
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

chapter 47:Gabby’s POV

My dark eyes gazed at her as she ran away from the ballroom, the length of her gown bouncing as she did, her hands were on her face and I could tell that she was crying. Gabby my sweet Gabby, A smile curved on my lips as my eyes were still fixated on the place she just passed through, the image of her gown train bouncing as she ran never left my head. I smiled to myself again thinking about how beautiful she was as she descended down the steps to meet me. The white gown she wore which I noticed was corseted fitted her like a glove, like it was specially fashioned for her, well I had it fashioned for her and the way it was so perfect blew my mind. Her bosom was accentuated by the corset and I had the primal urge to bury my face in them and leave teeth marks for the whole world to know that she was mine. She had given me an innocent smile like the pretty angel she was. She was so innocent, fragile and beautiful. I wanted to protect her at all cost to make up for the wrong deeds I did to her, bewitched or not. I would spend the rest of my life showing her what she meant to me and how sorry I was for not accepting her in the first place. She was so innocent and good hearted, I knew she would be burdened with guilt by now and ladened with sorrow. She hasn't been exposed to such cruel brutality and it all being for her sake, she was definitely overwhelmed by everything and tonight mum had gone a little bit over the top but no disrespect to my Queen shall be tolerated. I would have done worse giving the inept lady a slower and more painful death but mother had made it brutal but quicker. Tonight when I go up to join her, I will worship her body, kissing every scar on it, the person who caused them shall not be spared when I find him! I will show her how much she was wanted by me and that she deserved the respect and then when she is done experiencing heart shattering pleasure, I will tell her how much I love her.

Yes, I am in love with Gabby, Absolutely whipped, completely infatuated by everything she is. I love her, I am obsessed with her, I am infatuated with her, I want her with me everytime, everyday, every hour. I want to see her smile, to be the one that makes her smile, anytime I see her smile at someone else, I feel a pang ofjealousy, she should only be smiling at me like that, I should be the only one making her smile like that and when she laughed it was as if my dark world was instantly brightened, I love everything about her, how she made me feel, how my heart skipped beats when ever she was near me, how I felt nervous, as powerful as i ami still feel nervous around her, not wanting to do anything or say anything to mess us up, I crave for her, i need her and i was going to show her for the rest of my life exactly how i felt. No one was going to take her from me, no one not anything, she was mine and mine alone, there had to be a name greater than love for what I felt for her. She was stuck with me for all lives, I wouldn't let her go, I would fucking kill anyone who tried to take her or hurt her, would fight the whole beings of our world if they dared call her cursed, I would kill for her as I would die for her, I would fight the hands of even death to keep her by my side, no one can take her from me and certainly not the vampire king. As if on cue at the mention of him in my thoughts, a messenger ran in heaving frantically as he fell at my feet, "Speak up!" I commanded looking down at him.

"The vampires my lord." He gushed, "They are here." Almost immediately harsh gushes of wind blew across the ball room and the filthy paled skinned creatures began to appear, fuck their stupid super powers! my hand tightened at the hilt of my sword being glad that I picked the sword with the silver blade today. The whole ball room was thrown in commotion but I sat there on my seat being as calm as ever and then he appeared, skin as pale as the skies veins peaking underneath, gleaming red eyes with his fangs poked out and I saw a drop of blood drip, I grimaced in disgust, blood sucking wimnps. Count Akantha the vampire King dressed in his black suit and cape stood there offering sinister smile.

"I assume you would want me to come meet you there cause of how prideful you are Lycus." He said regarding me with his eyes.

"I much prefer we meet in the afternoon under the scorching sun." I smirked, "I would gladly come to you wherever you chose to stand."

"Why wasn't I invited?" He asked walking towards me, he drew out the empty seat beside me and sat,

"Why wasn't I invited to this grand ball of yours?"

"Put your fucking blood sucking leeches on a leash!" I barked at him noticing some of the vampires eyeing most of my guests, "If anyone here gets hurt, I will have your head and burn your entire kingdom to the fucking ground!" His eyes widened in fear for a bit, wimp, He composed himself quickly and motioned to his kind and they quickly assembled standing behind him, I did an eye run over them and I could see that they weren't more than fifty. I saw my warriors swinging into action trying to calm down the disturb crowed and pleading with them to remain in their seats and that the situation was under control. Now everyone was seated watching the exchange between the count and I with great curiosity.

"You already know why I am here Lycus and I.."

"No!" I growled leaping off my seat and I banged my fists on the table, "You shall not have her!"

"Tsk...tsk..tsk.." He chuckled calmly, "You are making things hard my dear, I need the silver wolf for the sacrifice so I can become more powerful." He said and everyone gasped, "Your kind will never accept her as their Queen, you hand her over to me and she is gotten rid off, you proceed to mate with another female, everyone is happy." I heard low murmurs from the crowd agreeing with his words, "Silence!" My voice boomed across the hall as I seethed with anger, "I promise you, one more disrespectful sigh from any of you, I will fish you out and you all know I will not be as lenient as my mother!" Order was restored immediately and I turned back to the count. "Now, look here you evil blood sucking disgusting quirk!" I jacked him off the seat by his collar holding him in the air, "Me ignoring your pathetic letters on how you needed my mate for a sacrifice cause of some dumb scriptures was enough for you to get the memo and not show up here, plus I didn't invite you!"

His kind moved to protect their ruler but I sent them a death glare which backed them down, "You have got some nerve and I won't hesitate in putting silver in your non existent heart to stop you from getting to my mate and I do not care about the damn consequences!" He smirked at me and instantly vanished from my hold, damn his fucking powers!

"You are no match for me Aiden." His voice travelled through the room but he was invisible, "I am Akantha the great!" He said causing me to roll my eyes, "And I will stop at nothing to get more powerful so whether you consent or not, I shall have your mate, sooner or later!" He ended with a sinister laugh and his voice faded, so did his followers.

"The ball is over, everyone should get the fuck out now!" I sereamed at the crowd and hastily they began to leave. Anger surged within me and I could feel my claws coming out, I didn't know how long I could keep spyro at bay, he wanted to find the pale skinned inept and gorge his eyes out. I picked up the chair I was previously seated on and flung it across the room.

"Aiden you have to calm down." My mum rushed to my side turning me to face her, "She is here, no one is taking her from you." She pleaded with me, "You are scaring everyone!" I growled loudly backing away from her, "You heard what he fucking said, if anything goes wrong I am waging a war and I do not give a fuck who gets hurt!" I picked up another chair and threw it, this time it landed through the window.

"Someone get Gabby! He's getting out of hand." My mother screamed her voice taking over the loud sound of glass shattering.

"Aiden calm down." She took a hold of my face forcing me to look down at her, "She is safe here with us, she isn't going anywhere!"

A warrior ran into the ball room quaking in fear as he fell before us, "Where is your luna? I asked you to get her!" My mum growled at him,

"Do you want him get out of hand and go blind with rage? you idiot!"

"There is a problem your highnesses." He broke into a cry and I failed to protect her as I was assigned to guard her tonight."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I got free of mother's hold and walked closer to him, "What the fuck are you talking about?!" I screamed louder.

"The luna is gone.