
ALL TRUE MAGIC ( Fate Dxd ) Omega Verse

What is existence? What is time What is a soul? What is purpose? Reality a dream that encompasses us all. What is the true meaning of existence if in the end all is for naught. Can anyone grasp the truth with their own hands? Can one be truly understand what it truly meant to exist? A journey to find the root with all true magic.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


Archer and Edem came out of the Kaleidoscope dimension to gather information about their enemies and the time-limit before shit hits the fans.

Edem looked up at the trees and up at the canopy looking at the shades of wonderful leaves covering the blue sky.

Oh, how he lusted to see the free and blue sky.

Only his slash emperor could split the blood covered skies when the six sisters killed type Pluto.

Another luxury he is grateful off.

He wonders how it will feel when the rays of light of the sun fall on his face.

He can't wait to explore the world and its dangers.

The myths and legends of dragons, Gods, and Devils.

Archer made his way to the tent and looked at the food he cooked.

Meat of rabbit seasoned with mushroom.

Some pigeon meat he hunted.

Spices he scoured to flavor the meat and fruits like blueberry he gathered.

Warmed by the pot he is warming by the bonfire.

A sweet fragrance went to Edems nose confusing him.

It was calling something from inside him.

A distant memory of humanities carnal desire for food.


Edem tilted his head due to confusion and walked around the pot archer was using a spoon to stir and check its taste.

Edem: What is that? It smells pleasant and at the same time nostalgic.

Archer: ...

Archer: Food.

Edem: Food?

Archer: Food a thing that provides nutrients and supplements for growth.

Edem: Ah! A nutrient solution?

Archer: Nutrient solution is a liquid we knights used to eat to increase our muscle mass and ether count.

Archer: Hmm.

Archer: Well, this is different.

Edem: Is it the way of making supplements during twenty-first century? I have seen videos recorded in Tri-Hermes in Atlas command center back in my world. Pictures of dishes made out of animals and vegetables. For me it was food made in factory. A goop of green liquid to chug down.

Archer: ...…

Archer had several though running his mind with mixed emotions swirling in his stomach.

It seems for Edem the world of the past is a fictional book, and the world they are in is nothing but a tourist attraction.

Things that were lost due to humanities foolishness. Or rather the foolishness of dead apostles and a divided world because of the ritual Aylesbury Valesti.

Land, Water, Vegetation, Mineral resources.

All for the greed of supremacy.

Taking form Gaia as long there is nothing left.

A bad ending through and through.

Archer closed his eyes and recounted his days when he was young.

Where he had everyone and anything.

Thrown away due to his foolishness.

Now he needs to make sure Edem does not dismiss the world as a fantasy, nothing to care about as it is not his own.

Completing their mission at the cost of a planet.

This route is something he does not and will not take.

He needs to instill some values and certain rules for Edem not to topple over due to slightest discourse or actions with the people they meet or negotiate.

He needs to make Edem open up more to see what really happened in the land of steel.

All the valuable intel to understand the nature of Edems reasoning and mindset.

Archer: Well, I'll show you the luxury of food. There is certain processes to eat the dish.

Edem: Certain process?

Archer: Sit down I'll show you.

Edem sat down and watching Archer in curiosity as he used a spoon to transfer the porridge made my rabbit meat with mushrooms and spices.

Archer filled one plate for Edem and handed it over on the table Infront of edem and one in his.

The rich aroma assaulted Edem causing him to unconsciously drool.

His human instincts reminding him the act of sustenance even though he is immortal.

Though Immortal the basic instincts of human body cannot be ignored.

Edem watched in fascination to the item Infront of him and cited structural analysis Infront of him.

Magical skills which he read about in his isolation in witch swift umbrella castle. Always looking at confidential data due to boredom accessing Tri-Hermes.

But when he received the data he had a realization.

All the nutrients he took at the time as a Knight was infact made by the very samples used to Make A-Rays. The next generation of Humans. Along with the genetic alteration on his body.

He did not have time for such simple thought as he had bigger things to think about back then.

A sudden look of Horror passed on Edems face before coming back to neutral. A look Archer did not miss.

Archer: Are you all right. How does the dish look. It's not my best as I have little ingredients. I will make something much better later.

Edem: ...

Edem: I realized something just now.

Archer: Hmm.

Edem: I along with rest of my fellow knights were cannibals.

Archer: ...…..

Archer: Huh?

Edem: In my world there was modified humans called A-Rays. An information you are aware of I presume. Anyways as you see certain steps were taken to ensure humanities survival. A single factor was genetic alteration by introducing animal factors and Grain factors in humans to make them immune to the Earth's degrading atmosphere. Standing here with this dish I realize. All the food we had was actually made by the same corpses of A-Rays or by cell propagation. As food and vegetation can be grown. I though we were growing food with a different process. But it seems my knowledge was wrong. Well desperate measure require desperate ways.

Archer literally was shaken like a bell with a huge ball hitting his head.

He almost dropped his own platter by the realization.

It seems he needs to sort out the information in his head much faster to actually see the implication his acts can cause Edem to remember and share.


Archer gulped.

Such realization must have shaken Edem.

But the worst was Edem discarding such though like it was nothing.

A memory to throw away to keep his sanity.

A willpower and desire of Iron.

No thoughts and emotion to affect Edem.

Only goals to accomplish with any means no matter unorthodox or questionable it is.

An indoctrination to a different mindset of a different class.

A mindset archer needs to keep check whenever Edem takes a decision.

Archer put the plate with a thud and sat down with a serious atmosphere.

Archer: We need to have a talk about this.

Edem: How so?

Archer: You dismissing something so repulsive.

Edem: .....

Edem: Desperate times remember.

Archer: It doesn't mean you have to always hold onto it. The desperate measures you take to accomplish this task. Your ways will be seen as repulsive in these times.

Edem: ....

Edem: It might be so. But I decide how I change my mindset. Let me see though the world and the logical ways of people's mindset. Then I'll decide which is which. Impartially that is.

Archer gave a deep sigh.

{Archer: Oh boy it is going to blow up spectacularly}

Edem might just incinerate humanity from the get go. Even though he says impartially.

Archer remembers his own time with people with questionable morals.

The Greed, The Deceit, and the sheer hypocrisy.

Just great.

Edem will just leave the people of this planet in their won demise and focus on the mission, instead of connecting with society.

Edem: You don't need to worry comrade. We will complete the mission.

Archer: ?

Archer: Comrade?

Edem: I am listening to some interesting words around the world. Russian if I remember.

Archer realized that he could understand every language clearly.

With the Russian Edem spoke just now fluently.

Then he realized that he forgets to ask the information about Edems ability and the world.

No better way to remove this depressive mood.

Archer: Well, you never told me about this world and your powers. Let's switch to a different topic.

Archer: Also let me show you how to eat solid food.

Archer made a knife and fork pair for both him and Edem.

He cut the tender meat and slowly gave a bite signifying the use of teeth and started chewing.

Edem followed suit and did the same motions in a fluid manner copying the exact movements.

In a refined way like Archer, he finished the piece of meat albeit slowly with irregular mouth movement.

Archer: Hmm how is it.

With some minutes of practice of chewing. Edem said something that offended Archer's only pride.

His cooking.

Edem: Palatable.

A glass shattering went on in Archer's head.

But quickly composed himself as it was just a hastily made dish with whatever he could get his hands on.

Archer resigned himself for the rest of the meal in silence, sulking.

Edem broke the silence.

Edem: So? You asked a lot of questions about me. What about you? Why are you here? A heroic spirit in a suicide mission. What is your story.

Archer: ...…

Archer: I am a failed hero. With nothing to show for. Tricked to serve for eternity.

Archer looked up from his platter and gave a stern glare at Edem to drop it.

Edem realized it as a topic that is a sore spot for his partner.

Archer: So where are we. In the middle of a forest. Talking with trees-

Edem: Edinburgh.

Archer: Hmm

Archer: England what an Irony.

Archer said in a Wisper not escaping Edems ears.

Edem: I presume this land has some memories you are fond of?

Archer: Ye-

Suddenly a howl shot through the forest.

It seems the aroma has reached a particular species with good nose.

The bounded field that was set up was disturbed and broken by the sudden use of unrefined Kaleidoscope.

Archer cursed under his breath to fail to realize the blunder as he had too much on his mind with all the questions and information.

Archer stood up from his seat and thew four projected black keys at four corners of the tent.

A bounded field was instantly made.

Archer: Now that is over with can yo-

Suddenly the bounded field was probed by something.

It seems Edems tantrum has attracted unexpected attention.

Archer: Shit!

Edem: ...….

Edem knew someone was coming.

It seems it was his fault to release his magical pressure to attract unsavory attention.

If he was in his full strength, he would have not hesitated to meet them.

But as he is now, he cannot take them on.

Except if he was pushed to the brink.

Edem looked down at the pigeon meat he was having.

He was starting to like its taste.

Edem stood up on the seat with his eyes turning from gold to green, signifying the activation of the fourth magic.

With each atom and particle under his domain.

Archer was already on guard with whoever was probing the bounded field.

With Kashou and Bakuya already in his hands.

He was brought out of his stupor with Edems cold emotionless voice.

Edem: Let's go. It seems our relaxation ends here.

Edem points his palm to the south and starts to use the Fourth and Third magic in Tandem.

He compresses huge magical energy causing Archer to panic.

Archer: Wai-

Without stopping Edem had caused the first of his acts of Untold destruction for the world to witness.

A small act for the future ones.

With a blue hue a bright beam reached to reap it's intended target.

!!!!!!To the Pursuer!!!!

It was another normal day with all the paperwork in the office in Grauzauberer association.

Mephistopheles was having a headache dealing with politics of the devil society.

With the church never playing along with devils.

The old coot bael had to made that to make that king piece.

Mephistopheles: Haa he has t-

Suddenly a huge pressure descended on his shoulder.

It was like the world falling in him.

Just as quickly it came, it disappeared.

Mephisto was breathing heavily.

He never felt such presence.

Full of hate and rage.


Mephisto stood up from his chair and casted a spell to see where it came from.

But to his surprise there was no response.

He was sure heaven and underworld also felt such pressure.

Magical Pressure.

!!!!!!In underworld!!!!


Serfall was shaken by such huge animosity.

Ajuka: I am already tracking the source of the mana, but no clue.

Sirzechs: Whatever it is I don't want to look at.

Several calls were going on around three of the satans.


Several teleportation circles lit up with people making their presence known.

Sirzechs: Ah sho-

!!!!!!In heaven!!!!

Michael was having a hard time to not let his face contort in distress.

As the leader of heaven, he needs to show a strong front.

Ever since that burst of magical energy washed over the Book of his father and the heavens systems was going crazy.

Never before it was like this for to act like this.

Except the time when his father fought that beast.

Why did his father leave such task in his hand.

Michael looked behind and saw his brothers and sisters awaiting his orders.

Gabriel moved first to speak.

Gabriel: Brother how is fathers book?

Michael: ...….

Michael: I don't know sister, I truly don't know.

!!!!!!Back to a dragon!!!!!!!!!

Ophis has never smelt such smell of life.

There was someone like her.

Someone who is infinite.

But the strange thing is that she cannot locate the source.

How frustrating.

If she finds that being, she could defeat baka red together and possibly have a suitable mate.

Two birds with one stone.

Ophis now can fly all over the place and smell that being out.

!!!!!At Grigori!!!!


The man with blond and black hair was sweating bullets

Semezai: The Fuck I know. Whatever that was is on bad timing I tell you. People are going nuts.

Azazel: Get Brakiel we need a bomb to find.

Semezai was looking at Azazel like he was nuts.

Semezai: You serious. How do you think you will accomplish that?

Azazel: Simple follow a dragon.

!!!!!Back to Mephisto!!!!

Mephisto who in his long life set up numerous wards throughout the world had a mixed expression.

There were several mages working alongside him gathering data.

The worst thing is that the pressure released sent all of the words in a similar frenzy.

If there was another pulse he might be able to loc-

After several hours another rage induced pulse went off catching him offguard.

Now he got a pulse.


What the hell did those stuck-up bigoted fools pissed of?

Glenda: Sir! We have located the signal.

Mephisto quickly took the paper at read the coordinates.

Mephisto: I'll got first.

Mephisto teleported immediately to the coordinates with Glenda cursing herself.

If she could find that being with such huge magical power.

What new doors could open up.

Now it was a race to get the prize, if it was in the first place.

!!!!!Back to forest with Mephisto and magician chase!!!!

Mephisto was having a bad day.

Scratch that.

It was officially the worst day.

It was in a moment he realized the change in atmosphere.

With his countless experience in the great war he moved away just in time from danger.

He cannot say the same applied to the spoiled bigoted fools who disintegrated on spot.

Mephisto closed his eyes as the explosion thew him away in the sky.

A huge mushroom cloud in the distance removing several mountains in path.

Sometimes one cannot control their greed of a devil.

!!!!Back to Edem!!!

Edem: Now that is out of the way.

Archer: ...…

Archer was frozen solid in place.

Only one thing in his mind.

{Archer: So that is the power of a true magician}

Archer closed his eyes from the huge power of the beam.

As soon as it was over and saw the devastation.

A knot was formed in his stomach.

A huge forest and mountain range reduced in smithereens.

He was bought out of Edems words.

Edem: We need to clear evidence and accelerate my plans.

Archer: ...…..

Archer: Your plans?

Edem aimed his hand at the tent which coincidentally aligned with Archer his path putting him on guard.

Archer was prepared to use the power god given him to restrain Edem.

But it seems his worries were for naught as he erased the constructs, food and their traces with the Denial of Nothingness.

Edem opened a gate using second magic to a new world and used fourth magic to pull both of them to the gate.

All while a certain Red dragon was watching with popcorn from the void.

It seems to him a rather interesting pair has gotten in under his watch.

As he is the dragon of dreams.

He can easily gleam to the persons intention no matter the persons mental barrier.

Dreams are a natural part of a persons soul.

The dream that person of interest holds is limitless.

He wonders what changes he would bring.

A person who defied fate.

Great Red was sure he will meet them soon.

As the information he received from the dreams was too important.

His little sister seems to cause trouble for him.

It seems he needs to pay a visit to his rebellious little sister.

Lazy dragon.

Her tantrums would be the death of him.

Well, he can now enjoy the show that is about to unfold.

!!!!Back to Edinburg!!!!

At Edinburgh a huge black dragon made its presence known appearing in the sky.

With Mephisto looking at the sky contemplating the meaning of life.