
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

chapter 44:Gabby’s POV

I clenched my thighs together wringing my hands in the cuffs as pleasure travelled through me,

"Stop trashing against me!" He whispered in my ear biting softly at my ear lobe, "You don't want to awaken a monster, hmm?" He asked pressing his bulge against my naked center, a moan escaped my lips as he did that, rocking against me with his hands steadying me down on the bed, "You enjoy that, don't you?" He rasped and I nodded trying to get my hands free from the cuffs so i could thread them through his hair.

"Aiden .."I moaned trying to catch my breath as he kept on his erotic torture. His lips trailed down my neck, the freezing effect of the ice cube in his mouth causing me to gasp as liquid trailed on my skin from it.

"What have I always told you to call me?" He asked gripping my lower cheeks widening my legs as he moved to my collar bone swirling the cube there, "Do I need to spank you for a reminder?"

"Daddy."I moaned out as he neared my breast, kissing around it before rubbing the cube against my hardened nipple, "Please... "I begged as he sucked the nipple in his mouth laving it with his cold tongue. He lifted himself off me and I watched as he reached for another ice cube, "Please what my Queen?" He smirked putting the cube in his mouth before parting my legs with his hands.

"I want you to touch me."I begged. He trailed the fresh ice cube around my belly rubbing it in my belly button.

"Beautiful." He remarked as he ran the cube along my v-line, his fingers reached my pussy, parting my folds he drew a finger across my silt and I jerked off the bed bucking my hips, "Such a needy girl are you Gabby? Yourpretty little pussy is so wet and reddened for me." He stroke me harder,

"Begging me to taste it." He ran the cube at the top of my cunt before bringing it lower next to my clit, my breath hitched at what was to come next...

"Having fun alone in your dreams?" Aiden was seating before me immediately I opened my eyes, the very erotic wet dream I had, came to a halt at the best part.

slut! Hera hooted at me. I gave a smile at him in unease as I moved to stretch my arms only to notice cold metal ringed around them, I was cuffed to the bed. My cheeks tinted red as the memory of them dream washed through me, "What were you dreaming about my love?" He asked me widening his legs on the chair, his arms draped along the chair backrest and my mouth went dry taking in the sight. His hair was tousled and his face hardened staring at me with eyes black with lust, his chest was bare and I subconsciously licked my lips, "I can smell your enticing arousal." He said and my eyes travelled from his chest downwards where I met with his huge bulge, i gulped, "Lost for words?" He stood up walking towards me eyeing me up like a predator sizing his prey, "Did daddy fuck you so hard that you forgot how to speak?" He climbed the bed crossing over me, his thighs on each side of my closed legs, his hand held my face forcing me to look up at him as his eyes looked at my breast pressing against the thin night gown, "You kept moaning my name." He slid his hand on my thigh baring it, "You kept calling me daddy." His hand skimmed across my panties, "You are wet, you made a mess down here." He said chuckling, "What were you dreaming of love?"

"About you..." I managed to say as he hooked his finger in the band of my underwear toying with it.

"What was I doing?" He asked in a harsh whisper his dark orbs darkened more with lust staring at me, "Tell me what I was doing to you."

"You.." I gulped feeling myself growing wetter as he pressed his hard bulge against my centre rubbing against me, "You did just that."

"This?" He asked pressing harder eliciting lewd sounds from me, "What else did I do?"

"You used ice cubes on me." I moaned as he kissed my neck grazing his canines at where his mark should be, "You kissed me every where with the ice cube...


"You brought it down there." His hands slipped into my panties, "And I woke up.."

"Want nme to do exactly what I was doing right?" He asked pressing his thumb against my clit.

"Yes." I trashed against him struggling with the cuffs.

"I would love to do that too." He kissed my breast through the thin material rolling his tongue on my nipple poking through, "To explore every inch of your body. "


"But unfortunately we have a ball to prepare for and arrangements to make."I whined as he stood up with a smirk on his face, the heat of his body leaving mine, "And we are late!" He fiddled with the cuffs as I frowned. Fuck you! I wanted to curse at him. He chuckled at my expression as he walked into the bathroom with my burning gaze on his back, He is such a dick! You mean he has such a mammoth dick! Hera purred enjoying the moment. Shut up! I snapped throwing the covers off me, Fuck you too. I stood leaning against the railing watching Aiden coordinate most of the arrangements with the warriors. He looked up at me and smiled with a wink before turning back to the men he was conversing with.

"Luna." Someone called and I turned around, "Do you think we should use the blue ribbons with the yellow or we should pair them with white instead?"

The girl before me asked with a smile.

"I think you should go with the white, it matches more." I said to her and she nodded before going her way. Luna, The word sounded foreign to me, being addressed by the word made me feel strange, I still wasn't used to it. I was always referred to as luna ever since that kitchen incident and most pack members sought my opinions on their lives. They had begun to treat me as a mother figure even before I was marked and officially crowned. I guess my art of forgiving that boy had made me earn their respects or Aiden's threats.

"I think we should use flowers in decorating the tables." I suggested to the workers putting the tables together, "The longer tables for the superior should be placed in the middle and with twelve chairs each with the smaller tables should be placed around with about four chairs each."

"What colour of flowers should we get luna?" The woman asked, "And what type?"

"Roses."I replied without thinking, "Mix red and white roses."

"Doing a good job at leading." Helena said coming towards me with Kate by her side.

"You taught me well." I said hugging her.

"How are you dear?" She asked kissing my cheeks,

"Nervous for tonight?"

"A bit." I picked Kate in my arms, "How are you baby?" I hugged her.

"Fine mommy, do you want a lollipop?" She asked offering me the unwrapped piece of sweet.

"No baby, you can have it all." I smiled at her as she greedily unwrapped the sweet and stuck it in her mouth.

"You will be fine." Helena placed a hand on her shoulder, "Just be calm dear." She said and I nodded at her as she walked away. Most of the preparations were over now and after a very long time I finally picked what meal courses they were to prepare. The meals were being prepared and I was exhausted. I walked up the stairs, trying to locate my room could get some sleep before the event. A hand suddenly snaked around my waist pulling me into a dark corner, I wanted to scream but my mouth was covered, "Shh...it's me." It was Aiden and I playfully jabbed at his abdomen for scaring me out of my wits.

"I missed you..." He said kissing on my neck and inhaling my scent, "You are going to sit on your throne tonight." He whispered.

"I will?" I asked feeling confused.

"Yea." He replied, "Two thrones in fact."


"First, you will sit on the one at the ball room, where we will be announced." He whispered closely to my ear, "And then the second throne." He trailed his fingers around my waist, "will be my face." I took in a deep breath, "And you will ride it." He kissed mny ear causing me to shiver, "I can't wait to have you all to myself later tonight."

I turned around, tiptoed and kissed him on his lips,

"See you later, daddy." I whispered seductively as I walked away and I heard him hiss. I giggled softly making my way to my room hoping that the ball will start and end soon so I could have my mate all to myself.