
Alpha For Human Mate

Mate - Theo declared once more. His glee budding over into my chest. But within that same moment, the scent clears itself to reveal that the sweet aroma was coming off of a human. Once again, a human.   You have to be fucking kidding me. Before my dread can fully form, my mate begins to scream at the top of her lungs making me jump back in surprise. My eyes shoot up in alert as she screams bloody fucking murder for the world to hear, then barking begins and I release she has a dog with her. A dog which wasn't my biggest fan apparently, both of them working together to make the greatest amount of noise they possibly could.  "Woah, Woah. Hey, it's okay. Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you." I say lifting my hands in a gesture of surrender but the screaming continues. "I'm not going to hurt you," I repeat taking a step forward but that seems to only make it worse. I take several steps back, heart thumping in my chest, every cell in my body fighting against the distance I'd put between us. But it seems to help, her screaming stops suddenly when I was back to the roadside while she pants breathlessly in her place. Her pants make room for sobs, small sobs that were hidden just behind the fucking barking that wouldn't stop. I take a hesitant step forward but she just pulls into herself with a harder sob, so I quickly stop. My heart clawing at itself to stop scaring her, but I didn't know what I was doing that was making her so frightened. "N-No." She begs through her sobs. "Don't come any closer."

ris_wandi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


Wilona's POV

Blue nods, looking at me like some chipped artifact that'd been lost for decades, something broken and unpreserved leaving it worth less than it'd been before.

"He seemed to make you very happy," Blue says suddenly making me take a step back, caution making me distance myself from him. "I'm sorry that he hurt you."

"He didn't mean to." I defend, unsure as to why I was when it didn't matter much now.

"That's when people tend to cause the most pain," He replies with eyes that reflect decades of wisdom. "I'm always a call away Wilona."

"Thank you Blue," I say with genuine gratitude that he catches if the wide grin he shot me was any indication. "I'll see you tomorrow."


I step outside, looking around in wait before my mind reminds me of my own actions. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath to stop the tears and silence the pain, calming myself enough to begin walking.

The journey seemed longer without Damon's chatter to fill my ears, my hand numb without his gripping it tightly to gift me with his simple affections and my vision, even if it was just him. But it was quiet now, fingers cold and images blended as I walked slowly, unable to find the enthusiasm to move any faster. Sassy leads the way, taking on the task of the navigator, despite the sun still being out.

I stop to buy one large pizza and an extra-large tub of Cookie Dough ice cream for the evening. I push my way through the doors of the apartment complex, making a beeline for my door to eliminate any chances of running into Damon. I hear the click to his door just as I shut mine, locking it up tightly, I leave Sassy scratching at the door while I place the ice cream in the freezer and stuff my face with my first slice.

Letting my bag fall to the floor, I force myself out of my shoes and fall back onto the couch with the pizza box on my stomach. Staring at the ceiling, I try not to think about the sound of Damon's door closing, try not to think about where his heavy steps down the hallway were leading too, try not to think about the last time I saw him.

But the memories were back before I could stop them, accompanied by a stream of tears that make the pizza taste salty on my lips as I continue eating. Needing to busy myself with something, no matter how futile the task, it'd block some of the pain out.

The rest remained, loud and tormenting to remind me that it was dealt with my own hands.

Agony complied with my misery to remind of the way Damon had begged for another chance, the distress that rippled off of him to join my own. I wanted nothing more than to pull him into my grasp, hide him from whatever was scaring him. But I couldn't...

The darkness was so fresh in my mind, the feeling of being truly alone, blind with my eyes fully open. It was haunting to be dumped back into a reality I thought I'd never revisit. The ice-cold water still dripping from me, the sudden duck of the chilling truth leaving me shivering by myself. It was a reminder, a sick horrible reminder that in this, I only had me and no one else.

But Damon was supposed to be different, it'd felt different with him...

With him, it was easy, things were easy and fun. With Damon, I felt light, free of all the things that kept me locked down for some long, with him it was like it never happened and it would never happen again because Damon would always be there.

The connection was undeniable, the spark an undeniable, wild thing that I let waver without my usual controlling hand because it'd been too good to stop. The way he made me smile, forced me to laugh with every word, the way he filled my life with his company, the way he made me feel like we were meant for one another.

It had felt so fucking good that for the first time in a long time, I felt safe and protected, I felt normal again. I didn't have to lock my doors at night, scared of what could be hiding in the corners I couldn't see, because Damon was there and he protected, never left me in a situation even mildly harmful. I didn't have to question everything because Damon made himself a rock in my world until he wasn't anymore.

It was like waking up from the perfect dream only to be faced with the reality that I'd tried to escape from the first time.

And now, I just wanted to go back to sleep.

Wanted to not be so alone anymore, wanted to feel safe again, wanted to be with him again.

But the fear was big and unrelenting, reminding me that things weren't easy, other's didn't protect, they hurt and it was safer in the darkness where I couldn't be found.

So I would stay in the darkness, remain in the cold alone where his light or the prying hands couldn't touch me.

It was safer to be alone.

Theo's P.O.V

I stare into the young bunny's eyes, catching shimmering reflections of myself in his wide curious eyes. I open my hands and step a little closer, moving in the least threatening way I could.

"Come here, Blazey," I whisper but that only makes the bunny stiffen before dashing under the bed, curling into the corner my hands couldn't reach.

It'd been his little home ever since I came forth and his owner went into hiding deep within the both of us.

Somehow the fluffy ball knew that I wasn't his owner, that I wasn't Damon. He avoided me at all costs unless I was feeding him, then all of a sudden he didn't mind my presence. But for the most part, he'd stare at me from across the small apartment, as if trying to understand how the guy he was looking at wasn't quite his owner.

Perhaps he sensed the wolf in me.

I think your pet misses you - I call out to Damon, hoping that the mention of his favorite animal would make that little flicker grow a little brighter.

But it doesn't.