
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

chapter 45:Gabby’s Pov

I opened my eyes which have been closed for a while now, a gasp left my lips when I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, for once I could say I looked gorgeous, I looked powerful, I looked like a Queen. A Queen fit enough for Aiden. My hair was done up in curled tendrils and semi curled ones. It was sometimes done in a bun with other thick strands falling around my face. My face wasn't done with minimal make up this time, it was full make up which managed to be flawless at the samne time. Every contour of my face was well done and highlighted. I had on the new diamond set of jewelry Lycus had gifted me plus the other ornaments I never took off. The dress which adorned my body was simply magnificent, it was a ball gown whicha semi flare and a corseted bodice. My bosom was slightly pushed up which I was sure Aiden would find delightful and the corset was studded with precious stones, the flare was elegant as white as the corset. "hme for the robe luna." One of the girls who helped me in dressing told me and I stretched out my arms. She slipped the robe, it was white matching with the sleeveless gown and was also studded with precious stones.

"How do I look?" I asked turning around to face Helena. She looked at me with an appraisal, a smile formed on her lips. Her eyes assessing my look,

"Something is missing." She winked at me before clapping her hands and out of thin hair, a box appeared. I was startled at first as I hadn't gotten used to her powers. She opened the box motioning her hands and she brought out a crown. It was the most beautifulI have ever since and it's jewels shone brightly, was I to wear that? I do not deserve something so majestic, "It used to be mine as the Queen." She took it in her hands, walked up to me, "But now it shall be yours." I tilted my head downwards and she placed it on my head. The simple yet magnificent fashioned erown sat at top my head now, "How do I look?" I asked again.

"You look like the true Queen you are." She smirked at me, "A Queen people shall fall at their feet for, a Queen that shall turn heads as always, a Queen that people will die for."

"Thank you." I mumbled trying not to tear up as her words made me feel worthy of the crown.

"Don't cry now." She said tilting my head up with her chin in her fingers, "You are a Queen now, marked or not! You shall go in there and carry yourself in a pose of superiority, you shall command attention and respect, ignore the snide remarks, be by the side of your King and show them who is in charge here." She stated sternly,

"You Gabby Evander, the Queen luna shall show them how it's done. You are no longer the weak omega or cursed silver wolf or the filthy rouge, you are a Queen and a Queen stays strong letting nothing affect her, do you understand me?!"

"I do." I nodded morphing a smile on my face,

"Thank you."

"Good." She smiled, "Now go along and show them what you are made of. I went down the stairs not paying heed to the multiple people gathered at the ballroom, the clicking of my heels on the tiles was the only sound heard because the murmuring of the crowd began heard because the murmuring of the crowd began to diminish immediately my presence was noticed. All eyes were on me, I felt the looks but I only fixated my gaze on Aiden who was standing beneath the staircase with a hand on his back and the other outstretched to take mine when I reached. He was dressed in his usual royal attire, white matching mine also with studded jewels. His crown was atop his head and his sword was sheathed strung over his waist. He looked captivating an pride surge within me knowing this man was mine. His dark eyes found my green ones and I had to steady myself not to fall at the intensity of his gaze, his eyes assessed me and I felt bare beneath his gaze, his stare lingered on my bosom for a while before moving down, a small smile crept to his lips I reached the last few steps, placing my small hand in his, he took it and brought it to his lips kissing it which sent sparks all over my my skin and the need to be near him swept through me.

"You are stunning your highness." He complimented me as his eyes sparkled with pride,

"I want to kiss you." He didn't wait for my response, he drew me closer to him and placed his lips on my mind locking them in a sweet exchange. I heard the gasps from the crowd but he drew me closer deepening the kiss. My insides melted, this wasn't the first time I had kissed him but this was different as he was kissing me in front of not just his pack members but all members of the supernatural world, claiming me in front of them not minding that they were there and they didn't really like me as the myth of the silver wolf was known to all.

"That was great." I breathed as he pulled away from me, he used his thumb to wipe away the smeared lipstick from the corners of my mouth.

"I have other great things for you tonight." He winked as he turned me to face the crowd.

"Members of the supernatural world, I welcome you all to the majestic ball." A man who was standing few feet away from us talked commanding attention as everyone turned towards me, "It pleases me to announce our hosts, his royal highness King Aiden Dardanos." The man announced and the cheers and claps were heard,

"And his Queen Gabby Evander." The claps and cheers died down and a pang of sadness hit me, I will never be accepted, I could feel anger radiating from l Aiden.

"Please calm down." I pleaded fondling his hand,

"No bloodshed tonight."

"I can't promise that." He grunted as he moved into the crowd with me. People began to part for us and went on with their socialization while the names of other Alphas and leaders were being announced. I looked around me in amazement as Aiden led me to our thrones. I saw all kinds of creatures, warlocks, giants, witches, elves, fairies, gnomes all together in one place.

"Why are there no vampires?" I asked in curiosity as we took our seats on the thrones which were an elevated area where we could see oversee the hall.

"Hmm?" He questioned absent mindedly.

"Why are there no vampires?" I asked again and I felt him stiffen next to me and a look of worry and anger morphed on his face.

"They aren't wanted here! Not a word about them ever!" He said sternly squeezing my hand.

ouch! That was rude! Soon enough, people began to approach us where we were seated and Aiden introduced me to them as they came.

"Alpha and Luna of the darkrise pack." The announcement was made a man with a pregnant lady approached us.

"Alec, good to see you again." Aiden nodded at him as he bowed before us, "You too Laura."

"Good to see you too your highness." They replied with a smile. This is my mate Gabby." He gestured at me and the couple gave me smiles that looked genuine unlike the rest I had received.

"You look really beautiful your highness." Laura said.

"Thank you." I replied and they gave us curt nods before going their way.

"Alpha of the crystal pack." A man walked towards us alone dressed in a black suit and I could tell he was unmated, he had striking features with a seemingly naughty smile on his face.

"Your majesties" He greeted us with a bow, his gaze on me in admiration, "You have got to be the most beautiful Queen I have ever laid eyes on." He complimented taking my hand for a kiss which made me blush.

"Step away!Now!" Aiden growled lowly eyeing him as he kent smiling at me, "She's mine!"

"She doesn't seem to bear a mark." The man said taunting him, "I believe she could entertai.."

"Mine!" He growled loudly attracting sonme stares towards our direction, "You do not want to end up dead tonight mutt!" He gave him a death glare which immediately sent him into submission.

"My apologies your highness." The man said before quickly scampering away.

"You enjoyed him holding your hand?" Aiden growled glaring at me, "You blushed! Well let's see if you will blush when I punish you tonight." He whispered causing me to clench my thighs and a smirk developed on his lips. Other beings were introduced to us and they all seemed nice. All through the name callings I expected to hear that one name that was the cause of my nightmares and terrorized me, but it was never called. We were in the middle of the ball activities now and I wondered if he was ever going to come while hoping he wouldn't. The night was already going smoothly with no one attacking me and soft music played across the room.

"Wanna dance?" Aiden asked me as he stood up.


"Come on, don't be the boring let's give them a show." He winked at me.

"I can't dance." I said not wanting to embarrass him in front of the huge gathering, what Queen can't dance?

"Then we would give them a bad show." He held my hand and dragged me up from my seat and then he began pulling me towards the floor.

"No one is dancing." I whispered.

"And we are about to change that." He cooed whisking me to the middle of the floor, chatter stopped as all attention was on us, only the music continued to play, "Just relax." He said when he noticed I was fidgeting, "Put your hand on my shoulder, give the me the other." I obeyed his instructions and he wrapped his arm around my waist, "Just follow my lead." We began to dance, slowly at first with me stepping on his feet most of the time causing him to laugh and then the tempo of the music increased and so did our steps and patterns plus I was getting really good at not stepping on him.

"Aren't you enjoying yourself?" He winked twirling me around and then bringing me back to him, "Others have joined us." I noticed as I saw other people dancing now. He ran his hand down my back pulling me closer before twirling me again and then bringing be back for a bend and a raised leg and it continued just like that. I was having fun forgetting about my fear that night. I saw the Beta dancing with her mate, Andros tried to dance when partners were exchanged but Aiden wouldn't allow it nor did he allow any other male to dance with me, Willow was dancing with a mnan I have never seen while Helena and Kate safe danced with each other.

"You smell thoroughly like me now." Aiden whispered in my ear, "I know it will keep these horny wolves away, no one touches what is mine."

He said he noticed other wolves trying to flirt with me, I did too but I didn't take it serious as I knew men wanted me for just want thing, to be used. The evening was going great andI was enjoying myself till those words were said "Alpha Titan of the Corenmoon pack!" The words were announced and I felt my breath hitch, time stood still and so did I, Aiden's words were all blurs. My eyes were fixated on one place as fear travelled within me, he hasn't changed much from the last time I saw him. He was dressed in a white suit, his hair was laid back and he frowned. His grey eves eyes were cold as always and his eyes met mine glaring at me with sheer hatred. I gulped, Alpha Titan was here, I could hear Hera whimper in fear, he was here coming towards my mate and I. My only wish at that moment was that the ground could open and swallow me whole but it didn't, wishes never came true and it was at that moment that I realised I had to face my fears, I had to face Alpha Titan and I had to do it now.