
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

chapter 46:Gabby’s POV

"Are you well Hermosa?" Aiden asked drawing me closer to him, he must have definitely noticed my change in countenance.

"Good evening, your highnesses. " Alpha Titan greeted before I could answer, he was really close to us now and a smile took over his harsh features but the hatred in his eyes was unnoticed, at least by me.

"Good evening Titan?" Aiden greeted as he held me closer to him. I had begun to shiver in fear from how near he was to us now. He couldn't stop himself from gazing at me and for a moment I could see his eyes settled on my bosom before going back to my face, his eyes speaking volumes of threats.

"Yes your highness, Alpha Titan of the coremoon pack." I snatched a glass of Champagne from a tray a server held as he passed by. Aiden gave me a funny look as I downed it immediately and then dropped it on another tray carried by a different server who was in motion. I looked in the direction of where Kate was, Helena was conversing with some people while my daughter looked at me in fright, her face ashen in fear, she had definitely seen hi too. "And who might this lovely lady be?" He asked Aiden pretending to give me a look of admiration,

"She seems fit for a King,"

"Ah yes." Aiden nodded in pride, "This is my mate Gabby Evander." He introduced me, "Hermosa, this is Alpha Titan, Alpha of the coremoon pack."

"Pleased to meet you, your highness." Titan smiled taking my hand, his touched burned me bringing back memories. He brought the hand to his lips dropping a kiss on it and I wanted to retch, "You are one gorgeous lady, isn't the king so lucky?"

"Yes I am!" Aiden snapped snatching my hand away from his and bringing me closer to him with his arm Wrapped possessively around my waist.

"Your highness, your Queen seems a bit familiar." He looked at me with mischief glinting in his eyes,

"Mind I knowing where she is from?" I whimpered lowly leaning into Aiden hoping that he would read that I was uncomnfortable with the conversation.

"It's none of your Goddamned business mnutt!" Aiden glared at him, "Enough with the familiarity, I do not have time for mindless chatter and talking about issues concerning my mate, your Queen."

"I am so sorry my lord." He apologized, "My curiosity got the better of me." He bowed before us and then he went on his way but not sending me a death glare. I let out the breath I had been holding immediately he left, "What's wrong baby?" Aiden asked pulling me aside into the less crowded part of the ball room, "Do you know him?"

"No." I lied looking up at him trying to be confident while lying, "I do not know him."

"Then what is wrong?" He brushed my hair aside cupping my jaw, "Talk to me sweet, I wouldn't know what is going on if you do not tell me, hm?"

"I just feel tired." I sighed hugging him, "And a bit overwhelmed from the crowd and ugh! These shoes are killing me." I huffed pointing at the shoes and he chuckled.

"Would you want to leave early and go upstairs?" He asked rubbing my back trying to calm me dowm,

"After the dinner which is now, I will join you, yes?"

"No." I shook my head, "I will stay for the dinner."


"Yes." I watched him as he went down on one knee, What are you doing?" He ignored me and lifted my gown up a bit baring my ankles and then he undid my heel buckle, slipped it off and did the same for the other. He rubbed his hands on my bare feet massaging them, "Get up, someone will see you!"

"Let themn watch!" He smiled before taking up each foot and peppering kisses on them, "Feel better?"

"Yes..." I moaned in delight and he smiled. After sometime he dropped my feet and stood up, "Let's go join them at the table..."

"Okay." He shrugged. He picked up the shoes and suddenly lifted me in his arms carrying bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I asked shyly hiding my face in his chest, "Everyone is staring.

"Let them." He said as he walked towards the table where we were to be seated, "What's wrong in them watching how I treat my Queen right?" He reached the table. All members of the table stood up paying respects to him and he nodded curtly. He sat down on the chair which was already drawn out by a server. I moved to hop off him to go take my seat but his hand held me down against his laps. I wiggled in protest, "Stop moving." He whispered and almost immediately I felt something hard grow underneath me causing me to blush furiously, "Oh now, you blush?!" The meal was served and everybody dug in, as they conversed I Aiden fed me from his plate and I could feel Alpha Titan's cold glare burning through my soul, I wondered why he was at the same talble with us.

Fucking tell Aiden the truth, Hera said, Please Gabby, I beg of you! Tell him so this man will be imprisoned immediately and wouldn't have a chance to harm us, I do not trust the looks he keeps giving. Hera, if he knows, he wouldn't want us ever, who wants someone that has been used and abused, who wants a broken person?

"Aiden and Spyro does! She snapped at me, Tell him nouw before it's too late, before that piece of shit gets to us or Kate. Kate is dining vith Willow two tables away from us, relax nothing bad will happen, I said trying to convince myself. You are lucky we haven't been marked yet if not I would have told Spyro everything already I do hope your stubbornness and habit of hiding things from mate doesn't cost us! She gritted before cutting off connection with me. Hera, Hera, I called but she gave me no answer as she was obviously mad as hell. I sighed and took a bite of the steak Aiden offered me.

"Let us make a toast!" Alpha Titan announced standing up as everyone looked at him, "Raise your glasses please." They obeyed and he began to talk,

"We all know our King has been without a mate for ages and finally he has found one." Aiden smiles at me, "He has found one and we shall make a toast to their prosperous reign." He said, "To the King and Queen !""

"To the king and Queen." Everyone rejoiced clinking glasses as I wondered what was up with my ex mate. He sent me a smile as he sat down, a smile that sent shivers down my spine that made my blood run cold, the same smile he always gave when he had something sinister planned out for me.

"Talk about a silver wolf being Queen luna." Someone in the crowd muttered with hatred, high enough for everyone's hearing. Aiden grip on my waist tightened and I saw Titan smirk. I could feel tears pooling in my eyes. Everyone had suddenly turned silent and I could sense that Lycus was about to explode with rage. Suddenly, Helena stood up and walked to a table., she picked up a young lady and threw her across the room and she landed against the wall.

"You shall fucking respect my Son's mate!" Helena growled walking towards the whimpering lady on the floor. I moved to stand up and go to stop Helena but Aiden pinned me to his lap stopping me.

"Let her." He ordered.

"I am sorry great one." The girl sobbed but Helena was too blind with rage to listen. She picked the girl up using her powers and slammed her to the floor.

"Too bad I wouldn't let you live to be sorry!" She shrieked and then a blood curling scream was heard. She set the girl on fire before everyone's eyes and I began to know how powerful she was, tears rolled down my cheeks as the girl burned to nothing, sereaming all through. Soon, her ashes were left and Helena made them vanish like nothing happened.

"Get back to your food! And stop staring!" She snapped at the crowd, "You all know how powerful I am and I won't hesitate in eliminating anyone that poses a threat to my daughter-in-law who is also like a daughter to me." Everyone obeyed her and she went back to her seat. I tried to hush my sobs but the intensity of the happenings of tonight was too much to bear, first it that poses a threat to my daughter-in-law who is also like a daughter to me."

Everyone obeyed her and she went back to her seat. I tried to hush my sobs but the intensity of the happenings of tonight was too much to bear, first it was meeting Alpha Titan and now Helena burning someone alive and it was all my fault, if only I wasn't cursed.

"Good night." I mumbled to Aiden and this time he didn't stop me when I got off him, he finally understood that I must have needed alone time. I gave him a sad look and ran out of the ball room cradling my face while still feeling Alpha Titan's icy glare. I needed to go, I needed to be alone, I needed to breath, I couldn't Wrap my head around tonight but nothing would have prepared me for what was to come later that night and if I had known I would never have left, I would have stayed by Aiden's side.