
ALL TRUE MAGIC ( Fate Dxd ) Omega Verse

What is existence? What is time What is a soul? What is purpose? Reality a dream that encompasses us all. What is the true meaning of existence if in the end all is for naught. Can anyone grasp the truth with their own hands? Can one be truly understand what it truly meant to exist? A journey to find the root with all true magic.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Halo Shield Planet Requiem

!!!!!!Planet Requiem After the Halo Arrays Fired Universe-29987!!!!!

It was the first ever smooth transition travelling to a different universe.

First both of them were sleeping on the dirt.

Second, they were thrown on the ground face flat.

But the third times is the charm

And the view Infront of both of them was absolutely breathtaking.

For Archer who had went to Atlantic Lost belt this view may be common place for him.

But unlike that time he did not have time for sight seeing and appreciate the view.

As Artemis was bombing the American way from the sky.

Large metal floating spire floating on the sky.

Like spears piercing the heavens hanging suspended with the clouds.

Lush greenery with no pollution in sight.

Fresh air to breathe.

Advanced technological structures giving of light miles away from the hill he and Edem was standing on.

A picture from a sci-fi movie.

No, it was an insult compared to a sci-fi movie.

As a magus his curiosity was ticked.

Looking all that steel and the material used to make the spires float has caused him speculate to no end.

For this moment he wants to enjoy the wonderful view.

One thing that irked him a curved metal dome on top of the spires.

Are they in a sealed prison or something?

!!!!!!Edem POV!!!!!

Such wonderful technological advancements in front of his eyes.

Only if his world had the time to make this advancement.

Alas it was not fated to be.

He hated that fate that was set for his world.

If only there was more time.

A luxury people don't appreciate.

He was alive to see this scene.

Because he defied his fate.

Would he learn from this technology and take it back to his home world.

Would he use these powers of true magic to resurrect his knights?

Several thoughts were going through his head.

Turning back time to make things right.

He hated that idea.

To spit on his comrades sacrifices and dreams.

The valiant knights.


Would anything change.

Would he save the people he cared for.

Sylestine and Belmar.

His team.

The Commander.


He can just drop this mission and go and save his people.

But the power he has is not his own.

Except the True Magic.

There is that planets defense system he needs to look out for.

He will have a "WORD" with them if they try to mess with him.

Especially the Fourth Apostle Ancestor.

"Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg"

The slayer of crimson moon.

A man Unbefitting of such title.

That title should be "HIS".

He can deal with that Crimson Fucker and his descendant at a later date.

Only if they trouble him will he end their career right then and there.

Even if they use the world as a weapon.

He will devour it.

Like he did once.

After he is done with this little fiasco with God.

He will make sure to give a not so decent visit to Gaia and Alaya.

Thanks to the memories of his red cladded partner.

Edem can more and so figure out the nature of the mother goddess.

Eldritch Abomination.

He will make a path without her influence and the influence of God.

He will get rid of their control of what is rightfully his.

It was only a matter of time.

Time, he needs to use wisely.

All the tools are in the palm of his hands.

!!!!!End of Edem POV!!!

A dark smile makes on Edems face.

A smile that put shiver to a certain Trolls spine in a corner of another Universe trying to find distress of many people on his chair.

Edem was brought out of his thoughts with Archer nudging him on the shoulder.

There were two seats made for both of them and in one where Archer was inviting to sit down.

Inviting for a long conversation that is.

Edem sat down and relaxed looking straight at the view not making eye contact with Archer irritating him.

Archer had a wonderful idea.

He dismissed his projection under Edem only to be remade.

Edem: You do realize I can read your mind.

Archer: ....

Archer: If so then you know I want some questions answered.

Edem: ...…

Edem: Then ask away.

Archer: Will you tell me the truth?

Edem: Depends on what you ask. You can only speculate. I will answer all of your questions regarding "MY" plan and you don't ask anything personal. Is that a deal?

Archer: Only if you share all details of our misadventures. With why you are Travelling to this place and when you planned such visits and the reason you are taking such steps. Or not deal you understand.

Edem: ...…

Edem: We have a deal.

Edem: First of all, let us share what we know. The Mission parameters and the details given to us.

Archer: Uhuh and what is our mission.

Edem: First of all, we know information is planted in our heads. But how much is accurate and how much is true. Also, why there is two people in such crazy mission with one has all the insight with the second as a stowaway.


Edem: Anyways "THE GOD" could have given you the mission instead of me for obvious reasons. Only one was enough do the mission. So why the extra muscle?

Archer: ...…

Archer: For me it was to restrain you if you went over the top.

Edem: .....

Edem: I assume he provided a tool to you for my suppression?

Archer: ....

Archer: I can neither confirm or deny that statement.

Edem: ....

Edem: I see.

Edem: As I was saying I can make speculations as to why "WE" an unlikely group of duo is in this mission.

Archer: That is?

Edem: Knowing your records you have quiet to bit of accomplishments and experience to boot to lead a group. I assume you know that clearly.

Archer: ...

Archer: I see

Archer: I can't call killing people millennia upon millennia experience.

Edem: But you have seen the nature and sins of humanity the most of any of other humans Alive, except being other primordial being like Gaia and Alaya. Traveling to different timeline and learning the mindset of people. The politics of that time and the mechanism of conspiracy of History "TRUE HISTORY". Not to mention as a human you went toe to toe with demigods. Having an arsenal called reality marble and history of all the weapon of heroes. You are a walking library of hidden knowledge.

Archer: ...…

Archer: Huh?

Edem: You do realize you can read the history of every weapon of your reality marble. Leaning not only battle experience but also mage craft from the age of gods in our world.

There were few moments of silence between Edem and Archer.

Archer was looking blankly at the sky.

All this power.

All these possibilities he had.


Killing intent flowed out.

Not directed towards Edem but his younger self.


No wonder people try to awaken their affinity and have fear for reality marble.

He had a whole library of knowledge.

And he wasted it!

Archer held his head and bended down on the seat.

Genuinely crying.

He can only realize this regret with a simple deduction by an open minded individual.

Fuck his life and his younger self.

If he gets the chance, he will kill every younger self he can find for his foolishness.

He could have met saber if he studied his reality marble.

If only he did not follow the Taboo like a good duckling.

Edem was watching all this transpiring with a blank face.

(Edem: What's wrong with this guy. I did not touch his personal space and only gave an overview of his ability. Why is he crying now)


Archer stood up abruptly from the chair startling Edem.

Archer was screaming towards the heavens for such rotten luck.

Why did he had to suffer like this.

Another thing to regret in his life is not using his Arsenal properly.

Edem held Archer's hand made him sit down.

Edem: What's the matter with you? We are having a conversation of speculation. Are you going to continue to sulk like this for the realization of your own competence. Forget this farce and get your head in the game. You have enough time in this Universe unchained to train properly. With my help you'll get in shape in no time.

Archer slumped down on the chair in despair with a hollow look but the next words caught his attention for him to wallow in despair.

Edem: Now for why I was chosen. The only reason may be for the Sixth Magic.

Archer: ...….

Archer rapidly turned to Edem wide eyes.

This was he wanted to know.

The true magic.

A person who possessed all of them

Archer though he would have a stroke learning Edem had all true magic.

Barthomeloi Lorelei, Zelrecht, and other magic would have a stroke or committed suicide on spot if they knew someone had all.

Not to mention the vast potential of all of them.

He needs to get those details and also something else caught Archer's attention.

Sixth Magic.

Weren't there only five?

Archer gave rapt attention to Edem.

Archer: Talk about all the true magic and their basic outline.

Edem: ....

Edem: Hmm very well but I refuse to tell about the sixth one. It's my personal trump card.

Archer raised and eyebrow but dismissed the thought about ignoring it.

He knows about Blue, Second, third and first but the fourth was a mystery.

He'll figure the last one out if he knows all of the other true magic.

Edem: Okay listen closely I'll say this once so listen closely. Talking about all of them is a drag.

Eden: The first is the denial of nothingness dealing with Ether or True Ether. Using them to make object or any construct including divine out of nowhere or bringing someone to life denying one's death.

Archer had his Jaw drop.

Fuck that was bad.

Archer can already imagine Edem spamming multiple real Caladbolg from the sky.

Worst case scenario.

Raining Rhongomyniads.

This caused Archer to shudder.

He doesn't want to be on the end of firing range.

Edem observed Archer's expression and had good satisfaction.

Finally, a sense of authority.

Authority of his own self.

Edem: Now the second I think I don't need to describe it as you have experienced it sometimes including that vampires' shenanigans.

Archer released a tired sigh.

He remembers the time he had to play with that Trolls shenanigan.

Though it was appreciated as it sent him away from Alayas mission.

But there was a question.

If he recalls.

The second magic can only work to travel parallel Earth but not an entirely different universe.

Something is amiss here.

Archer: But I though second was only used to travel parallel worlds not universe, so what is happening here.

Edem: Ah you caught on. I was wondering the same thing. So here I bring my first speculation and enemy we are fighting. I think you are familiar with such concepts like Alien Gods, right?

Archer had a major headache coming.

If what he figured out was true.

He had a lot of bullshit to deal with.

Archer: You didn't show me those scenes of different earth under siege just for entertainment, right?

Edem: No as you have figured out. We are fighting with an enemy that can travel to different reality.

Archer: ...…

Archer: I am not opening that can of worms. I'll put it off for later.

Edem: Good decision.

Edem: Now the third-

Archer: I already know the third and fifth. Heavens feel to control souls and infinite magic, strictly dominion over souls. Fifth is the blue control over entropy and time. What's the Fourth and sixth?

Edem: .....

Edem narrowed his eyes at Archer.

Edem: You know a lot about true magic. Who are you really?

Archer: I guy who gets caught up in mess after mess.

Edem: ....

Edem: Fine keep your secrets. I have my eyes on you.

Archer: Yeah, yeah sure. So, what is the fourth true magic? It was a mystery to all of the magi in my world. I know it exists the user of second magic confirmed it in my world so what the secrecy with it.

Edem: Magic huh so that what they call them

Edem said in a Wisper.

Archer: Huh? Did you say something?

Edem: No, so the fourth is a trickery one. It is the power over the mind. It's called "Omniscience and Omnipotence of Atomic Structures" . The Fourth Magic gives its user unimaginable processing capabilities so that they can fully understand and comprehend the precise location and momentum of every atom in the universe and their past and future values at any given moment. The Fourth Magic also allows for the manipulation of any given atom's location and momentum. An example of this would be knowing the trajectory and speed at which the pieces of a shattering glass window travel (the observation half of the Fourth Magic) and tinkering with said trajectories so that the pieces do not slice a bystander's throat, thereby preventing the bystander's death (the manipulation half of the Fourth Magic). There is also erasing people's memories of the people of the world for a certain thing or object which is the other half. One of the reason people say the one that hides himself.

Archer: ...…..

Archer: Fuck that is a scary power. No wonder you can read my mind and the processing ability to look over universe upon universe. You do realize something with this right?

Edem: That is?


Killing intent came like a flood shutting archer up.


Edem screamed in declaration.

Any god out there is for him to hunt down.

Playing with people fate like toys.

Edem will not stand this farce!

Archer: o-kay calm down I did not mean like that. It is just thought about the possibilities.

Archer: Control of Matter and Antimatter. Control over Time and space. Control over Mind and sou-

A stray though hit Archer like a Truck.

Archer dares to think a possibility of the sixth magic.

But he is too afraid to voice his thoughts and the consequences of this knowledge.

Edem: ...

Edem: Hmm yes, the possibilities. It seems you have realized something. Care to share.

Archer: ...

Archer: I am in deep trouble learning this am I not?

Edem gives a sly grin.

Edem: Yes sir, yes you are.

With this the conversation ended.

Archer slumped down on his chair.

Edem used the first magic to make iced lemonade from archers' memories.

A table with two refreshments.

Edem wonders how this delight will be.

A he had was stale water.

A luxury he likes to have.

Edem looks at Archer who has a frightened look on his face. He gives some insight from the book he once read from the scraps he dug out with his Knights.

Edem: Knowledge is a Curse. I think you have heard this quote. Now you know why.

Archer: ....

Archer: I can see that now. The realization is vexing.

Edem: Now that our fruitful conversation is out of the way let is visit our main target. The reason why we came here.

Archer: Ah! yes so wh-

Archer couldn't finish his statement as he and Edem was covered in a red glow. He tried to summon Kanshou and Bakuya but Edem showed his hand signifying this was his work.

The huge amalgamation of Energy slowly took a shape.

Archer was looking down to see how far he is above the ground.

From his Hawk Eye view which is approximately 600 meters.

When Archer looked around, he saw how a huge colossal titan of energy formed.

It's shape.

Was like a Susanoo.

Archer looked at Edem who was sipping his newly made iced orange juice.

Archer: Since when could you do that!

Edem: When I ate the fruit at the planet we visited.

Archer: ...

Archer: Oh yeah, I forgot the ask about the fiasco you caused there. Mind explain why you did was necessary.

Edem: You need a trauma to break a trauma.

Archer: Huh?

Archer: What does that even mean.

Edem: In due time Archer you'll know the Truth and mysteries we make together. I am sure to reap the rewards.

Archer: Wha-

The Susanoo lifted out taking out its winds. Ascending to the clouds. Giving a close view of the metal spires.

Archer was now sure.

Getting close to the sky.

It seems they are in a sealed domed structure.


Edem: We are in a Forerunner superstructure Archer. One of the best of its kind. The main target of our plans and Exploits. The technology is valuable for our mission. To fight and Armanda you need and Armanda.

Archer: ARMADA?

Edem: Did you think our enemies are single Targets. Like your time as a counter guardian? Sure, we can fight on ground, but what about space? Care to explain how you will make strategies who can fire orbital bombardments with multiple ships?

Archer: ...…..

Archer: Machine Gods?

Edem: Close but no Cigar. We are fighting a space fleet I think you saw from one of the windows of Kaleidoscope at how there are ships in space.

Archer: Yes, but who could control that many fleet.

Edem: Custo Castrum.


Archer: ....

Archer: One of our Targets?

Edem: Yes the most troublesome one. The worse one for you that is.

Archer: ...

Archer: Why is that.

Edem: Imagine nanomachines degrading upon contact.

Archer: ...….

Archer: Haa!

Archer: It looks like we need to plan for each people you have imprinted in your mind for annialation. Another long tal-


The Susanoo Edem was controlling collided with a metal pillar for losing focus.

Archer fell on his ass along with his orange drink drenching him wet.

Edem: Sorry about that it's my first time flying. I went overboard. Quiet the experience I tell you.

Archer: Where the hell are we going! Also what are these powers!

Archer stood up using magecraft to remove the liquid from his coat and drenched hair.

Edem: To get the Janus Key. We need equipment to build our fleet.

Archer: Our Fleet?

Edem: Look at the side.

Archer looked to the right and saw huge alien war ships parked on the side.

It seemed like a command center to pilot those ships with bridge made up of light.

Archer was amazed by such infrastructure.

Who could build this place.

Edem came to Archer's side and held his shoulder startling him.

Edem: A beauty isn't it. Constructs made by Aliens called Forerunners. Soon all of this will be "MINE"

Archer: ...…..

Archer: Excuse me.

Edem: Beware of zombies though I doubt there would be any here. Also don't shoot purple worms who maintain the place. Kill the flying drones.

Archer took a huge breath.

He hates being in the dark.

Archer: You do realize I don't have foresight like you.

Edem blinked in realization.

Edem: Oh! Sorry once we get what we came for, we will find a nice lounge and talk over our plans. How does that sound. We needs the authority of this place before it decides to kill us.

Archer: Why do I feel we are in for another chaotic situation.

Edem: Relax what could go wrong. I have faced worse.

Archer rolls his Eyes.

Knowing his luck.

Things are about to get messy.

But for some reason he feels excited.

Alien Technology.


Looks like he'll have a fine time in this mission.
