
Almighty Down key Billionaire

Struggling in this world where u can only depend on yourself but the struggle was gone after that night when i got a call and everything change , i train and became the most powerful young master in the world !!

VanlalHekte · Urban
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13 Chs

The mysterious old man - ll

When there was no one in the cabin

The mysterious old man came out of nowhere ,

he examine Daniel condition and started to treat him ..

By the time Bryn came the old man was gone and as if nothing happen in the cabin

After the treatment from the old man , Daniel body started to heal very fast

Until next morning the process continue and then Daniel also wake up and looking around that he was not in the dorm .... rather it was hospital and recalling what happen yesterday evening .... he was annoy that he can't do anything .... getting up from bed , he felt pain as his body was not all heal up yet ...

Bryn who was sleeping wake up when he heard the movement from the bed ..

He got shocked by what he is seeing and hurriedly rub his eyes as it was dream its because Daniel was now setting at the bed like nothing happen yesterday but recalling how Daniel was lying in the pool of blood ... he begin to tremble but at the same time he was relief that his brother was getting better

He goes near Daniel and ask, " Are you okay ?"

Daniel replied ," Yeah but my body hurt "

Bryn said ," why not be " " you much be hungry now wait let me go and grab something to eat "

then he run off

Daniel examining himself and realized that he was cover in bandages ... he look at the light ray that was coming from the window and thinking

' i will not be able to go to college and class during this week ' he face became sad and why all this happen was that Sarah Brown keep contacting him to avenge his anger from been rejecting his lunch , Thinking of all this he became very angry ...

Now that he knew that Sarah was a types of girl who cheris their images and they could do anything to keep their image , and Danny who used his family power to suppress poor and weak student.....

This is the society were only power and status are value ....

his desire for becoming powerful wake up and his personalities , and mind begin to transform

when Bryn came back with food in the room

Daniel said " let discharge "

Bryn look a Daniel and say , " okay but let the doctor check you first and if nothing critical we will go out "

He pass the bold of noodles with water ..

Daniel looking at the noodles he feel very warmed .. then he bury his faces to eat the food