
Alpha in the MCU (Rewrite)

A young man named Mark finds himself at the crossroads of life and death, struck by the fateful "truck-kun" and offered a chance for reincarnation by a higher-dimensional being known as ROB. Given the opportunity to start anew, Mark, now reborn as James Logan Howlett, enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Armed with the combined abilities of Wolverine and an Alpha werewolf, James now as one of the most formidable beings in existence, he navigates his new life.

Kakarot1809 · Movies
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39 Chs

The Mysterium Infusion

The next morning was crisp and cool, a gentle breeze stirring the leaves outside Logan's home.

Inside, Logan lounged comfortably on the couch, playfully teasing Laura and Jean, who sat across from him. Laura rolled her eyes at his antics, though a small smile played at her lips. Jean, meanwhile, blushed, her cheeks warming under his flirtatious gaze.

Suddenly, Logan's senses detected something, his nostrils flaring as a familiar scent wafted through the open window.

His playful demeanor shifted instantly to one of curiosity and surprise. "Benjamin?" he murmured, mostly to himself. This was odd. Benjamin, the bear who preferred the solitude of the deep forest, never ventured this close to his home.

"Is everything okay?" Jean asked, noticing the change in his expression.

Logan nodded slowly, but his brow furrowed with confusion. "Stay here," he said, getting up and moving toward the door.

He signaled Laura, who also caught the scent of ben, to protect Jean in case anything happens. "I'll be right back."

Stepping outside, Logan's eyes quickly spotted a figure emerging from the forest's edge.

What he saw stopped him in his tracks—a bear, nearly seven feet tall, standing on its hind legs, a smirk playing across its usually stoic features.

"Ben…?" Logan whispered, disbelief coloring his voice. He stepped forward cautiously, his eyes never leaving the bear.

As he approached, the creature's features became more defined, and there was no mistaking it—it was indeed Benjamin, but something about him was different.

His posture was more upright, his fur thicker, his muscles are now more solid than before.

Before Logan could voice his questions, a familiar presence appeared beside him. Selene materialized from a cloud of dark mist, her expression calm but her eyes alight with pride. "Surprised?" she asked, a knowing smile on her lips.

Logan glanced at her, then back at Benjamin. "What happened?" he asked, still trying to process what he was seeing.

Selene stepped forward, her movements graceful and deliberate. "Benjamin came to me," she explained. "He wanted to be more than he was. He wanted to be like you—a protector of the pack, someone with strength and purpose. He asked me to use my magic to transform him, to give him the abilities of a werewolf, but in his own form."

Logan's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "And you did it?"

Selene nodded. "I cast a spell on him, making him a werebear—the first and last of his kind. He now possesses many of the abilities of a werewolf, and in terms of raw strength, he's even superior to most."

Laura, who had followed Logan outside, stared at Benjamin with wide eyes. "A werebear?" she repeated, incredulity in her voice. "I didn't even know that was possible."

Logan couldn't help but grin, shaking his head in amazement. "Well, I'll be damned." He stepped closer to Benjamin, examining him more closely. "You look good, Ben. Real good." Due to height difference he had to fly to reach out and he patted Benjamin's shoulder, feeling the powerful muscles beneath the thick fur.

Benjamin responded with a pleased grunt, the smirk still on his face. He couldn't speak—at least, not yet.

Selene explained that it might take years for him to develop the ability to communicate like the other members of the pack. But he could learn, grow, and evolve, much like Logan had over time.

"He'll get stronger," Selene added, watching Logan's reaction closely. "And as he evolves, he may gain new abilities."

Logan's grin widened, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. He was happy for Benjamin, happy that his friend had found a new purpose and strength. "Welcome to the world, Ben," he said warmly.

Benjamin nodded, his eyes conveying gratitude and determination. It was clear that he was eager to start this new chapter of his life, to become an integral part of the Crimson Moon Pack.


Days turned into weeks, and life in Whitehaven settled into a comfortable rhythm.

The town, now under the protection of the Crimson Moon Pack, thrived behind the magical barrier Selene had created. No one but werewolves—or those closely allied with them—could enter the town, keeping its secrets well-guarded.

Selene continued to train Jean in controlling her powers, while Benjamin began to explore the extent of his new abilities.

Logan some days spent his days working with the pack, training some of the members to control their senses.

He is also training under Laura in magic, but results are not good. He even went to see Ancient one, but she said he didn't have much of magic talent.

But he didn't give up and asked Laura to teach him some basic spells and that portal thing.

It didn't matter if he doesn't have magic talent but he for sure will learn to open portals, that thing is like a cheat if used correctly.


One day, as Logan was preparing for this training session, he caught sight of a familiar car approaching down the main road.

It was Howard and Peggy. He smiled, remembering their last conversation. He had offered them both a chance to join the pack, and it seemed Peggy had made her decision.

Peggy stepped out of the car first, her expression calm but resolute. Howard followed, looking slightly more apprehensive.

After that exchanged greatings, He lead them both to his house.

After they settled down on the sofa present in the hall, Peggy came straight to the point, "I'm ready," Peggy said, her voice steady. "If what you said about Steve is true, and if there's a chance I can be with him again… I want to take it."

Logan nodded, understanding the weight of her choice. "You're sure about this?" he asked, giving her one last chance to reconsider.

Peggy nodded firmly. "Yes. I've thought about it a lot, and this is what I want."

Howard, meanwhile, crossed his arms, looking a bit skeptical. "I'm here to make sure it goes alright," he said, his tone a mix of concern and curiosity. "But don't expect me to turn into one of you furry folks. I've got enough on my plate as it is."

Logan chuckled. "Fair enough, Howard." He turned back to Peggy. "Alright, let's get started."

They all stand and Logan came closer to Peggy as Howard moved few feet away.

Logan then explained what would happen. "It's not going to be easy, Peggy. It'll hurt, and it'll take some time to get used to your new abilities. But you'll be stronger, faster, and you'll heal quicker. You'll also be part of our pack, and we'll look out for you, always."

Peggy nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'm ready."

Logan took a deep breath as his eyes started glowing red and his fangs elongating. He moved closer to Peggy, his movements are slow. "This might sting a bit," he warned with a gentle smile.

He leaned in and bit her gently on the shoulder, just enough to draw blood. Peggy gasped, her eyes widening as she felt the wolf's venom coursing through her veins. Logan stepped back, watching carefully as the transformation began.

Howard watched with wide eyes, his hands gripping the sides of his jacket nervously.

She kneeled on the ground and her eyes began to glow yellow. Peggy's body convulsed slightly as the change took hold. Her eyes flickered, and a soft growl escaped her lips. But soon, the pain seemed to subside, and she relaxed, her breathing steady.

As the transformation completed, she is now taller and with more muscles.

Howard who watched it happen couldn't help but reply the scene "This scene... It remains me of how Roger completed his transformation."

Logan reached out to help her stand. "Welcome to the pack, Peggy," he said warmly.

Peggy smiled, still a bit dazed but clearly relieved. "Thank you, Logan," she said, her voice shaky but grateful.

Howard leans forward "You good in there Peg?"

Peggy nods at him and smiled.

Logan then informed Laura of this matter and she is very much happy to have Peggy on the Pack, and even decided to train her in controlling her abilities.

Logan threw a big feast in the night to celebrate Peggy joining the pack.

Over the next few days, Peggy adjusted to her new life as a werewolf. She continued her work with S.H.I.E.L.D., but now with a new strength.


**Inside Hank's Laboratory located in Whitehaven**

A few months had passed, and the air in the lab near Hank's lab was thick with anticipation.

The room was filled with the hum of machines, flickering monitors, and the occasional crackle of energy from Selene's spells.

The walls were lined with various scientific instruments, all focused on a central point—the chair where Logan sat, ready for the infusion process.

Laura, and Jean were gathered in the lab, their expressions a mix of determination and concern.

Logan was seated in a specialized chair designed with armrests that had been modified to include restraints.

These restraints were meant to secure Logan's hands in place during the process, ensuring that the infusion would be precise and controlled.

In front of him was a thick, reinforced metal container with two handles positioned at just the right height for him to grip. His claws were slowly extended.

Selene moved around the room, her eyes closed in concentration as she chanted an incantation.

Mystical runes began to glow softly on the floor, etched in a circle around Logan's chair. The air shimmered with her magic, casting an ethereal glow that danced across the surfaces of the lab.

Her role was crucial; her spells were designed to protect Logan from excessive harm, while Mysterium is unaffected by magic it's better to be safe than sorry.

Meanwhile, Hank was at the control panel, his hands moving swiftly across the buttons and dials. He had spent months analyzing Mysterium, the mysterious metal retrieved from the Phoenix.

His calculations and Selene's enchantments had led them to this moment—a potentially revolutionary integration that could enhance Logan's already formidable abilities.

Jean, standing near the control room's window, couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. She turned to Laura, who was standing beside her, watching Logan intently. "Why do Logan and you have bone claws while the rest of the pack only have nails like a typical werewolf?" Jean asked, her eyes flicking between Laura and Logan.

Laura smiled, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "You didn't ask this question before, did you?" she replied softly, still watching Logan.

Jean shrugged, "I guess I didn't know much about werewolves back then. Even now, there's still so much I don't understand."

Laura turned to her, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Logan is unique," she began. "Before meeting him, I too had wolf-like nails, like the rest of the pack. But after becoming his wife and Luna, my powers evolved, and my claws changed as well. It's a reflection of my bond with Logan and the strength of our connection. My father also had one claw extended from the back of his hand, but he mostly used his nails to attack. I don't know much about it and didn't really care, I think it might be related to him being an Alpha werewolf."

Jean nodded, intrigued by this new information. She was about to ask more about Laura's father, but the thought was interrupted by the sudden whirring of the machinery. Her attention snapped back to Logan, whose hands were being slowly pulled into the container by mechanical arms.

Inside the container, Logan's hands were held firmly by mechanical clamps, positioned just above a pool of glowing, molten Mysterium. The metal was unlike anything else, shimmering with a strange, otherworldly light.

Hank's calculations had shown that when heated to a specific temperature, the Mysterium would become malleable enough to bond with Logan's bone claws.

Hank glanced at Logan and Selene, both standing ready. Logan gripped the handles tightly, preparing for the pain. Selene gave a slight nod to Hank, her focus unwavering. Hank then pressed a series of buttons on the control panel, initiating the procedure.

A low hum filled the room as the Mysterium began to liquefy further, flowing like molten silver into a series of fine needles positioned around Logan's claws. Each needle was designed to inject the metal in precise amounts, targeting the exact points where Logan's bone claws extended from his knuckles.

Logan clenched his teeth around a piece of metal in his mouth, a precaution to prevent him from biting his tongue during the infusion. He nodded to Hank, signaling he was ready.

With a deep breath, Hank pressed the final button. The needles slowly descended into the tank, piercing Logan's skin around the base of his claws. As they made contact, a sharp, searing pain shot through Logan's hands, but he remained still, using his mind arts to numb the pain.

The liquid Mysterium began to flow through the needles, slowly merging with the bone of Logan's claws.

The integration process was meticulous. As the Mysterium seeped into his bones, Logan felt an intense heat spreading through his hands, moving up his arms. The room seemed to fade away as he focused all his concentration on controlling the pain.

Outside the container, the monitors displayed various readings—heart rate, temperature, and neural activity—all of which were being closely watched by Hank, Laura, and Jean from the control room.

The energy readings spiked as the Mysterium bonded with Logan's claws, the molten metal slowly solidifying into a new, enhanced structure.

Selene continued her chanting, her voice steady and calm. Her spells created a barrier around Logan, preventing the intense energy from causing any collateral damage. Her eyes glowed with a faint green light, her hands weaving through the air in precise patterns, maintaining the protective field around him.

Minutes felt like hours as the process continued. Logan's body trembled under the strain. His Alpha form began to surface instinctively, his eyes glowing red as his body tried to heal and adapt to the foreign metal.

The room was silent except for the hum of the machines and the sound of Selene's chanting. The tension was palpable as everyone watched the monitors closely, waiting for the process to complete.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the needles retracted, and the Mysterium infusion was complete.

The metal had fully bonded with Logan's bone claws, creating a new, stronger metal claws.

Logan took a deep breath, his body slowly relaxing as the pain began to subside.

The clamps holding his hands released, and he carefully withdrew his hands from the container, inspecting his new claws. The bone had been replaced with a metallic sheen, the Mysterium integrated seamlessly with his natural anatomy.

Jean, Laura, and Hank watched in awe as Logan flexed his fingers, his new claws extending and retracting effortlessly. "How do you feel?" Hank asked, his voice filled with both concern and curiosity.

Logan looked up, a faint smile on his lips. "Good," he said simply.

Selene lowered her hands, the glow fading from her eyes. "The infusion was a success," she confirmed, a satisfied smile spreading across her face. "Welcome to a new chapter, Logan."

Logan nodded as he inspected his new claws.

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