
Almighty Down key Billionaire

Struggling in this world where u can only depend on yourself but the struggle was gone after that night when i got a call and everything change , i train and became the most powerful young master in the world !!

VanlalHekte · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


After the doctor check up was done

Daniel and Bryn came out of Hospital and took a cap to the dorm

Reaching Daniel room no . 21

Daniel said " go to class i can take care myself "

Bryn nodded and left him alone

Daniel was alone as Henry and Tom were in the class ....

Daniel laying in the bed with eyes close to taking peaceful sleep suddenly feeling that he was not alone in the room , he quickly open his eyes and started to scan the room ....

The old man who was hidden in the room , observing Daniel movement he was surprise because his breathing techniques was already in a perfection stage but this kid who never had once came into contact with cultivation can feel his present ..... its was already a shock that only old man knew and if word get out and hear by the opponent he will really be in trouble or they might assassin him ..

But Daniel after scanning the room twice he didn't get anything so he fell relief

At that moment ...

His phone ring with an unknown number

He quickly pick up and the call connected and he heared a deep voice which make him confused as well as afraid

On the other side

" Hello , Young Master i am Edward Wilson , you father trusted subordinate , i am coming to pick you up at the entrance , be ready "

Daniel was very much confused now first his the so called father and now some Wilson who is his the so called father subordinate .... and at of all he were calling him YOUNG MASTER

Before that he thought he was been prank now that he get call again he was determined to find out what is going on so

Thinking if its all real then , won't he attract many student passing bye if he is seen been pick up so he immediately refused meeting at the entrance

He said " No need to pick me up , fix a place i will come "

Edward hesitant but said " okay young master , we will be waiting for you at Deluxe Hotel at the top floor"

Daniel replied " okay "

Human are greedy and curious being , so Daniel was obviously curious about his the so call FATHER and the money on his bank account !

As time was not fixed and he needed rest so he continue to lay down in the bed

By the time he wake up it was around 4:30 pm and Henry and Tom were also there in the room studying but as soon as he get up from bed they started to stare at him as if he is an alien and bombarding with questions

Tom was really shock and he ask " Daniel , doctor said that you will need at least a month to be fully recover but looking at your condition you can now even now play soccer , what medical did you take ? "

Henry also said " Bro are you human or alien , who recover so fast !"

Looking at their shocked faces Daniel was also confused now at first the doctor and Bryn and now Henry and Tom , asking himself ' did he take some legendary medicine or something ? '

He stretch his head and give confused smile and said " i don't know Mate " and want to wash room to take bath leaving them with question in mind ..

Looking at Daniel back they both started each other having their own though while Henry though were its good that he recovery fast and but still its no coincidence to recovery so fast , he much have a secret whereas Tom started to types the computer on his table and with mysteriously ..

Daniel after bath he dress in a plane t- shirt and jean and fixing his hair

Henry couldn't stand looking Daniel dress up so he ask " Bro where are you going " " Dating a girl or something ?"

He continue " bro if you date girl against then be clear of his motive and identity "

Daniel looking at his friend who are concerned for him and feel warm in heart and he also knew what they were referring to was Sarah Brown

He answer " No , i am going to deluxe Hotel "

Tom hurriedly said " Daniel are you raking about the center Deluxe Hotel of the city ? "

He replied " that should be "

Tom continue " Are you going for an interview for a job or something ? "

He replied " to have a dinner "

Tom replied " No need to feel shy we are all friend and i am Happy for you that you are going for an interview or a part time job , but one remainder be careful of the people in there okay "

He asked " what do means ' careful of people '?" confusingly

Tom said " Deluxe Hotel is the most luxurious and popular Hotel in California , and its is said that it is manage by The most richest man in L. A (Los Angeles ) and the question of your answer is that only rich and official people's use to go there "

He was shock by the news he got and he started to think who is Edward Wilson ? He didn't continue to stay at dorm as he got up and said

" Thank for remaining me and i will be very very careful "

Looking at Daniel back they shook their head and pray he don't cause trouble ..

Daniel who stop a cap and seating in the passenger seat , he started to wonder who his dad will be ! He took out his phone and search for the name Edward Wilson ...

Then his eyes could not believe what he show on his phone screen ....