
Almighty Down key Billionaire

Struggling in this world where u can only depend on yourself but the struggle was gone after that night when i got a call and everything change , i train and became the most powerful young master in the world !!

VanlalHekte · Urban
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13 Chs


After the search result was displayed on the screen he was shock and could not believe his eyes !!

Reading a few line ' Edward Wilson age 54 , wife - Selene Wilson and have son and a daughter . He the present richest man in Los Angeles with a net worth of 70 billion dollar .... and so so...

Daniel head started to spin around and the driver looking at Daniel through front mirror and Ask " Kid are you all right ? "

Daniel said " i am fine , do you have a water to drink "

The Driver nodded and pass the water bottle and continue to listen the radio ...

Daniel seating in the cap was excited as he is going to meet the richest man in Los Angeles and was afraid as well because what if they got ill - intentions and harm him , all types of question was going on his mind ..

The driver suddenly stop the brake the car and Daniel who was on his thought came to reality

and ask " How much "

Driver say " $10 "

Daniel pay the bill and walk to the Hotel

The Driven looking at the kid back smile and left

Daniel stop after a few step later and look up the Hotel which was right in front of him , the building is 335.3 m in height with the title of highest building in California and number of room is 889 and and the Luxury Hotel was not only a luxury hotel room , but also cutting - edge restaurant and businesses and attractive night life offerings .

its was at the center of the city and if you are top of the building then you will be able to see the whole city .

Proceeding to the building ....

He go to the receptionist , to his surprise the receptionist was girl who was his classmate and his name is Helen if he is not mistake then , she was also a poor background like him and seeing her working as part time in Luxury Hotel as pay scale was good and food was free and sometimes you can even get a tip....

When she see who its is she was embarrass and face his head down its not that they talk to each other it was Daniel who was popular all over the forum and every student knew him and after that fight its became history in his college ..

She embarrassingly ask " Sir what can i do for you ?"

Daniel replied " i have a reservation with Mr. Edward , please check "

After checking Helen said " Sir there is no reservation by the name you give "

Daniel was confused and he ask to check again but the result was no reservation ...

Daniel taking out his phone to call Edward Wilson and dialing the no. and connect and before he could ask

Edward interrupt and ask " Young Master are you coming "

He said " Mr. Edward i'm at the reception hall , where are you ? "

Hearing that his Boss son was in the reception hall he immediate begin to trembled

He said " Young Master wait for i will right be there in a minute "

and the call was done and Daniel felt bored so he started to play candy crush game in his phone

Helen who was seeing the action of Daniel was thinking did he fell in love with her and trying to impress her ' and started to blushed and embarrass

After a few minute of waiting in the reception hall , he heared a a group of foot step like a parade of a soldier and lifting his head up he saw Mr. Edward Wilson the richest man in L. A

leading a few group by there face you can see that they are all expert in their field ..

Only Mr. Edward know the boss son image but how did he know ? it is the old man who provide the information of Daniel as so that Daniel can learn how to do business and know the cruelty of the society and human.

The reception hall quiet down and even a pin drop can be heard because all the richest man in Los Angeles is bowing to a young man in front of him and saying

" Young Master "

and his back group also started to follow in unison and say

" Young Master "

" Young Master "

" Young Master "

Daniel could not believe and was stand for a few minute and said

" lets go to a private places "

Because every body in the reception hall was looking at him and among them there was even his classmate ...

Seeing Mr Edward leading Daniel and a group of people to the presidential room

Many people started to ask " who was he "

" is he rich second generation ? "

" who was the man leading the group "

and many so call question....

Helen was also in trauma ...

she knew that Daniel is a poor guy even when Danny beat him up no one came forward which show that he is poor with no background

But today a group of people by there coat and dress they must be high position in their field came forward and bow to him who has nothing and even calling him young master this make no sense ...

After a few minute later they go busy with their own work again

Some were there who knew that the business world was going to be changes , they did not give opinion or answer they just mixed themselves in public as they are called VIRUS ( code name ) they were send to take out information and every movements about Deluxe Hotel and the backbone ...