me.

"Mate is no murderer, you pathetic human" Scolded Atlas

"I meant it as an expression" I said

"Abandon this expression" He huffed

"Fine" I said

"Darling, as much as I would love to cuddle and kiss you all my life on this floor and never set foot outside this room, the Royal ball is auspicious and is damn necessary for the stabilty of our kingdom" I said as I stood up, making sure she stood up with me.

"Fine, but after the ball I expect lots and lots of cuddles and kisses" She said

"Oh sweetheart, cuddles and kisses aren't the only things you should be expecting" I said seductively. The gentleman, who was taking things slow, is long gone.

"Oh really, and what else should I expect? " She asked as she ran her delicate fingers up my chest, titling her head up, her chest flush against mine.

(Cough) "Royal duties, lots of gifts and a lot of people bowing at your feet. " I said smiling.

"Are you sure that's all I should be expecting? " She asked as she kissed my chest.

Where is my little Emma who I thought could never be a tease like this. Did someone kidnap her. Lord have mercy on me, her kisses are driving me frenzy.

Atlas purred as she trailed kisses up my chest till my neck and jaw.

"What else does my soon to be queen human Luna expect from her king alpha? " I asked as I kept a hand on her lower back  and the other on her upper back.

"Maybe something, related to heirs" She said as she looked up at me, her electric blue eyes sizzling with such raw passion and love for me.

"Shall we get started" I asked as I began to descend to trails kisses on her shoulder.

"Uh uh uh" She said as she pushed me back

"I believe we have a Royal coronation ball to attend. The future of the kingdom's stabilty is at stakes. " She said as she shoved me in the bed a d ran in the bathroom for a lovely bath.

I was sprawled on my back with an erect boner. Our mate is such a tease. She may have teased the would out of me right now, but did she take her gown or towel in the bathroom, I thought looking at my right side, I found her clothes and towels resting in the bed.

"Miss Emma park, soon to be queen humam Luna Emma Atlas Kane, you're in so much trouble now" I whispered as I smiled.

I found my clothes and began to strip in the middle of the room and wear my clothes.

Halfway through but toning my black dress shirt, I heard my beautiful mate squeak

"Ethan, I know you're out in the room, I forgot my towel and clothes, can you please hand me those? " She asked

"Oh darling, why shy now, I'm your mate, I think you wanted some heirs, come out darling" I said, smiling as I stood with my hands behind my back holding the towel, my shirt half buttoned, exposing my toned chest in front of bathroom door, from where her head was only visible, the rest of her body hiding behind the door.

"Please Ethan, give me the towel" She whispered

"And why should I, I want to enjoy the view, payback for teasing me. " I said , smiling at her mischievously.

"Ethan, please, I'm cold and shivering" She said with teeth cluttering,considering that twonday ago she was with a fever due to the cold, made me serious.

Teasing her is another issue but her getting cold and then sick, that's not going to happen. I quickly pulled her out from the bathroom and wrapped the towel around her rubbing her arms to deliver some warmth to her. All this while I kept my eyes in her face, not daring to look any further.

"Darling, are you okay, I'm so sorry, I was just teasing you, I absolutely forgot that your human body is not accustomed go the cold weather over here, are you positive you aren't feeling a cough brewing or sneezes awaiting to be released, sore throat, what about a sore throat, is your nose okay? I mean it isn't blocked or runny? Should I call doctor Ruby? Actually I shouldn't take any chances I should call her. Should I - woah" I was cut of with her lips on mine.

"Chillax, Ethan, I'm fine, you wrapped me up in this warm fluffy towel before the cold could get me. " She said as she cupped mu face.

"Are you sure? " I asked.

"Positive, now if you don't mind turning around so that I can grab my gown and clothes and run into the walkin closet over there and get ready while you finish buttoning your shirt, no one bug me should be able to see that body" She said

"Possessive already, darling" I teased

"Yes." She admitted and I smiled

"Can't argue with that love, those word would be mine if you were the one with an exposed chest. " I said as I turned around for give her privacy to grab her stuff.

I finished button g my shirt and finally wore my shoes, my tie handing undone on my neck, Emma better know how to tie this tie, else Zander I'm on my way.

My darling Emma came out wearing the most beautiful sparking black gown.  Gosh she looked so Royal and fancy.

"Darling you look stunning, a vision to the sore eyes, marvelous, my god, it's like  you were to be royalty, I'm going to be fighting men who dare even look up and stare at your body" I gushed as I could not take my eyes of her.

"Ditch the ball, let's mate now! " Screamed Atlas

"Not possible  wolf, control our boner" I said

"Ethan, you look so young and handsome in that tuxedo, but I must ask, why on earth is your tie undone? " She asked as she took in my form

"About darling, do you know how to tie a tie? " I asked and she nodded as she walked over to me

"Who knew that the mighty alpha king, whom everyone fears would be defeated by a tie, " She teased as she began to tie my tie

" Darling, ties are just useless, look at them, the only use is to hand from the neck"I said as she stood on her tip toes tying my tie.

"You know you could ditch the tie, your a king after all, your style will mark the beginning of a new fashion era" She said

"The only reason, I'm wearing a tie is because, it's you who is tying it, it brought you flush against my body" I said and heard her laugh, her beautiful laugh.

She finally tied my tie and patted my chest, kissing it.

"Ethan, I think I can find a few after uses of the tie. " She said with a smile  making me squirm in my place.

"My love,  beta female Zuri was at the door and wanted  to do your hair, but I sent her back and told her I'll do it myself. " I said and she nodded, stepping back.

"Very well, shown me your hair skills" she said

"Please have a seat in front of the mirror, love" I said and she nodded. I glanced up in the mirror and realised I looked  handsome standing behind her. My suit perfectly matching her gown.

I began to delicately comb her hair, slowly, so as not to pull a single strand, satisfied that it was de tangled, I began to style it ,  satisfied I stepped back, allowing her to examine my craft man ship.

"Wow, Ethan, from this day inwards tour styling my hair" She said as she smiled brightly at me

"Of course my darling, anything for you" I said as I leaned past her to grab her tiara which was soon to be replaced with the crown.

"Pure diamond tiara for my diamond" I said

"Ethan it's so beautiful and delicate, what if I drop it. " She asked as she admired it being placed on her head

"I'll get another one made, as long as your not hurt, I don't mind the tiara breaking" I said as kissed her forehead.

She smiled, up at me,

"I love you" She whispered.

"As I love you" I said as I engulfed her in a hug.

"Now my dear king alpha, I believe there is a ball awaiting our presence" She said.

"Yes, about that, shall we? " I asked offering my arm and with my other hand adjusted my tie

"Of course, my dear king" She said hooking her arm in mine.

I matched my pace with hers, as I led her down the palace staircase, the guards bowed and I saw a few lingering gazes land upon my mate. I did what any wolf will do at that time, I growled at those wolves, daring to eye mu girl, a second more than necessary.

Zander and Zuri met us at the end of the staircase.

"Holy moly, I knew the gown would look splendid on you, but this good, O had no idea and the hair, my god, king alpha, you have a way with everything" Gushed Zuri as she gazed at Emma

"Oh my god, the tiara, the one you're wearing my dear, it's because, almost as beautiful as you" She further added as her eyes fell upon the diamonds resting on her head

"Thank you" Said Emma as she blushed, sub consciously shifting closer to me, not that I'm complaining. Atlas was purring at the fact that she was willingly clinging on our arm and was at our side.

"My queen, my king, you look like such a lovely couple" Said Zander as he bowed respectfully at us

"Thank you, Zander" Said Emma. He smiled back at her and then turned to me

"Sire, the press would like a few pictures of the Royal couple before the coronation" He said.

"Of course"I said as I led her to the balcony of our castle for our media to click a picture or two of my Emma before she is crowned queen

" My god, is that the queen, she looks so beautiful " Said a voice from the reporters

"A true beauty equivalent to our kings handsomeness" Said another

"She may be human, but her poise and intelligence as what we have heard is much better than the wolves over here" Said another

"Is it true, that she called sir Luigi a constipated egg, if it is it serves him right" Said one of the villagers

"Rumours say that she called Mario a pinky haired man" Said one of the ladies who were from the press

"Goodness grace, she is to be crowned queen, I am not looking forward to be governed by a human" Said a voice and I growled.

Emma kept and arm in my chest and smiled softly up at me

"Relax, love, no need to react, ignore them" She whispered and I nodded

We smiled at the reporters as wm they clicked our picks. After the reporters had their share of pictures we walked back inside and Zander led us to the Royal dinning room for the feast.

The guard announced our or essence and we walked in and everyone stood up, men and women from all over the packs, the alphas and betas along with some of the humans and Omega's were present.

We say down at the head of the table where all the alphas were seated. Zander walked off to sit with the betas at the other end of the table.

"Wolves of wolf realm, please enjoy your meal, the night is still young as we still have to crown my mate as the queen of this realm" I spoke with authority. The wolves cheered as we were served with the food.

In saw some of the Luna's glare at Emma but I glared right back at them growling lowly so that their mates could hear and control their jealous Luna's, none could compare with the exquisite beauty of my mate.

During the feast I kept stealing glances of my mate who was charming all those sitting near us with her grace. I saw the alpha of apple wood forest, stare at my mate lustfully, so in order to assert my claim over her, I fed her some of the meat from my plate, using my fork. I made sure to take a glimpse of the alpha's reaction. Lucky for that mutt, he took the hint and stared at some other unmated wolf.

Once the Royal feast was over, I escorted Emma, to the Royal ball, where we were to take the oath and crown her.

The crowd was already waiting for our arrival, I walked through the parting crowd with Emma clutching onto my arm till we made a stop in front of the thrones.

I could feel her anxiety, the fear of having to stay calm in front of all these wolves and human. Squeezing her hand slightly I offered her, my strength.

The Royal priest walked forward and bowed in front of us.

I took a step forward and raised my hand to silence all the wolves who were staring at us with eyes wider than saucers.

"Wolves of wolf realm, it is in my great fate that I announce that after years of waiting for my mate, I have finally found her, Emma park, a human fated to be my mate and the Queen human Luna to the entire realm. Today on this auspicious day we gather to witness and celebrate the coronation of your queen and my mate. Today the wolf realm has been gifted with their queen.now let's get the rituals started. The first ritual being the proclamation of love and responsibility."I said and all the wolves cheered.

I stepped back to take my place next to Emma as the priest came forward.

" Emma Park, do you agree to love and cherish our alpha king, Ethan Atlas Kane till death do you two apart. " He asked

"I do" She said

"Do you king alpha Ethan Atlas Kane, take Emma park to be your mate till death do you two apart?" I do I said staring in the eyes of my mate, letting her know how serious I am for her.

"Do you Emma park, agree to take upon your shoulders the duties of a queen, the duty of serving and protecting your people, the duty of being am idol to your people , the duty of sharing. The responsibility with King alpha Ethan Atlas Kane? " He asked

"I do" She said

"Do you swear upon the holy water of the moon goddess to always think about the entire kingdom and nurture the people within as your kids? " He asked

"I do" She said.

"Do you swear upon the moon goddesses love, that you shall be faithful to king alpha Ethan Atlas Kane? " He asked.

"I do" She said staring at me, showing me the love reflecting in her eyes

"By the powers of the mighty moon goddess and her mate, I pronounce you worthy of the title Queen human Luna Emma Ethan Atlas Kane, a tittle which you shall love and behold till death " He said as I heard the crowd clap and cheer.

Emma kneeled before me as Zander held the red pillow on which her crown rested on. I picked up the crown and placed it on her head and then I helped her stand and then turned her so that we could face the crowd.

Crown fit for a Queen

I and Emma, or should I say Queen Emma stood there allowing the few reporters who were allowed in to click our photos.

" Wolf realm, I present to you, your Queen. Love and protect her just like you have been doing so for me. Remember injustice to her is injustice to me"I said as

I led Emma go the thrones behind us. I made sure Emma sat down before me as we watched the wolves partner up and dance, the reporters took the the last of the pictures for this ritual before they were escorted out of the castle.

"Emma,my darling, may I have this dance? " I asked as I held out a hand for her her to take

"Of course, my dear king, I was waiting for you to ask" she said as, I held her hand and led her down the stairs to the center of the dance floor. We waltzes around the floor elegantly till final it was time for us to depart for the next ritual which is the Royal prayer.

Ethan Kane

Leading Emma to the carriage which awaited us, I spoke to her

"Darling, you were so spectacular when you were saying your vows, your eyes were itself a proof of how much truth was being told at that time" I said softly as I helped her in the carriage, lifting the trailing tail of her her dress and adjusting it inside before climbing in and sitting next to her.

"Thank you but if I am to be absolutely truthful I was so nervous, I mean the reporters were gawking at us like Hawks with their cameras, ready to capture any mistake, then the people, those wolves were looking at me with a mixture of feelings, the humans of the kingdom, they kind of looked at me sympathetically. I'm so nervous about the rest of the rituals, what if I mess up" She said

"Darling, breathe, come on, in out with me" I said as I kept her hand in my chest and made her copy my breathing. I totally get her, the pressure from the others is tormenting. I noticed she was exhibiting the the symptoms of going into a panic attack. Thank the Lord's I read that medical human book.

I called her down through the breathing trick and also singing a lullaby my dad used to sing to me, whenever I was anxious.

"Now darling, listen carefully, don't give a damn to the people out their, their opinions is not what shapes you, it's your beliefs, the way you conduct yourself and how truthful you are to yourself that shapes you. Don't let anyone take that power from you. And for the rituals, don't stress about it, just try to enjoy them... Trust me it's better that way"I said smiling and she nodded

She kept her head in my shoulder, while I wrapped my arm around her in a side hug, resting my head on hers. We watched as the crowds parted allowing the Royal carriage to pass. It was approximately an hour ride from our castle.

Finally we reached the moon temple, a place where the other rituals were to be completed but most importantly the place where the body of our goddess was found, millions of years ago.

I got out of the carriage and then lifted her in my arms and carried her inside the temple. Yes, she could walk but the feeling of having her in my arms, trusting me not to drop her was something I loved. I walked with her in my arms till we finally  reached inside. The entire time, the reporters were clicking pictures and our subjects, they were shocked, shocked that their king who showed no mercy to his enemies  and was known to be emotionless, a monster, was openly showing love, to his mate, to the queen of the realm. I looked down and found her smiling up at me.

"Why are you staring, my loves it's rude to stare" I asked as I stood at the stairs with her in my arms.

"Just seeing, how strong my mate is, he is carried his mate, 500 steps up to the temple, even though she weighs 45 kg and the dress she is wearing  half her weight. " She replied

"Well my love, sorry to break it, but your are not heavy, it like carrying a wolf pup in my arms. Also in addition to this, I find great pleasure in carrying my mate" I said

"Oh my  king, who knew you could be such a romantic when left alone with your mate. Put her down now, the rituals need to begin. " Said David through our mind link

"David , don't act as if during the time of  Diana's  crowning, you did not carry your mate all around, kissing her every few seconds and giving us a glimpse of what goes on behind the closed doors" I replied

"Oh my, king. Dont tease me, I don't want to blush in front of all the people. I am a man of great pride" He replied

"Please call me brother, after all we are family" I said and for the first time in years I looked up and saw him smile with some emotion  in his eyes

"Glad to have you back big brother" He said

"Glad to be back brother" I replied.

I looked around and saw the priest shuffling from one foot to another blushing, I guess it's time to start the ritual and let my mate stand on her two feet


I gently placed her know the ground, keeping a hold on her till I was also positive she won't fall. Bending down I flared out her dress and also softly massaging her ankles which are blind to be sore after walking in those heels. I stood up taking my own sweet time and then nodded to the priest. I kept one arm around her waist , re ensuring myself that she was actually here with me.

" Wolves of the kingdom, now is the time that we will bound the souls of king and queen Kane and offer their blood drops to the goddess and see if she accepts this offering "said the priest as he took the sacred dagger.

" King if you will please " He said indicating that I should present my palm.

I gave him my palm and he sliced it with the dagger, allowing a few droplets to fall into the sacred bowl.

"My queen" He said as he took her palm in his large hands and sliced through her skin making her wince. I must admit, he did it really painfully, a wolf would also feel the pain the way he did it. Growling I said

"Carefull, she is my mate and your queen, be gentle with her" I growled.

"Apologies, your majesty" He said as he made the droplet fall into the bowl containing my blood.

My wound had healed already, knowing my mate was human, the moment the priest  releases her palm I held onto it and licked it, healing it with my saliva. I heard the people whisper their awe's.

Emma smiled at me and I smiled back as I held her hand at my side. The priest offered the blood bowl in front of the stone  under which our goddess was buried years ago before she attained salvation.

Immediately, white smoke engulfed the bowl and what was left was a rose and a donut.

"The goddess accepted their souls binding. Queen Emma will bring prosperity to our kingdom" Said  David

Yup a rose and a donut represent acceptance and prosperity whereas a stone and a thorn represent declinance and ruining.

" Great then, king if you two will just take a bite out of the donuts together " Said the priest and I nodded.

I held the donut between our mouths and bit into it, a white liquid flowed out of the donut.

"The king and queens relation is purer than the sacred forests" Said David.

Yup white liquid meant purity and res liquid meant adultery  in the relationship of the blood blind couples.

We them moved on to the next part of the ritual which was the kiss.

"I don't think we need to tell you which part of the ritual you guys need to perform next" Said David as he smiled and I shook my head

"We know it"I said as I cupped her face and kissed her, as I dipped her . I know the reporters were clicking pictures and finally after having their fill they left.

" I request everyone to shift and reach the sacred forest, for the pack run " Said Zander as he led everyone out.

"Darling, I brought you a dress so that you may change into for the pack run" I said as I gave her the bag.

SShe went behind one of the trees of the forest behind the temple with me gaurding that particular tree and growling at anyone who dared look even in this direction.

She came out wearing the beautiful black dress and I shifted into Atlas.

Atlas POV

"My queen, my love, you look spectacular, please have a seat upon your throne" I said as I crouched down allowing her to sit down.

Her dress skirt surrounded my body and she began to gather it, before bunching it between her legs.

"Comfy? " I asked

"Yes.." She whispered

"Hold on tight" I said and she grabbed my ears. I  whinned

"Darling please hold anything but my ears, they are quite sensible and to be honest that hurt" I said

"Sorry, Atlas, I didn't mean to " She said as she let go of my ears and held onto my scruff.

I began to walk up to the front of the pack and then howled st the sky before taking off in a soft sprint. After a few minutes a increased my speed and began to zoom across the forest, carefull to not drop Emma.

"Darling, are you doing okay? " I asked

"Yes. This is so fun, it's like I'm flying but on the ground" She said

"Glad you like it,. " I said as we came to a stop after an hours ride

I shifted into my human behind the tree with David and Zander gaurding Emma and then came out wearing a hoodie and joggers.

From the look of it, Emma was completely burnt, she had no energy left and was literally just dragging her feet to keep up with us. Poor girl, it must be exhausting to walk in those pointy shoes, those shoes should be banned from being made.

Ethan lifted Emma in our arms and walked back inside the castle. Yup we ran all the way back to castle during the pack run

Ethan Kane

I laid Emma on the bed and took out my hoodie and some yoga pants for her.

"Darling, may I help you change? " I asked and she nodded her head.

I shimmied her out of the dress, not letting my eyes wonder and changed her into the comfy clothes. I took of the crown and kept it next to mine and then also took out all the pins from her hair and massaged her scalp for a few minutes before turning to her feet.

I took of her heels and massaged her feet.

"Darling, does this feel good? I know walking in heels must have been hard and your feet must be sore" I said as I gently massaged her feet.

"Yes, it does Ethan" She said and I nodded.

I massaged  her feet for a while and just as I looked up to see of she was liking it, I found her asleep. Smiling, I let go of her feet, and laid her down on the bed. I then covered her with the quilt and crawled to my side of the bed. I gathered her in my arms and smiled. I finally fell asleep with her in my arms.

"Sleep well my queen" I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

Tomorrow the Royal duties await for us to tackle together.