
ALL TRUE MAGIC ( Fate Dxd ) Omega Verse

What is existence? What is time What is a soul? What is purpose? Reality a dream that encompasses us all. What is the true meaning of existence if in the end all is for naught. Can anyone grasp the truth with their own hands? Can one be truly understand what it truly meant to exist? A journey to find the root with all true magic.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


!!!!!Land of Ancestors!!!!

After fiasco about crucifying kaguya was over everything went back to a stalemate with the people that was rallied against her.

They were afraid what would happen to them as they were rebelling against a goddess.

They realized they have misunderstood the foreign being as a monster.

With such power in disposal of such frightening being.

They can only bend their knee.

And the people who had other ideas?

They were swiftly dealt the fate of the previous aggressors.

There was no room for lenience only obedience.

And obey they must.

Their new master, a goddess who descended the world to remove the evils of the world.

The same evil they tried to press on their master and sacrifice her as a scapegoat for all their wrongdoings.

Now they must pay for their hypocrisy.

Realize the rot that was infesting within them.

Something that they still need to understand, but denial and ignorance something one cannot rid off in a single day.

Hence, they are paying tribute to the goddess for guidance.

To seek answers and guidance for a path that will get rid of such filth.

Also, to appease her.

All of the people were bowing toward kaguya and wondering who her new guests are.

But since curiosity killed the cat. They can only wait and see.

All of them were observing the red clad man standing at the side in the shadow laying his back with folded arms on his chest.

A man with similar appearance to their goddess staring at the sky like it's the most bizzare thing in the world with mouth agape.

With their Goddess giving glances at this enigma of a being that saved the goddess from certain death.

!!!!!Kaguya POV!!!!

Kaguya spent the whole morning setting people in new positions for governing and smithing the descendants of her aggressors for their lashing out for taking their land.

It was a horrible sight.

People exploding here and there.

Further solidifying image as a tyrant.

A Ruler with an Iron fist.

Who does not take bullshit.

Kaguya stood Infront of the castle addressing herself as the new ruler to the land they own.

All act of violence and the rules she implemented with curfews breaking them will be dealt with extreme lethality.

She gave a proper burial to Aiko who spent her last breath protecting her.

She has mixed feelings about humanity as a whole.

Their duality.

One who wanted to protect her without any prejudice.

The other wanted to sacrifice her for the greater good.

Right now, she does not have answers.

Maybe her guests can answer her.

Who she was dying to

She ordered the maids to prepare a room for such enigmatic guests.

She wonders what she will find out.

!!!!End of Kaguya POV!!!!

Archer was watching all that was transpiring with a blank face.

He had seen this scene many times when tyrants were taking over, and getting rid of the said tyrant and their followers.

But this being Infront of him was different.

She was a clueless person who was plunged into the harshness of human society.

Her situation reminds him of Angra Mainyu but in reverse.

He shudders to think what if? Angra had the power to decimate his oppressors and that was plunged into him for it to be sacrificed for the greater of humanity.

Since Edem and he was here, such situation did not happen.

He just hopes Edem does not screw this up.

This is delicate situation.

After all a desperate mother can do a lot of things when pushed to the limit.

Structural analysis here and there on the weapons of the soldiers can tell what went on.

A being with strange power seen as a monster? As of the lords of the land was not monsters themselves.

Slicing people or exploding people does not make a difference for a monster.

A person who kills and robs for greed is a monster itself.

There can be not better hypocrisy the Lord of the land was spouting.

Sacrificing a single person for a hollow peace.

Fools they are.

As if they can't start a second one.

Archer slowly walked through the Japanese house remembering some buried memories he hopes to keep buried.

Looking at the lush green land of ancient era without war sure soothes his heart.

Archer walked and enter the room that the maids guided to.

They were giving glances and whispering to each other giggling for time to time.

He wonders what can be so intriguing in such horrid time.

Archer Enters the room with Edem sitting on side of the futon looking at the sky with Kaguya at him clearly irritated from such lack of attention.

Kaguya turned her head and observed Archer clearly intrigued and curious at what he was.

Archer turned his head at Edem releasing a long sigh.

Archer: You know it'd rude to keep the host waiting. After all such fiasco we just caused there are bound to be ripples in the timeline of this world. Are you sure you won't mess with Karma as the second magic user?

Edem came out of his stupor and gave attention to his new partner.

He knitted his brows at Archer and held his chin to sort through the timeline.

Edem raised his head and spoke to both Kaguya for the first time.

Edem: Miss Kaguya won't be affected by my interference and the rest of the Human beings in this planet. Rather it will turn for the better. If I did not interfere she sure would have died and absorbed by the tree making a large massacre awakening the ten tails absorbing her corpse.

Kaguya's eye widened in shock.

With Emiya being confused by the terms.

Ten Tails?

Absorbing her corpse?

A pressure was released causing Archer to buckle.

Edem now giving full attention to Kaguya.


Veins of Kaguya bulged with third eye coming from Kaguya's forehead.

Edem released similar pressure with the power on infinity.

Causing Kaguya to widen her eyes with Horror.

She has never seen such power before.

Edem: CALM DOWN! If I wanted you dead I could killed you the moment I met you. Answering your First question. I can see the future. Now how about we have a civilized talk inducing ourselves.

Kaguya fell on her butt.

Emiya was on his knees gasping for breath.

With maid outside the room knocked out.

Edem: Now I'll go first. My name is Ado Edem. Where I am from Hmm it's complicated. Why am I here? I want propose and alliance.

Archer: ........

Kaguya: ??????

Kaguya was knocked out cold but came to her senses with Edem pocking with mental probing with words sent to her head with telepath.

She took a deep breath.

She was sweating profusely Infront of this monster Infront of her.

She is not sure if she would win with the Ten Tails power if a fight between her and the foreigner broke out.

Kaguya collected herself and pondered the words that was told.

An alliance?

Seeing the future?

Even with her eyes it was not possible.

No one can do that except maybe the head of her clan?

Kaguya stared at Edem warily.

What would this being possibly want from her?

If he has this much power.

Edem: I know what you are thinking. Why is a being with this much power wanting someone who is weaker than him?

Edem: The answer is simple.

Edem: One man cannot go against God.

Kaguya: ...…..

Archer: ......

Archer/Kaguya: Huh?

Edem: You came to this planet to escape your fate to be trapped and made into a life source energy. But can you accept the inevitable fate being crushed by your god.

Kaguya: ........

Kaguya: I-

Edem: Think about my proposal. You have all the time in your world. Then when the time is right. I'll ask you will you defy fate?

Kaguya: ????

Kaguya: Who are you really. What type of being are you?

Edem: A forgotten warrior of a forgotten world.

Archer raised an eyebrow at that statement.

Kaguya: That doesn't really answer my question.

Edem: I think this will help.

Edem opened his rinnegan and transferred his memories.

His life.

His battles.

The deal made.

His power of the second magic to travel different universe.

Knowledge about different universe.

With all that over with Kaguya caught off-guard.

She screamed at Edems memories and was knocked out with too much information overload.

With all this over now Kaguya was truly knocked out.

Archer: ......…

Archer: What was that for?

Edem: .......

Edem: Improvise.

Archer: Improvise?

Edem: For tactical retreat.

Archer: ........

Archer: Just what did you show her to be knocked out?

Edem: My memories.

Archer: ......

Archer: I need to get a look at it as well.

Edem: You can't stand the horror.

Archer: Try me.

Edem and Archer had a staring contest not giving anyone an inch.

Archer: Come now it's not like there will be embarrassing moments of yours. I have seen horror more than you can imagine.

Edem: Can you stand the fact the world you tried to protect as a heroic spirit turned to dust?

Archer: ......…

Archer: That is for me to decide.

Edem: .......

Edem: Then it will be that way. I'll show you in a secluded place and doing memory transference can knock you out cold. I don't want to carry you like a sack to the place of my interest.

Archer: Trying to delay the inevitable? I know your memories are personal and don't want to pry your emotional sentiments. But let me get this straight. I am only doing this so to understand how your mind works and the reconditioning needed to adjust to society. I can't have you blowing things up by random surprise. Every being is not a target for Elimination like your mind was set to.

Edem: ........

Edem: Did God give you such classified information about the Ether-Liner project?

Archer: .......

Archer: What if he did. What will you do. Try to shut me up? Like you are programmed to?

With a shift of air an energy blade was on Archer's neck showing how offended Edem was at this statement.

Edem: Do not take my actions of a puppet Shirou Emiya. I am not an empty husk like you. I had a purpose. Not to protect humanity like I was said to, but to hold those who I value. I think you can relate. Counter Guardian. The people who you threw away for your ideals.

With a second whirlwind.

Kashou was on Edems neck.

Emiya: You and I are both on the edge. But you know what I call this. A standoff. A sign of progress. A clear show of your character. I am prepared to have my buttons pushed by your future sight on my personal space while trying to get along. But if you hit the limit that's it. I'll take us both down. You feel me.

There was tense silence between both Edem and Emiya.

Trying gauge each other's intentions.

One seeks to understand.

Other seek to ignore.

But both can agree neither want to be a puppet to be controlled.

If one has the reigns the other will stay on the side not minding the misdirection that was happening in a journey.

So, both needs to be on the wheel.

Keeping each other at check.

Tugging each other's goals and ideology to the path moving forward.

A groan sounded from the side alerting both of the third guest who was now getting awake.

It seems the match will be settled later.

Not trying to show any hostility in each other's presences.

Kaguya opened her eyes looking at the ceiling.

Her first thoughts were about the dream she had of the monsters.

With two random people appearing out of nowhere spouting unbelievable tales and transforming into her own kind.

She got up trying to dismiss this dream.

But her hopes were shattered when a blank voice made itself known.

Edem: Ah your awake.

Kaguya quickly became alert and looked at the source of her horror.

There stood the monster in her brethren's flesh.

The memories she received about another world and the power of this being was unimaginable.

She quickly moved to a corner holding her belly thinking about the well-being of a child.

She couldn't stop this being horrified about the implication could have not been able to block the power of this beings rinnegan.

Edem looked at Archer making eye contact giving a silent nod to each other.

It seems this recruitment needs to be on hold.

Edem moved his hand on the table and made similar fruits of chakara of lower quality and a gem imbued with the power of second magic.

Edem: It seems my approach has been to forward. I have startled you too much. I apologize not being discreet about my ways. I'll leave this for your children as a gift. This gem if you are in danger. When you break it I'll come to help you. The rest is up to you to decide.

Kaguya: GO AWAY!

Edem: Haa!

It seems Edem needs someone else to recruit.

He has several choices in this world.

He can work with them.

Edem: Let's go Archer to another world.

Archer: For another recruitment?

Edem: ......…

Archer: For recruitment, right?

Edem: Don't worry you'll love that place. I have been anticipating going to such place.

Archer: It's not a world like this? What is so special about that world that has caused you to be looking forward to it.

Edem: Have you heard about superstructures called shield world?

Archer: ...…

Archer: I am not familiar with that term.

Edem just rolled his eyes.

Edem: You have read about scientific journals and fiction about advanced civilization in your past have you not.

Archer: ......….

Archer: We are visiting advanced civilization?

Edem: Yes and No.

Archer: You are going in a Tandem here.

Edem: We are visiting a superstructure called Planet Requiem. There we would steal an important key from a certain person.

Archer: Why do I feel I will hate this journey to the core.

Edem: Come on what could be worse? We have faced impossible odds in our lives haven't we.

Archer gave a blank stare.

Knowing his luck.

This journey will be another clusterfuck.

Kaguya was listening to the conversation and was not making any sense of it.

Visting worlds?


Are all these memories true in her head that were implanted forcibly

She was bought out her musings when Edem interrupted.

Edem: Also miss Kaguya use the memories I gave you with wise approach. I am sure the memories about medicine, politics, History and architecture can be helpful. This is my gift to you for allowing me to copy the fruit.

Kaguya was too afraid to even make eye contact.

She was shivering in fright.

It seems all this is not a nightmare.

A monster is really is standing infront of her.

Archer: Let's leave. You're stressing her too much. I doubt she would stay sane from your memories. She is a pregnant woman. All this stress will harm her child. Could you not pick a different time?

Edem: No this was the perfect time. If I came any later. I would have missed the fruit. Getting another one would be a problem. Too much extra work to not get caught.

Archer: Hmm fine let's go wherever you are taking us.

Edem: Right this way.

Edem opened a portal to the most anticipated universe he wants to go.

A cornerstone for all his plans.

Kaguya's eyes widened in surprise.

She could not even feel or analyze the portal.

It was a realm beyond anything she has known.

Archer and Edem made way to the world of wonders.

Reaching to the stars.

Planet Requiem.

!!!!Halo 343 industries Universe!!!!

This was a short Arc for Naruto Unverse. I know all of you would be dissatisfied about why Edem did he had to do. But Everything will be explained later and the ramifacations of his approach chastisized by Archer. This will be a long Halo Arc with Time skip and Nation building with some intersting twists. Wish me luck so I can finish this Arc.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapnocreators' thoughts