
Alpha in the MCU (Rewrite)

A young man named Mark finds himself at the crossroads of life and death, struck by the fateful "truck-kun" and offered a chance for reincarnation by a higher-dimensional being known as ROB. Given the opportunity to start anew, Mark, now reborn as James Logan Howlett, enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Armed with the combined abilities of Wolverine and an Alpha werewolf, James now as one of the most formidable beings in existence, he navigates his new life.

Kakarot1809 · Movies
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41 Chs

The First Tribrid to walk on Earth

**Location: Training room of a secret base.**

The air inside the training room was thick with tension. The faint hum of machinery was drowned out by the sound of bodies colliding at blinding speed.

Two figures—Romulus and Sabretooth—moved with such ferocity and precision that the human eye would only see a blur.

Victor Creed, now enhanced beyond his original capabilities, had become a force to be reckoned with.

His adamantium claws, sharp and deadly, sliced through the air as he launched himself at Romulus with raw, unbridled power. Muscles rippling, fangs bared, he was a beast in human form, embodying primal rage.

Romulus, however, was a different kind of predator. Where Victor was all force and fury, Romulus was a tactician, a master of combat who had lived for centuries.

His movements were fluid, calculated. Each time Victor struck, Romulus dodged or parried, deflecting blows with ease.

The room echoed with the sound of claws meeting claws, of bone and muscle straining against one another.

Victor snarled as he lunged forward, his claws aimed at Romulus's throat. Romulus sidestepped, delivering a quick but powerful elbow to Victor's ribs, sending him crashing into the reinforced wall. The impact left a dent, but Victor was already on his feet, charging again, his eyes glowing with yellow fury.

"You're getting better," Romulus remarked, his voice calm despite the chaos. "But you're still not ready."

Victor's response was a guttural growl. Enhanced with the genes of several mutants, his strength had grown exponentially.

His healing factor was faster, his reflexes sharper, and his endurance had increased to the point where he could fight for months without tiring.

He could now go toe-to-toe with Romulus, matching his speed and strength—though only because Romulus was holding back.

Romulus blocked a flurry of strikes, his movements barely more than flickers in the air. He could see it—Victor was pushing himself harder, each swing more aggressive, each attack more reckless. He was relying on raw power, hoping to overpower Romulus through sheer force.

But Romulus was centuries old. He had fought and killed countless foes, including the prince of darkness, Dracula. Victor's strength alone wouldn't be enough to defeat someone like Logan.

Romulus knew this, and as he sidestepped another feral swipe, he decided it was time to end the session. He spun, catching Victor off-guard with a kick to the chest that sent him skidding across the floor.

Victor growled, leaping back to his feet, his claws extended, his breath ragged. His yellow eyes locked onto Romulus, waiting for the next round.

But Romulus didn't move.

"Stop," Romulus said with a firm voice. "You're strong, Victor. Stronger than you've ever been. But strength alone won't be enough to kill Logan. To defeat an Alpha, you have to become one."

Victor's chest heaved, his eyes narrowing as he processed Romulus's words.

Romulus stepped forward, his piercing gaze never leaving Victor's. "You want to kill Logan. You want to take his place as the apex predator. But to do that, you need more than just mutant genes and rage. You need control."

Victor's grin widened, his fangs gleaming in the dim light of the training room. "Isn't that why we're here? "

Romulus nodded slowly. "It's time. The experiments, the enhancements—they were only the beginning. To truly rival Logan, you need to ascend."

Victor's glowing yellow eyes lit up with anticipation. His claws extended, the tips glinting dangerously. "Then let's get started," he growled, his voice thick with bloodlust.

Romulus smiled, but it was cold and would send chills to other humans. "This is only the beginning, Sabretooth. Soon, you'll have the control of your power, and when you do... Logan won't stand a chance."

Victor's grin grew more feral, his claws flexing as he prepared for what was to come. This was it—the moment he had been waiting for. Soon, he would no longer be just Victor Creed. He would become the predator that even Logan would fear.

With a low, menacing growl, Victor's eyes glowed even brighter, the yellow hue almost burning with intensity.

The plan was in motion, and Sabretooth was ready to claim his place as the ultimate hunter.


**Location: Mystic falls, Evening time.**

Mystic Falls was a town that seamlessly blended the beauty of nature with the vibrancy of a modern city.

Towering trees lined the cobblestone streets, while sleek, contemporary buildings stood beside quaint shops and old-world architecture.

The air was fresh with the scent of pine, but the hum of modern life buzzed all around. It was a strange but captivating fusion, one that made it difficult to tell where nature ended and the city began.

Daisy Johnson walked cautiously through the town, her eyes scanning her surroundings. This wasn't just any investigation—this town held the answers she needed.

Whitehaven had disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and Mystic Falls shared the same strange energy.

Relatives of those trapped in Whitehaven had tried to enter the town, only to be repelled by an eerie fog. Some who ventured too close came back with their minds shattered, while others were never seen again.

Daisy couldn't forget what she had witnessed in the fog, the strange figure that she saw that day, hidden in shadows. She was determined to find out the truth.

Passing the town square, Daisy admired the charm that Mystic Falls had. On the surface, it was just another beautiful town, but she could feel something else, a darkness lingering beneath the calm.

James Howlett , known as Logan to the locals, had a deep connection to this place—his great-grandfather had founded it. Yet, despite its rich history, very little was known about what really went on here.

Pulling her hood up, Daisy kept a low profile as she mingled with the tourists. Her cover as a visitor was working for now, but her true mission was to uncover the town's secrets.

She had sent drones to scan the area, hoping to pick up on anything unusual, but the interference in Mystic Falls was stronger than she had anticipated. Most of her drones had already gone offline, their signals jammed by an unknown source.

"I need answers," she muttered to herself, her fingers flying across her handheld device, reviewing the data from the few drones still operational. "And I know I'll find them here."

As she adjusted the drones' frequencies to try and bypass the interference, she noticed a strange pattern.

The same frequencies that she had detected near Whitehaven were present here too. It couldn't be a coincidence.

She paused for a moment, glancing around to make sure no one was watching. Then, with a quick movement, she released another drone, watching as it buzzed silently into the air, scanning the town's outskirts.

But as the drone flew out of sight, Daisy couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

It was subtle at first, a faint prickling at the back of her neck, but the sensation grew stronger with each passing moment.

She glanced over her shoulder but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

The streets were still full of life, with locals and tourists going about their business. Yet, she couldn't rid herself of the uneasy feeling that something—or someone—was tracking her movements.

As she reached the edge of town, where the forest grew denser and the sounds of the city faded, Daisy's drone began to pick up something—an energy reading similar to what she had found near Whitehaven. She smiled to herself, her suspicions confirmed.

"Gotcha," she whispered, pulling up the data on her device.

But just as she was about to dive deeper into her findings, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up again. She wasn't alone.

Turning slowly, her hand instinctively moved toward her concealed weapon. The trees loomed large around her, their shadows long in the fading light.

For a moment, everything was still. Then, from the darkness, without warning, a figure moved and faster than Daisy could react, it was upon her.

The world blurred around her as she felt a sharp impact against the side of her head. Darkness crept into her vision, her body collapsing to the ground before she could even process what had happened.

Her device fell from her hand, her drone feed flickering out as she lay unconscious on the forest floor.

The last thing she saw before everything went black were those glowing yellow eyes watching her fade away into the darkness.


**Location: Logan's house, Whitehaven**

Inside the living room of Logan's house in Whitehaven, the air was tense. Logan sat on one side of the room, his arm draped around Laura, who was holding their daughter, Hope.

Jean sat beside them and Hank reclined in the corner, perched on a sofa with a curious expression.

Across from them stood Selene, who had called the meeting. She seemed unusually serious.

Logan broke the silence. "What's this about, Selene?"

Selene shifted her gaze toward the infant in Laura's arms. "It's about Hope."

A wave of tension passed through the room. Laura tightened her grip on Hope, looking between Selene and Logan.

Jean glanced over at Selene, and then at Hope. Hank, usually relaxed, leaned forward slightly.

"What do you mean?" Laura asked, her tone edged with suspicion.

Selene didn't flinch. "Tell me, Laura. Did anything strange happen on any of your missions, especially ones involving vampires?"

Laura furrowed her brow, clearly puzzled. "What's this about?"

Selene exchanged a glance with Jean, who gave a subtle nod. "Your child, Hope... she's a Tribrid, Laura. She has the blood of a werewolf, a witch, and... a vampire."

The room fell into stunned silence.

Laura's eyes widened. "That's impossible!" she nearly shouted.

Logan's gaze narrowed as he stared at Selene, silently demanding more information. Selene continued, undeterred by the rising tension.

"As you know, vampires can't produce offspring. It's unheard of for a vampire to pass their traits to a child," Selene explained. "That's why I asked if you've encountered anything unusual, something that might explain how this happened."

Suddenly, Hank's voice broke the silence from his corner. "Wait. Laura, didn't you face someone trying to become another Dracula through that Blood God ritual?"

Laura's memory clicked into place. "Yeah," she said slowly, "it was almost a year ago. I got called in to help some guy named Blade. Together, we stopped a man who was trying to become a Blood God."

Logan's eyes sharpened at the memory. He recalled the info his betas said about how Laura had fallen sick for a few hours after that mission, only to recover as if nothing had happened.

"What exactly happened there?" Selene pressed.

Jean, sensing the weight of the conversation, gently took Hope from Laura, cradling her in her arms while Laura began to recount the mission. "I went in during the middle of the Blood God ritual," Laura explained. "The guy was already in the transformation stage when I killed him."

Selene's eyes widened with realization. "The seed of the vampire god must have entered your body. But because you're a werewolf, combined with your adaptive evolution, it didn't take root in you. However—"

Hank jumped in, his eyes lighting up. "But the serum made the essence of the vampire to be stored in your body. And when you got pregnant, that essence passed on to Hope."

Selene nodded. "Exactly. Hope absorbed that essence and became the first-ever Tribrid."

Logan spoke suddenly, "What about the witch part, Laura's not a witch. She just practice mystic arts."

"Don't forget how she got pregnant by a spell, Logan, it's the only way to make the child birth happen." Hank said seriously.

Logan looked at Selene who after thinking about it, nodded, "It might be possible."

Laura's face twisted in disbelief. "So, I got caught up in a Blood God ritual, and now my daughter is a vampire because of it?"

Logan's gaze softened as he took Hope from Jean. He looked down at his daughter, smiling as her tiny hand grasped his finger. "She's my daughter," he said firmly, his voice filled with conviction. "That's all that matters. Nothing changes that."

The room seemed to collectively exhale. Everyone smiled, even Laura, her worries momentarily eased by Logan's words. But Selene's tone darkened again, her expression serious.

"You have to be careful, Logan," she warned. "A Tribrid's blood is incredibly powerful. There are people who will hunt her for it. And... there's an old prophecy I remember reading in the ancient texts, one that might concern her."

Laura's attention snapped back to Selene. "What prophecy?" she demanded.

"I don't remember the details," Selene admitted, her brow furrowing. "But I'll investigate it further. There's something significant about Hope—something dangerous."

While Selene spoke, Hank quietly moved closer, plucking a few strands of hair that had fallen from Selene's head. She noticed but chose to ignore it, more focused on the gravity of the situation.

Logan smirked, cradling Hope protectively. His eyes glinted bright Red with danger. "Anyone who wants to touch her is welcome to try," he said, his voice low and full of threat. "But they'll wish for death by the time I'm done with them."

The weight of his words hung in the air, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind.

Hope might be special, she might even be at the center of some ancient prophecy—but no one would dare harm her while Logan was alive.

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